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Member Avatar for Adila

i got until here.. [code=java] public class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent buttonEvent) { int delay = 1000; //milliseconds ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JFrame myFrame1 = new JFrame(); MySadFace sad = new MySadFace(); myFrame1.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); myFrame1.getContentPane().add(sad); myFrame1.setSize(400, 200); myFrame1.setVisible(true); } }; Timer test …

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Member Avatar for krish_kooll

how to obtain query execution time? i need for mysql query in java... does anyone know

Member Avatar for krish_kooll
Member Avatar for Techboy52

//Below i am trying to display a map onto my grid layout using the ImageViewer and I keep //getting a error cannot find symbol class ImageViewer. I really need to use this //ImageViewer because i need to use the x and y coordinate. I don't know any image //viewer display …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for deepak1234u
Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for parthiban

Hi all , I'm trying to do find and highlight program which finds a given word by highlighting it in the textarea. I'm finding the word in a textarea which has both vertical and horizontal scrollbars .if the word is with in the visible area everything is fine but if …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for hkarthik

Hi everybody, I am new to j2me. Can anybody tell me how to start working with j2me.

Member Avatar for Samudricka
Member Avatar for aim

How to do programming in Image processing in java? I have searched on it.I got info abt JAI.But Can i get detail documentation or another library for image matching code in java. I want to match two JPEG images in java.That images are of birds. Can any1 help me out? …

Member Avatar for aim
Member Avatar for anifeelings

actually i stuck in this prog, not gettting it exactly, i want user to input natural no. of 4 digit and i want its all possible permutations of the number.. plz help me..

Member Avatar for anifeelings
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, How can I get the information that corresponds with the containsKey to be put into the hashtable. I am checking to see if a hashtable contains a key. If it does how can I put that key along with its value into a second hashtable. Snippet of code: …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Samudricka
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for D boss

hi guys, i am working on applets, below is a bit of coding i am working on, it compiles with out any problem, but when i run it i get an error msg saying: `"Exception thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main"` if any one can advice it will be appreciated a lot... …

Member Avatar for D boss
Member Avatar for Merumi

Hey guys I hope you can help me with this problem, its like a minor problem. ----PROBLEM----- I don't know how to generate the secret code... meaning if the input was: { c.println (generateCipherAlphabet ("COMPUTER SCIENCE)); } Above only outputs "COMPUTERSINQVWXYZABDFGHJKL" which is the cipher alphabet only I want it …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for DARKSTAR
Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for Noliving

I basically have the entire program done except for one little problem my maxDepth output is wrong! But the rest of the assignment is after your program gets the correct answers, add static variables calls, depth, and maxDepth to your class and add code to your implementation of Z to …

Member Avatar for Noliving
Member Avatar for chchchchanning

I am trying to fun a jar file that is on my desktop. I have been using [code] java -jar ProgramName.jar -nuc[file] [/code] and I get the error "unable to access jarfile ProgramName.jar"

Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, I have `textbox (txtTransDate)` that I set text to '2008-04-17' because mySQL accepts that format date. I want to change the format to "MM/dd/yyyy" 04-17-2008 to retrieve month and year. But the error is like this : `java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2008-04-17"` int tahun =0, bln=0 ; String sBln=""; …

Member Avatar for jinternalframe
Member Avatar for 9107you

im new to java help me wit this question (you might think what the hell am i doin) question is: Using a series of methods, output the popular song "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean". However, instead of using "Bonnie", allow the users to enter a name of their choice. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for torbecire

I am having a problem with tokenizing "wddw". I can tokenize if they is a sign like (,). How can I tokenize this without getting an error. I have tried charAt(0), but it only gives me the first character. I want each character to be stored separately. I know about …

Member Avatar for Samudricka
Member Avatar for Noliving

In this assignment you will implement the following recursive function in a ZFunction class. You must implement a main that will gather the parameters for the recursive function and display the result. Use JOptionPlane for the input and output. Given the function Z(x,y) where x and y are (small positive) …

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Member Avatar for madhura09

how do in install and run java on red hat linux 9 we have already installed jre self extracting file but javac command to compile java files doesnt work we have already setpath are there any other terminal commands what is the meaning of javaconfig

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Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

OK, this should be easy (in theory) but I'm having issues with the java applet showing up in the HTML. The applet works when I run it within the IDE, but when I try to run the applet, a message in the bottom left of the applet window says that …

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Member Avatar for Merumi

public class GenerateCipher { /** To generate keyPhrase into cipher alphabet and secret code * @param keyPhrase keyPhrase to be changed * @return changed keyPhrase */ public static String generateCipherAlphabet (String keyPhrase) { //defines the variables and creates alphabet string String realStr = ""; String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; String newStr …

Member Avatar for WalkmanXD

There is no pointers in Java, But how could java solve the problem of Dynamic Memory Allocation ???? [ As we know that pointers in C++ solve this problem ] Is there a solution WHAT is it ? and HOW to use it ? Please, explain with Examples... Thanks in …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for duongkhangth2

Hello everybody , Im created an Application in java . In that application i have to store data in a web Mysql database.How can i connect ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Katherine692008

import java.io.*; public class k { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { k s1 = new k(); s1.menu(); } public void menu()throws IOException { int input = 0; System.out.println("Pick from 1 of the following Options"); System.out.println("1) Twelve"); System.out.println("5) Exit "); System.out.println("Enter Number: "); BufferedReader br; br = new BufferedReader( …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rajeshwarreddyt

Hi Folks, I have to print the error with line and error name using log4j property file so what property should i put in log4j property file so i will print error with line numbers! Regards, Rajeshwar.

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for ravicsit
Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for ihtraa

[code] public void addRowsAntGrouping(){ Vector vectorAddRow = new Vector(); vectorAddRow.add(""); vectorAddRow.add(""); ((DefaultTableModel)jTableAntGrouping.getModel()).addRow(vectorAddRow); } [/code] Hi, I am in need of replacing the textfield of a table with combobox. the rows in the table are declared as vectors. there are two fields in the table. the first field is text and …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for rajdotme

Hi, I understand, Socket.setkeepalive() enables the user to keep the socket alive. Here is an extract from the SocketOptions interface from the Sun site about the SO_KEEPALIVE variable: When the keepalive option is set for a TCP socket and no data has been exchanged across the socket in either direction …


The End.