Hey y'all! I'm fairly new to internet programming, and I'm surrently developping my first socket app in Java.. Now I have a question... I wrote a simple chat client to learn the commands, it uses a datagram socket (that's what I want to stick with for now) and sends/recieves messages.. Everything is functioning perfectly, I'll optimize it as time goes on and use the knowledge forevermore.. But I want to know something, something that I couldn't fund using google...
When you use the command socket.receive(NewPacket); it blocks program execution until an actual socket is received, thus preventing me from doing anything (ie sending a message while waiting for incomming ones).. How do I prevent this? In Visual Basic, I would use the command DoEvents, but what about in Java? Can anybody help me listen for incomming packets without clogging CPU or halting the rest of the program from functioning??? THANK YOU!! Here is my Listen method as-is:
public void ListenForData() {
// Recieve data
while (true) {
byte[] rcvm = new byte[MAXDATA];
DatagramPacket NewPacket = new DatagramPacket(rcvm, rcvm.length);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
txtRecieved.append("Message from " + NewPacket.getAddress()
+ ": " + new String(NewPacket.getData()) + "\n");
Also, I am not too sure about exeception handelling here so if I can't do it with continue please let me know.