32,205 Topics
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I am really thankful to become a member of this community. I am a developer, learning new programming languages to push my professional growth. I have 2 years of experience as a Java developer. Now I am learning new technologies like Python and Ruby on Rails. I will help community … | |
I am not quite sure why I am getting this error package tile; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import main.GamePanel; import main.UtilityTool; public class TileManager { GamePanel gp; public Tile[] tile; public int mapTileNum[][]; public TileManager(GamePanel gp) { this.gp = gp; tile = … | |
Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class. The Conversion class should have the following methods. double KMToMiles(double distance) double MilesToKM(double distance) double FeetToMetres(double distance) double MetresToFeet(double distance) double KgToPounds(double weight) double PoundsToKg(double weight) double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature) double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature) The Calculation class should have the following … | |
Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class. The Conversion class should have the following methods. double KMToMiles(double distance) double MilesToKM(double distance) double FeetToMetres(double distance) double MetresToFeet(double distance) double KgToPounds(double weight) double PoundsToKg(double weight) double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature) double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature) The Calculation class should have the following … | |
I'm working on a class project where I am supposed to determine how long it will take for someone to be fully vested in their pension. I have to take the time they started working as a string mm/yyyy and then calculate the date they will be fully vested. The … | |
Hi ! I have developed a Java application using Derby Database. The application jar file is successfully running on Windows but on Mac it gives and exception as following: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver I am pasting code for database Connection which I wrote. String dbdriver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"; Class.forName(dbdriver).newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:C:\\4DSOFTECHDB; create … | |
I am on the latest version of Windows 10, running with SWI-Prolog 7.6.4, and trying to get JPL (Java <->Prolog) running for a school project. I've not had to deal with path issues much but I have done my best to understand the problem. I've added the necessary import statements … | |
Pseudocode that read elements of array in column wise arrangement | |
How would you write this into pseudo code #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[]) //variables string var, var1; float cm, mile, kilometer, inch, meter, AU, fahrenheit, celsius, foot, quit, i; //program i = 1; while (i <= 1000000000) cout << "Enter the starting unit. For … | |
Hello there, I am trying to calculate the shot, the value, and the score in my Archery Target Program. But I have no such luck. Would anyone be able to help me? | |
Give me suggestions are welcome | |
| This questions contains probability and I dont know how to work with it in Java import numpy import random def cup_game(): cashprice = [0.5, 1.0 , 2.0 , 5.0] n_turn = numpy.random.randint(5,11) n_mult = numpy.random.randint(3,6) cups = list(range(0,15)) x = numpy.random.choice(cashprice, 15, p=[0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1]) x = list(x) turn … |
and was trying to find a way to make bubble sorting short as it is wayyy to long? so can anyone show me a code to do that? | |
| Hi, I am new to Java but familiar with python, I need to convert my code from python to Java can anyone help me? Much appreciated! import random suits = ['C', 'S', 'H', 'D'] val = list(range(1,14)) class Card: def __init__(self, suits, val): self.suit = suits self.value = val def … |
hello, I am currently struggling so bad in understanding Java and how to implement the codes. I have to implement two subclasses for Canadian and US postal code in Java. For Canadian Postal code, a valid postal postal code has the rule: positions at 0,2,5 are letters. Positions at 1,4,6 … | |
**Introduction** You know that being effective is the key to success in any business domain. However, you may be wondering how to improve employee performance. In order to do this, it’s important to have tools at hand that will help you measure and track employee performance in real-time and act … | |
Hi. So I want to open a application from Java code and open a new terminal for that application also through Java code. We can open the new terminal manually by entering ctrl+alt+t. But I need to do this via code without entering any keys. Can anyone suggest something? | |
Hello All, We have designed our system and integrate lots of opensource code into a single use system. All the inter connectivity are through APIs. Problem is, it's getting messy each day. We have been looking into Kong and Apigee. Anyone has experienced into situation like such? We have over … | |
## Introduction ## In the last tutorial, we learned [how to set up our own RabbitMQ exchanges and queues](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/tutorials/538620/how-to-create-exchanges-and-queues-in-rabbitmq-server). In this tutorial, we will learn how to send messages to our custom **daniweb-exchange**. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to send … | |
I have a question about encryption. So I have a code sample that has a key size being chosen, something like 32 bits or something, and I am basically either filling the key size buffer with the password and then zeroes, or null bytes, or a word repeated over and … | |
Create a java application that will convert unit length from Metric to English system. The user will be asked to enter a Metric unit and then it will display the equivalent value to unit of English System. Use metric system like centimer, diameter, meter, etc. while use English system such … | |
Create a simple java calculator console application that will use the four (4) basic math operators: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. If conditional statements will not be use since it wasn’t discussed yet, | |
I am attempting to write a program that will take a word as input from the user. The program will then find all of the words that can be used from the letters in the word the user inputted. A letter cannot be used twice if it only appears in … | |
![JD522_FA2_2.PNG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/1977355aeec12a9a2dfbe72584965be3.PNG) ![JD522_FA2_1.PNG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/79856a328e3fe67011afb484bb9c654a.PNG) ![JD522_FA2_3.PNG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/d9bc25423e0da12339e15aaee0f160ab.PNG) ![JD522_FA2.PNG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/90c9dac41812ac074849fe92617446a2.PNG) | |
The program below is written in **Java** and is used to develop a Web Server that supports these status codes: **200** OK, **302** Moved Temporarily, and **404** NOT FOUND. The code can emulate an **HTTP** server in your local machine. Let me know if you find the code below helpful … | |
Create a program called staffSalary using GUI Java and add a class named Staff that will determine the monthly payment amount of and return a specific staff description. The staff are getting paid differently base on the rate and numbers of hours worked. The staff also have different description based … | |
I need help to create a class named rectangle that contains -fields for length and width -setters and getters for the fields -a constructor that accepts length and width as parameters -an overloaded 0-arg constructor that sets field values to 0 -a method named computeArea that accepts no parameters and … |
The End.