32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for CSE Dunmond

I am having a problem with my program it has NO syntax errors but when I right click the class the "void main String [] args" option dosent appear so I cannot test my program I have no idea what it wrong PLEASE HELP [code]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class …

Member Avatar for kvass
Member Avatar for NightOwls

Like the title says I need help to display a doubly linked list in a forward order. No matter what I do, I can just get it to display in its regular reverse order. Here's the code: [CODE]public class DoubleLinkedList { private Node h; public DoubleLinkedList() { h = new …

Member Avatar for NightOwls
Member Avatar for the_preface

As the title of the question states, my program is not able to store an integer from a seperate text file provided. For instance, instead of printing the desired output: "$45.00 17 2222 Chuck Taylor All Star" It prints: "$45.00 17 0 Chuck Taylor All Star" So even though I …

Member Avatar for vchandra
Member Avatar for beanboy

hi, I'm trying to insert values from a java page in to a mysql db the foll is the code [CODE] i1=st1.executeUpdate("insert into commissiondtls(CompanyCode,BranchCode,LineNo,PartnerCode,CustomerName,InvoiceNo,InvoiceDate,InvoiceAmount,ReceivedAmount,CommissionPer,CommissionPayable,PaymentRef,PaymentDate,InstrumentNo,InstrumentDate,BankName,BankBranch,CommissionPaid,Narration) values('"+CompanyCode+"','"+BranchCode+"','"+commissionDtlsmaxid+"','"+PartnerCode+"','"+CustomerName[i]+"','"+InvoiceNo[i]+"','"+InvoiceDate[i]+"','"+InvoiceAmount[i]+"','"+ReceivedAmount[i]+"','"+CommissionPer[i]+"','"+CommissionPayable[i]+"','"+Paymentno+"','"+Paymentdate+"','"+chequeOrDdNo+"','"+chequeDate+"','"+bankName+"','"+bankBranch+"','"+Amount+"','"+narration+"')throws SQLException"); [/CODE] this doesnot insert values or shows any exception,. what do u think might be the prob? pls help [CODE] public void CommissionDetailsSaveTransaction() { …

Member Avatar for beanboy
Member Avatar for jeanfrg

In my previous post I asked the forum to help me make a race with an existing program I had made. I figured out a way to do this but now I got an error and I cannot solve it. If you need any additional information just ask ^_^

Member Avatar for white feather
Member Avatar for jeanfrg

Hi I have an assignment to do where I have to make a race between two cars (this assignment is a continuation of a previos 'mini' assignment where I had to do the 'race' with one car). The commands that I implemented for the cars is foward (increases distance travelled), …

Member Avatar for jeanfrg
Member Avatar for JimD C++ Newb

Hello, all! I have a (hopefully) quick question: I have an array of 128 ASCII characters called blockData[] that I am trying to convert into a string. [code] for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++){ blockStuff = inFile.read(); blockData[i] = blockStuff; if (blockData[i] != 0){ String aChar = …

Member Avatar for JimD C++ Newb
Member Avatar for rue64ja

So, I want to work with a some media files and try to do some really cool stuff. The problem is that I don't have any Idea of where I should start, my experience with java hasn't dealt with video or audio so I'm a bit lost. Does anyone know …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for mckrm

i am new to Java and programming i just joined faculty of computer science and i am doing good but i think that all what i had until now isn't enough for my curiosity what should i do to master Java and become a Java expert and increase my programming …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for pirateninja1111

ok so what i am trying to do is create a random int and save it into an arraylist and sum up the contents of the array list. then ask the user if they would like to roll again. any point in the right direction would be appreciated. so far …

Member Avatar for pirateninja1111
Member Avatar for saggykulji

public class MyDeque { private int maxsize; private int [] queArray; private int front; private int rear; private int nItems; public MyDeque (int s) { maxsize = s; queArray= new int[maxsize]; front=0; rear=-1; nItems=0; } public void insertRear(int j) { if (rear==maxsize-1) rear=-1; queArray[++rear]=j; nItems++; } public void inserFront (int …

Member Avatar for white feather
Member Avatar for cool_jatish

Hi again............ I have got something new that........... i was using MS Access as the database with my JAVA Japplet.... In my applet i used JTextArea to display the output ..... The output to display is fetched from the database which is connected using DSNless connection as with connection string... …

Member Avatar for tygerberg

Hi I've been told that for the next term i must do a programming project of my own choice. Any ideas on how I can impress?

