35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for Andrew Minus

Hi, I wrote my assignment with simple awt-buttons at first.But, when i changed to JButtons,errors about setting JPanel with FlowLayout appear. enc: Error.txt // code of errors :)

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for gokul

hi, i developed a chatting application.. i want to do three things in the Frame Resizing. but i don't know how to do..? any one pls help me.. 1. i tried to restrict the user cann't resize the frame less than (300,600) by setPreferedSize(). it works. but the user can …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for nisaa15

Hi all, I am trying to take a list of words (from a text file) and then split each word into characters how can I do this? The code I currently have just reads in all the words (at, as, ate, apple, apply) found in text file and prints them …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for sweety engineer

hello every one, how are you?! I come back after long absent ,, and I want help from you,, just small question :D Suppose you wish to write a method that prints a heading on a new output page, along with a page number that is 1 in the first …

Member Avatar for sweety engineer
Member Avatar for skoiloth

Can one give a exat answer for this question i have a java program with hundred packages imported but iam not using any one of them in program .i have only a SOP which prints [B]hello world![/B] .the qustion is will this program is thick with all the imported 100 …

Member Avatar for skoiloth
Member Avatar for Cudmore

This is irritating me so bad, I have spent three hours aimlessly trying to get JScrollPane to work on my JList and I can't figure it out.. here is the code, please make the scroll bars work! :sad: [CODE]public class ChatServer extends JPanel { private JList lstUsers; private JScrollPane scroller; …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for pokerponcho

Does anyone know of a good book to learn how to java it up with the phones?

Member Avatar for NSCelica

Alright, This is really bothering me that I can't figure this out since I took 3 terms of Java. Alright, I have a text file that contains addresses. ex: Name 1234 5th St Orlando, Fl 19191 Name2 1423 4th ave New York, NY 09987 and so on and so on. …

Member Avatar for NSCelica
Member Avatar for blackbabydoll

[code] import java.io.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.*; public class GrowthofaFunction { public int calculateFunction(int x) { return 0; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { public void calculateFunction(); { final int x; final int y1; final int y2; final int y; Scanner stdin = new …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for ylithian

Hi all, I'm a newbie of JSP programming... I've a great problem (but for you surely is a little thing)... I get an error on the last version of Tomcat with my webapp (weird but with the older 5.4 it runs perfectly...) this line in my index.jsp is the source …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for snl_edupuganti

Hi, I am new to this group... Can any one help me regarding this Scheduler project? I attached the question regarding the project. Thanks in advance... sri

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for k_en

I need some guidance because i haven't started to learn java. May i know what type and the name of book is suitable for a beginner ? And does anyone know what type of software i have to install in order to do the programming ? :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya all ive decided to do my final year project designing an online music video library that will allow multiple access by many users to the same files that will be highly available, with facilities to access the video library by pc, pda and mobile phones. i want to concentrate …

Member Avatar for anbarblue

Need help rounding. `MoPay.setText` is showing up as .########### (I'm new to this language.) Oh, and my dollar sign isn't showing up, does anyone no why? public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int Mort; double Int; int T; if(e.getSource()==Reset) { answer.setText(""); answera.setText(""); answerb.setText(""); MoPay.setText(""); } else if(e.getSource()==Calculate) { try { Mort …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for anbarblue

Here is my code so far. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot get it to compile. Incompatible Types (Lines 90 - 92) . Please Please Help. My ultimate task is to write an Applet Mortgage Calculator. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; …

Member Avatar for anbarblue
Member Avatar for OllieFalle

Hi all : ) Im messing around with the game of Nim and i want to create some strategies to make the game more interesting. I have finished all the other code and all i need to do is this. Basically i want 4 classes The first strategy will be …

Member Avatar for blackbabydoll

I really need help. I did the code, but I know it is all wrong. I am not sure how to fix it. This program has boggled me for a week. I am watching the growth of the function. First I have to calculate a function after entering the value …

Member Avatar for blackbabydoll
Member Avatar for Cudmore

Hey y'all! I'm fairly new to internet programming, and I'm surrently developping my first socket app in Java.. Now I have a question... I wrote a simple chat client to learn the commands, it uses a datagram socket (that's what I want to stick with for now) and sends/recieves messages.. …

Member Avatar for Cudmore
Member Avatar for mcook228

We've been given an assignment to create a system that an investigator/scientist/etc. would use to store data of any sort (mainly structured data and unstructured free text), analyze the structured data and create technical reports using the stored data. I've created my structured data class as follows, using a LinkedList, …

Member Avatar for rockStar60608

I'm having problem loading a java gui into a html page as an applet. I believe the problem is the init method. this is the first time i've had to make one and i don't think i did it right. here is my java code: [HTML]code[/HTML] package gui; import java.awt.*; …

Member Avatar for rockStar60608
Member Avatar for Frank0051

Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any cool examples of a Java based multimedia program (besides the one that comes in the JMF). I have seen some pretty basic ones, but I'm wondering if there are any out there that are at the level of Winamp or …

Member Avatar for Frank0051
Member Avatar for Frank0051

I been working on this little program that would allow the user to reference this custom playlist file. The playlist file is a simple text file with a list of music files on a URL: [code] http://www.whatever.com/a.wav http://www.whatever.com/b.wav etc... [/code] Basically what the program would do is ask the user …

Member Avatar for Frank0051
Member Avatar for bonzermahesh

Hi all, I need a code which allows me printing of JPanel. VIMP is the JPanel contains large number of Other components such as Jcheckbox, JLabel, JButton on top & Bottom also, JTabel & JTextarea is inside JScrollpane. Something like this. JLabel JLabel JLabel JCheckBox JCheckBox JCheckBox JLabel JTextPane JTabel …

Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya this is Brims i need an idea for a final year project computer science, nothing too hard time is running out. I want to use either php or asp with database cant seem to think of any applications can someone help please. I was thinking of doing an online …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, This is not exactly a question but something to lighten everyone's mood. You see some days back i had a programming program i could not solve and its rather tough as it had to do with graphic rendering. It was getting late so i decided to pack up …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for gokul

hi, i want to design my list item with background image,font faces and sizes when it selected by using Html tags. for example, // Contacts(userName, userIcon) Contacts contacts[] = { new Contacts("<html> <table width= '75%' height='57' border='1'><tr> <td align='center' background='resources/id.gif'><img src='resources/id.gif' width='22' height='20'>Username", resources/id.gif"), ... }; JList contactsList = new …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for topito2

I have found some interesgting websites which have excellent java applets that explain physics theory. I could only view those webpages when attached to the internet, but then I learned I could download the *.class file related to the applet and then I would be able to open the webpage …

Member Avatar for topito2
Member Avatar for dav555

does the datatype float also have a over-/underflow like an integer? If yes, how can I create a float-underflow? thanks dave

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everyone, I want to program something cool (no this isn't for school, just for fun), but I don't know what to program. I wanted to make something that would be fun to make and use, but not too challenging. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi, we all know that java has a very very very ugly interface. Well the default one anyway. Is there any way to make it better. Like maybe this. If so how do you do this. But freely [url]http://www.javasoft.de/jsf/public/products/synthetica[/url] And does this mean when you make it into a jar …

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.