32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for FancyShoes

Hi I am trying to return a boolean value into another method, but it's not working. [CODE] public static boolean ItemFound(boolean item, String desc1, String desc2, JTextArea txt){ if(item == true) txt.setText(desc1); if(item == false){ txt.setText(desc2); item = true; } return item; }[/CODE] and inside the other method I have …

Member Avatar for FancyShoes
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. Can someone explain what this InitialContext(): is looking for? [code] public JDBCSchoolofdbDAO() { try { Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup( ModelUtils.getResource("JavaCompEnv")); dataSource = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup( ModelUtils.getResource("DataSource")); } catch (NamingException x) { ModelUtils.log(x); throw new InternalError(x.getMessage()); } } [/code] [code] DAO=schoolAppModel.dao.JDBCSchoolofdbDAO #///////////////////////////////////////////////// # DAO=jsfdb.model.dao.JDBCSubscriberDAO #///////////////////////////////////////////////// …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for owartz

My assignment is as follow: Create a class IntegerSet. The IntegerSet can hold integers in the range [1-100]. Define one or more instance variables to represent IntegerSet properties and store elements. Additionally, provide the following methods: a. One or more constructors. b. Method void add(int) inserts a new element to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for neo_philiac

Hi, I got this piece of code from this forum and i was trying to modify it so that I can make it dynamic. I modified it a little bit to add multiple collapsible panels. But I need some help. 1. I need to add these panels dynamically. If I …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for synxmax

Dear Guys I want to start creating mobile based applications and i am newbie in this field , where should i start , how to create a simple application jar file which can run on mobile devices , for example a simple interface with buttons , sound handling , graphics …

Member Avatar for synxmax
Member Avatar for habsy

(Payroll) Write a program that reads the following information and prints payroll statements in show message dialog box. These are the inputs: Employees Full Name (e.g. Mohammed Al Zakwani) Numbers of Hours worked in a week (e.g. 40 hours) Hourly Pay Rate (e.g. 6.75) Federal Tax withholding rate (e.g. 20%) …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for veroniclake

I opened my control panel thinking to uninstall un-wanted softwares. but i saw 3 java se's install in my machine. the size of java 6 update 7 (371 mb)>the size of java 6 update 17 (147 mb). why is it so? why 17 is 50% less in size than 7? …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, I'm still learning java and to code in general. How would i take a word, open a web browser, and define the word in google ? Is that even possible ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for bubunchan

i'm doing java exercise, their is 6 question and i had done 5. another 1 i tried all the alternative but still error. this code: [CODE] class __(1)__ { static ___(2)___ int MIDTEST = 30; public static void main(String [ ] args) { int a=15, b=10, quiz, ___(3)___; Course ____(4)___ …

Member Avatar for bubunchan
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

there are 3 classes letterd, letteru, letterh. each class uses loops to print asterisks in the form of letter d, u, h. each letter has two charateristics width and height. the constructor of each class accepts two integer parameters that correspond to height and width. each class also has a …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes
Member Avatar for grady-lad

hi im am working on assignment and i would like to give a Jbutton an integer value i have delcared the buttons using an array (8 buttons in total) but i would like to give each button a diffrent value eg button 1 = 32 button 2 = 44

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for liran

Hello I want to implement this function: boolean check(String str,String exp) that gets a string, and an expression and see if it mathches. But (!), according to a format by '*' (maybe similar to the SQL LIKE statement, but with * instead of %). Examples of tests of this function …

Member Avatar for liran
Member Avatar for yeap521

Regarding the title, i want to know the exact way to writing text data to a text file on a web server using http connection in J2ME. I tried the way as below: OutputConnection connection=)OutputConnection)Connector.open("http://localhost/message.txt;append=true",Connector.WRITE); OutputStream out=connection.openOutputStream(); PrintStream output=new PrintStream(out); output.println("Testing"); out.close(); the codes have no problem and no exception. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for s2xi

Hey guys, I've been looking around the web but can't find a definite answer for this one. I have a program I'm making and I want to cut down my lines by using an array and just have it create my lines for me. I have this set up [code] …

