35,617 Topics
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Hi everyone, i m new to JSP, i want to create table in jsp,attribute will be selected by the Excel sheet which resides on server. client will see the table and he/she can edit or reset the table and these modification will be saved on server.next time when same user … | |
[COLOR=#000000]Hello, [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I learn newly Java programming. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Because of this I have this small following question on it: [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I must create several points from different 3 components (x, y, z), values. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]e.g: I must create 2 points and (2, … | |
Hello, I am new to JSP. I need to develop a web system using JSP. I have a few doubts that I couldn't figure out. I understand how to write jsp page by embedding the jsp coding in the same page as the html form. I know this is not … | |
I have an Intel Pentium 166MHz w/MMX Computer and use Windows 98. A web site I was trying to access had this error message: "ERROR! JavaScript is required to use this site!" I then downloaded and installed JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Version 6, Update 1. I even customized my Security … | |
Hi, can anyone recommend a 'simple' to use cross platform installer which is free. I've looked at a few but they look quite complex. Thanks. | |
Hi all, I have a GUI based roulette game with two classes a bet screen and a main menu screen i need to know how to say if a button is pressed in the bet screen to do its operations and then close and return to the main menu screen. … | |
Hello everyone! I am a first year student studying computer science and I am having a little trouble figuring out how to implement this part of a program. I am writing a word search puzzle generator that takes in a list of words and dimensions (such as "cat", "animal", "fish", … | |
Hi How would I go about developing a simple IM which will be used on mobile phones. By this I mean creating a database to hold all the information needed to log on, the API's needed, security and everything that makes the motor spin. | |
Hi, how to using function "for" to show iteration and the result put in jTextArea or jFrame. exp: i want to loop value 1 to 10, then result : 1 (iteration 1) 2 (iteration 2) . . 10 (iteration 10) I'm using netbeans Thank's | |
Pls i am a new member of dani web and i need help on implementing random images. I have got six gif images on my frame ,a JComboBox and a Button.the JComboBox displays the images if each one is clicked.I want to add an actionlistener to the Button so that … | |
Hello, I am basically trying to develop some kind of automated test case generation tool, where first I need to generate the test cases and then write to excel sheet.the test case will be a set of mouse clicks and key events which needs to be recorded by my application … | |
i need help i dont know what to do, heres the psudocode and java code Function (BinaryNumber is String) returns Integer Var DecimalNumber is Integer initialized as 0 Var Power is Integer initialized as 0 Var BinaryDigit is Integer For (I (start value is length of BinaryNumber) to (end value … | |
[I]why include file can not modify the header and cookies.can tell the reason. [/I] | |
i am intersted to send group object from one jsp to another. In this case can i use vector or arraylist. then why? | |
Hi! I hope someone can help me out with this.I have one task left on my homework that i´m struggling with. The assignment is: Create a program in which you can put 10 words into separated by enter in the command window after that print the words backwards in the … | |
Hi Im working in an application which will track the click made in any web based application. For Eg: If u click on a link "mail" in yahoo.com.. this application should be able to detect the link clicked. silmilarly for other radio buttons, check boxes.. etc. can someone tell me … | |
[inlinecode] hi in school we have been set a homework task of making a game with a few simple programs! Our teacher asked us to team up and make a game lol just like that we have one month and we have sketched out some plans backgrounds ideas etc please … | |
Hello all, We have created a java app that creates its own file format that we can assoicate with the application in Windows. We would like for the user to be able to double click on of these files while the app is running and have the app open it. … | |
How can I find out where the class files are installed in a programmtic way? Thanks, Menlo | |
Hai friends is there any way to print logo or images through serial port printer plz guide me for this ... | |
Hello EveryOne, i am using struts datagrid in my project can anyone help me in pagination in datagrid, that is displaying only say 10 records per page can that be done. thank you in advance | |
I need help coming up with an algorithm to determine if the user clicks on any point of a line. A line is given by two points. So you have x1, y1 positions of the first point, and x2,y2 positions of the second point. I need to determine in the … | |
Again i (= As though authorization, i check on presence of record in db. Why that i do not receive the necessary result. Prompt in what a problem. Thankful in advance. In db the table users a kind: |id|acc|pswd |...| [code] ================== public class DrugstoreFrame extends JFrame { MsAcDatabase database; … | |
im facing problems installing the jdbc driver on my machine.... the OS on my machine is fedora core 6... plz help | |
hello there i need help on encrypting and decrypting words. this is my task i have to do: [COLOR=#000000]Implement a piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt words. At its simplest, the software could use a simple translation process that replaces each letter with a different … | |
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; [B]public class MathApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener [/B]{ private Label lblPrompt,lblNom1,lblNom2,lblCampur; private TextField txtNom1,txtNom2; private Button btnKira; //isytiharkan button public void init() { lblPrompt=new Label("masukkan 2 nombor integer"); lblNom1=new Label("nombor Pertama:"); lblNom2=new Label("nombor kedua:"); txtNom1=new TextField("0"); txtNom2=new TextField("0"); lblCampur=new Label("Hasil campur:0"); btnKira=new Button("Kira");//objek btn … | |
Hi every1, i have trouble doing my homework. Could anyone help. the probelm is everytime when i set the degree and it prints out the last degree i entered. when i use the default constructor (withour entering any infomation) to create the UndergradStudent instance, it doesn't allow me to set … | |
Hi I want to make an applet that allows people to drag files from their desktop to the applet and it will upload through ftp. I have looked at examples of this such as rad upload and others, but when I tried to make it myself, it fails and I … | |
Hey! There has been a question on my mind for a while regarding the JRE and the class loader (or, loading classes into RAM if it's different). Java classes define variable members, methods, and subclasses. I know that when you create a new instance of a class, memory is allocated … |
The End.