Member Avatar for jeanfrg
Member Avatar for hypernova

Hello Everyone !! I read a program to create a simple moving banner from my book Java Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt, and after a few days I tried to make it myself from what I understood then.....but unfortunately mine doesnt work properly, even though I think I've done everything …

Member Avatar for khnkng

hi i m mateen frm india i have a problem with my java compiler i want to know how to set the path of compiler and how to execute the program i have already installed the java software someone answer to my question and help me out

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello I am trying to use a MySQL database and connect to it using a Desktop App. I need to have it embedded and I am using netbeans and I am connected to the database I am also in the admin console for glassfish. I tried setting it up once …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for oggiemc

Hi people, Im trying to handle an exception in my servlet by res.sendRedirect to another page..but it is not redirecting to the page i want, instead its going to a HTTP Staus 500 error page detailing the full stack trace..can someone tell me what might be wrong here, ive attached …

Member Avatar for spaniel

Hi, I'm trying to do something pretty straightforward (I think) but it's not working for me for some reason. Basically trying to create an object with an ArrayList as a attribute but i keep getting numerous errors saying '<identifier> expected', '; expected'. My code is as follows: [CODE]import java.util.ArrayList; public …

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Member Avatar for kingsboro2008

This is my first working java game. I am thrilled it works. What I want to know is.... what can I do to improve it? I would like to use a simple datebase to collect every possible combination of computer names. I would like to collect new information every time …

Member Avatar for kingsboro2008
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

i have this problem with regards to java data the problem accepts input number and then output the sum of the square from 1 to the n(1 to the no. input) thus, if the input is 4 the output should be 288 because: 1 raise to 1 + 2 raise …

Member Avatar for huyyaya
Member Avatar for jeanfrg

Hi I'm a java intermediate student, I have been studying java for two years. I just wanted to offer my help to those students that are currently struggling with java in general, or those who need help on an assignment. Lately I have been ahead of my class so I …

Member Avatar for jeanfrg
Member Avatar for Mandana_bgh

hi I use log4j framework for logging my program. i insert log4j.xml in my project an test it. everything was ok and logfile correctly was put in path. but when i made jar file and copy it to linux and run it it return error [CODE]log4j:ERROR Could not open [log4j.xml]. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Sseeth

Ok heres the problem Im working on a final project for a java course and one thing is blocking my path. import java.util.*; public class Controller { public List<CrewMember> list = new ArrayList<CrewMember>(); public void addItem() { CrewMember cm = Academy.load( MenuUtil.getAString("Enter the role: "), MenuUtil.getAnInt("Enter the id number: ")); …

Member Avatar for Sseeth
Member Avatar for Tabone3

Hi, I'm a bit new to java and I would like to make a program that save's and load the saved data that the user had inputted in my java program. For example I done a sort of a Bank System and when I close my program and restart it …

Member Avatar for Tabone3
Member Avatar for ku95

Hi basically I'm current doing a connect 4 program that consist of 3 separate programs Connect4Model, Connect 4 Column and Connect4View... I'm trying to compile and run my connect4View program but for some what reason I'm unable to do so. Below I have supplied the code for the 3 programs. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for nickwl23

Hi guys.. I am having some problem with snake game project using JAVA Applet. I already have the sour code of a snake game from my friends, but I failed to make it functions probably under a JApplet. I need to do a similiar UI like click a start button. …

Member Avatar for nickwl23
Member Avatar for chihwei

Hi i just have a question, i was doing the pass midterm the question is asking that " Write a class Jacket, which has a boolean instance variable isReversible and a static int variable numJackets. There are no methods " correct Ans: public class Jacket { private boolean isReversible; private …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for TimGerber

Hi guys, i need some help with a project, I need to print a table showing the numbers 1 - 10, thentheir factorials, i also need rthe sum of the numbers and the sum of the factorials:\ Number Factorials ======================= 1 1 2 2 3 6 4 24 5 120 …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I was trying to figure out how to access variable values out of a class. if class x.java hold all the values can class y.java use getClass(??); to get values without making a new class instance(which will erase everything?). then class z.java access it later to get the values likewise? …

Member Avatar for vchandra
Member Avatar for BuhRock

Ok, I know most of you will read this and think I am a liar, but I am really just trying to practice with multiple classes and methods. So I picked out a programming challenge from my book to see if I could get through it. I wrote the class …

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The End.