35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for nabil1983

Does anyone know wether i can convert a Java written program to C? Thank You

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for baker011

Hi, I own a multiplayer gaming site and the games on it I bought. It came with a gaming lobby and the games themselves, with the backend server stuff too. However, my knowledge of java is a bout as extensive as a three year olds knowledge of Father Christmas not …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for opfamily55

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I am learning JavaScript and am lost. Can someone please offer guidance. :confused: <html><!--Kimberly R. Owens--> <head> <title>Jennifer's Floral Garden</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!--Hide from old browsers function roller() { var banner = new Array("images/florist.jpg", "images/florist2.jpg", "images/florist3.jpg"); var banctr = '0' if …

Member Avatar for opfamily55
Member Avatar for frack78

I have written a binary search algorithm in java. I have a statement that when the search key is found it is printed to a terminal window. This statement when when called just keeps printing over and over and i cant figure out why :sad: . Can any one help? …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for NuGG

I have obtained the following script which only lets a page load if the visitor has been to the previous page, if they haven’t it sends the visitor to the appropriate page. However, it only works in Mozilla. Can anyone help me adapt this script to work in Internet Explorer? …

Member Avatar for matt_5104

I've written a Java application using Netbeans, and I was wondering if there is any way in which I can run this application using an executable file in windows rather then having to run it through Netbeans itself. Is this possible?

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for bamf

Hi, Its my first post. I couldn't find the answer to my Javascript link problem after looking in these forums. I do know how its happened. I was on a site which had the right click button disabled and I knew there would be away around it, so I searched …

Member Avatar for bamf
Member Avatar for Finalmadness

Why is it after I compile the program sucessfully, the options will not work? Only one out of my four case statements actually execute.

Member Avatar for Finalmadness
Member Avatar for Finalmadness

I rewrote a project and it compiled sucessfully with no errors. I then went to test the project to make sure it gave me the output I was looking for. It then went matrix. The command prompt was filled with letters jumping on the screen just like in the movie. …

Member Avatar for Finalmadness
Member Avatar for SpS

Hi guys....I am planning to learn JAVA.....i don't know anything about it...just into C/C++.....don't know what compiler i should use.... suggest me some sites where i can download the compiler(Good One Please) for JAVA

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for sam1

hi I am really confused guys. what is the difference between <<include>> and <<extend>> stereotypes in use cases? and where do i use them? thanx

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for vex

Is there a simple way to test wether or not a file is binary or text??? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Finalmadness

I am doing a program that will convert euros and yens to US dollars and then give the total amount of money upon exiting the program. I need a gift class to hold the total. Basically I did two file a ConvertCurrency file and a gift file. It is has …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for sudtuwup

Hello everyone. I am working on JFrame and i was wondering if i could somehow close the frame and then reopen it -whith a different contxet- using a loop.

Member Avatar for sudtuwup
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I have heard that static variable will make the program consume very much memory. It is because garbage collector (GC) will not work on static variable. Is that correct? I am also wondering when does the memory space of a static variable is allocated, during compile or during …

Member Avatar for George2
Member Avatar for iamthwee

hello, I am using netbeans and i wonder how you make a executalbe so you can drag and drop it into a floppy then run the prog on someone else's computer. Is it call making a jar file or sommthing. ANy help is this simple or wat? God bless.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nisaa15

Hi all, I would like some ideas as to how I would go about developing a trie to store a very small dictionary (of about 10 words). How would I get the program to get each word and make the relevant nodes and edges? Also dela with compressing it? Thanks …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for frogshooter

I've started to create a code that will design a chose applet for a cell phone company but I need to deactivate the bottom part of the applet until all the basic info is filled in then allowing the lower, choice part of the applet to be activated and choices …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for catherine1001

I've been told by a lot of people that the IT industry is constantly growing and in demand. Some with other views, saying its too hard, or that there aren't enough jobs. But guys Java, J2EE ,.Net is currently on demand. that can definetly fetch good job and earn big …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for sampitt

Hi, I am learning java and i am stuck at point where i don't know what i am doing wrong. I am trying to get a field that is being populated as True/False from the system to change to Yes/No. I know that i have to put an if/else statement …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vex

When using a JDialog how can I tell it where to open on the screen? Let's say I want to open it in the middle. Can I add a JDialog to a pane in a JFrame? A link to the proper java doc would be great. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Montrell274

I'm doing an assignment that implements the following interface [code]public interface MyStackInterface { public Character pop(); public void push (Character c); public boolean isEmpty(); public void clear (); } [/code] The objective is to properly arrange parenthesis, brackets, and braces. I was wondering should I use a data file or …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for glamo
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Robson13

I'm looking for any information how to open vaw file with java. Thanks in advance for any help.

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for vex

I have edited out my original question. I guess I needed to see the questions asked to figure it out :o

Member Avatar for shaji

I have an application web based. using Oracle backend and Java front end. App server is in weblogic and Solaris os and two cpu with 8 applications. DB server is oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris This application is getting slow when number of threads are more ( like many users login …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for phani8123

i want to know how we can connect from jsp in web-inf folder to a servlet inside the classes folder . what is the diffference if we connect to database by a -servlet and a ejb?which is the best .when are they best.why is jsp used to refer to a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for OllieFalle

I have changes a few things but still seem to be hitting a brick wall. I have been told that my note is drawn at the same position each time. Can anyone help with what i can do regarding this. Otherwise can anyone help with getting this thing to work. …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for phani8123

:cool: hi,iam working with sqlserver and i want to connect to jsp file i know the code but inorder to connect we also need some jar files how to set the path in tomcat? :?:

Member Avatar for shyamNambiar

The End.