35,617 Topics
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Hi All, I am writing a servlet, applet application. They will communicate over the network using a Class I have created called NetworkObject, which is in a package called NetworkObject, in a project called NetworkObject. How can I get my applet to load the class? When the applet loads and … | |
Hii Friends I am doing an erp web application using jsp,servlets,struts,sql server 2000 but havent implemented connection pooling, but want to do it now can anyone quide me the best way to master it or show me where can i find some pdfs which will give me the most knowledge … | |
Hi All, I am working on an assignment where an applet has to communicate with a servlet. It works fine with java data types, such as string etc, but when I try to use a class I have created, there is an exception thrown when it is cast into this … | |
Hi everyone pls I have got two images on a JFrame which are represented by labels.one of them is generated randomly and i want to compare it to another and if they are both the same a message dialog box is shown stating that the images are the same or … | |
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Java program with a menu of 6 items. -each of the 6 items has a check box -when the food is selected it appears to the right saying that so n so was selected. -then i just need a welcome screen before that to introduce the program -then the user … | |
i m new to java and j2me. i m developing chatting client. i have almost completed it. but when i m testing it on Nokia 9300 Communicator it gives exception like java.microedition.media Exception: Symbian OS Error: -14. this exception occurs while chatting with other person with rapid pace. and one … | |
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class Main extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private DefaultListModel mod1=new DefaultListModel(), private DefaultListModel mod2=new DefaultListModel(); private JList 11 = new JList(mod1), private JList 12 = new JList(mod2); private JButton to=new JButton(">>"), delete=new JButton("<<"), ord=new JButton("order"); private JLabel costLabel=new JLabel("Total Cost: $0"); … | |
Hello all, I am writing a program so people can sign up for a class at a school. The class has a limited number of spaces and i was wondering if there was a way to show somer kind of live number of poeple in the class. also i would … | |
I have directory which is used to temporary store images while working with them. Once all process are done and images are not need it anymore I would like to delete them. I tried following code but it didn't work. Where is problem? [code] Runtime comPrompt = Runtime.getRuntime(); String[] execStr … | |
I have an application that I want to create my own dialog screens. For example, the user cliks on one frame, and I want to open a window for the user to enter data, after the user finishes, he presses OK and then the main app continues. On the class … | |
Anouther question... is there anyway to get the time from a remote server (so it doesnt use the computers time)? Thanks M | |
please i want to convert string to datetime by using jsp and i hope to any one replay Example String s="mm/dd/yyyy" to Datetime s1=s:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: | |
At which level logging should work in project..show me the ways to use logging concept. I am using role based access in project.. | |
I am trying to figure out a way to write a program that takes the "digital product" of a number (has to be positive). Like if I had 123456789, it would take 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9 which is 362880. It would then take 3*6*2*8*8 (leaves out zeros) which is 2304. Then 2*3*4 which … | |
dire friends i write code in applet for scrole text left to right.now i want same thing in verical direction n cover full length of screen.so what i should do it | |
I'm getting some javascript that's causing slowdowns. It's stuck in an infinite loop or something. This is on Konqueror. Never happened before. | |
how to call javabean from jsp? i wanted to call javabean from jsp with in my own folder keeping at webapps folder. Pleasssssssssssssss help me for this.................:sad: | |
hi everybody, cud neone here pls help me out in printing a page in Java. I have a page designed in swings which contains mainly labels and textareas. And i need to print this page in java with a click of a button. Could nebody arnd please help me out … | |
I need some help with some Java code for a web interface that provides should provide task information as follows. Just give me some guidence and I will (try)do it on my own. Thanks. Input parameters are date char(8) YYYYMMDD and tasknumber – char(4) If date is today it should … | |
dear friends i set path for jdk1.6.0 and that is working.now i have instole j2me but my j2me code is not working,on run import file cannot find by compailer .so plz tell me is there any need of seting path and if it is than how i can set that. | |
i am facing some problems with the following code. initially the jdbc driver(jdbc 4/3) ws not getting registered...nw somehw that problem has been rectified.bt nw i m unable to connect with the database(PostgreSQL). The code i have written is as follows import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; public class Example1 … | |
[code]import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class Hangman { public static void main (String[] args) { char userAnswer; String[] dictionary = { "acorn", "actor", "album", "alien", "bagel", "basin", "beach", "brick", "cable", "chalk", "cloud", "crowd", "debug", "ditch", "drill", "drink", "eagle", "eight", "elbow", "extra", "fable", "feast", "fizzy", "flood", "giant", "glass", "gross", "grump", "happy", … | |
Can someone help me rewrite this java program in python. This program takes a message from the shell and flashes the message one word at a time. Now I am supposed to rewrite it in python (tkinter), I have the gui done and my quit button works, but I cannot … | |
I am fairly new to Java and am having some difficulty with implementing an arraylist. I have some classes that contain variables and i have a new class that contains my arraylist. I would like to know how i would get the variables from the other classes into the arraylist … | |
i have make one package(c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin\MyPack) and save file as AccountBalance.java this file has two classes.see below. package MyPack; class Balance { String name; double bal; Balance(String n,double b) { name=n; bal=b; } void show() { if(bal<0) System.out.print("-->"); System.out.print(name+":$"+bal); } } class AccountBalance { public static void main(String args[]) { … | |
How can I add a sleep(1000) to this code? I've tried but I can't get it to work. (This program is supposed to be an infinite loop) [code] [COLOR=#800080]public [/COLOR][COLOR=#800080]class[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] ExtendedThread [/COLOR][COLOR=#800080]extends[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Thread {[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]public[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] ExtendedThread(String name) [/COLOR][COLOR=#800080]throws[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] InterruptedException {[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]super[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000](name);[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]}[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]public [/COLOR][COLOR=#800080]void[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] run() { [/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]for[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] ([/COLOR][COLOR=#800080]int[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] i … | |
I have to write code that outputs the number of upper, lowercase digits and punctuation in a string but am having trouble with the asciival command.this is what I have so far but I recieve an error message about the use of my asciival command.an InputBox input; input= [B][COLOR=#7f0055]new[/B][/COLOR] InputBox(); … | |
I have home work due soon and have written most of the code there are only two parts i am having trouble with: 1.Can anyone tell me how to read the even values of an array, add them and then add the amount of even numbers there were in the … | |
hi... how to compile and run a servlet application using Tomcat5.5 ... where to place the class path......and how to run.... After compiling Java file I have placed .class file in ... C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes and my java file is in... C:\servlets/HelloWorld.java and i have accessed like this.... … |
The End.