Member Avatar for s2xi
Member Avatar for bigbags911

[code] import java.util.*; public class Homework11 { Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("keyvalues.txt")); Map<String, Integer> wordCountMap = getCountMap(in); for (String word: wordCountMap.keySet()) { int count = wordCountMap.get(word); while (input.hasNextLine()) { line = input.nextLine(); numLine++; Scanner word = new Scanner(line); while (word.hasNext()){ String nextWord = word.next(); numWord++; numChar = numChar + …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for WesFox13

Hello there. It's me again. I think I got most of the Pseudorandom code fixed but there's a problem. [CODE]// Name: Wesley Montgomery // Assignment 1 (Pseudorandom Class) // CS 211 (5:30 PM-7:40 PM) // Craig Niiyama // This class creates a Pseudorandom Number as well as returns the number …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for charlieruns

I have a Photoalbum class and a Photo class. The Photoalbum class obviously holds a bunch of photos in an array. Each photo has a subject, location, date, and path. I need to make a method to search for a a photo with a certain String path. I tried: [code] …

Member Avatar for vchandra
Member Avatar for white feather

[CODE] maxDays = calendar.getActualMaximum(calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); System.out.println(maxDays); [/CODE] When looking through the javadocs it seems like this would work but it apparently doesn't. Any help on figuring why it doesn't or another way would be appreciated

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for grady-lad

Hi I am Making a horse racing application .... and the concept is when you enter a number in the textfield and select a horse(one of the 8 jButtons) the application will randomly select one of the JButtons and if the Jbutton is the same as the one selected by …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for bigbags911

[CODE] public class TicTacToeGame { public static final int board_size = 3; // number of rows or columns in the board public static void main(String[] args) { char board[][] = new char[board_size][board_size]; // the game board TicTacToeGame p1 = new TicTacToeGame(); // create the players TicTacToeGame p2 = new TicTacToeGame(); …

Member Avatar for Sthe

Hi guys I'm completely new to programming, but would like to learn how to create crosswords in j2me, can someone help me with a source code...thanx:)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for buffonomics

Is it possible to programmatically determine the currently installed graphics driver in windows, Mac, or Linux? methinks to check the system registry for windows. If so, where and what about the other OS? Major props to anyone who can answer this one :P Thanks

Member Avatar for saggykulji

i am working on Deque class which is wrapped arond array....jus like the circular array works. How can i prompt the user to decide the size???

Member Avatar for saggykulji
Member Avatar for cool_jatish

Hi......... Can u tell me SQL query to retrieve UNICODE Strings from the database................... Specifications........ 1] Language JAVA::: a) JAVA SWING applet b) JDBC-ODBC Bridge 2] Database a) MS Access b) Datatype :: TEXT Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Hitman908

Hi, i have a hw assignment and i need help. I have done the first class already which is the city class. Heres what i got: [code]public class cityclass{ private String cityname; private int days; private double cost; private float rating; public cityclass(String newcityname, int newdays, double newcost, float newrating) …

Member Avatar for mckrm
Member Avatar for Xeros606

I have to have Tetris made in Java in 3-5 weeks, but I haven't started, and have no idea how to start. I'm not asking anyone to make the game for me, I just need a general idea of what to do to get things rolling. Firstly, what classes should …

Member Avatar for white feather
Member Avatar for lion hunta

I need help fixing my telephone keypad application, it will compile but when I run it, it doesnt work someone please help

Member Avatar for lion hunta
Member Avatar for jaredleo999

Hi everyone, hope all is well I have a project which models an ATM machine. There needs to be an option in the welcome screen where the user has the option to set all of the numeric buttons in each class to a certain colour(red, blue or yellow). Because all …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for ttboy04

I am trying to override setColour in the subclass callled ObjectB in the public void setColour(Colour xColour) method. So the OBjectB cannot change to purple. Can you see where I have gone wrong because the ObjectB is currently changing to purple colour. Please reply only if you know the answer. …

Member Avatar for ttboy04
Member Avatar for cool_jatish

Hi......... can u tell me how to use rs.getUnicodeStream(1); where rs is ResultSet Object and 1 is the column number and what type of value it retrieves from the DATABASE


The End.