I am not sure if any of you use a pvr. Linux offers some good choices. One of the choices is freevo, it is fully implemented in python. Of cource it uses tools like mplayer(video player) and others that are written in c/c++ .
I wrote python script that makes a config file that mplayer uses to crop movies. I like to make my widescreen avi fill a little more of the screen. I used to have to do this manually, usually using ssh, because these pvrs are not connected to the moniter(just a tv).
I just found a simple doc that allows you to integrate commands into the freevo interface. Now I am able to crop movies using the freevo interface.
I guess I posted this to tell the ease of ANYONE contruting to the freevo project in the form of plugins. I may clean up the code and submit it to be used. It would be a good feeling if someone else used my code :-)
this is the code for the command line application cropit
#!/usr/bin/env python
# cropit-0.2.1
# author shane lindberg
import os, sys, getopt, commands
# this function gets the command options
def get_opts(argv):
crop = '81'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:", ["help", "crop="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-c", "--crop"):
crop = arg
return (crop, args)
# this function gives a usage(help) message. This is either called be the user makeing an invalid
# option choice, or by choosing the -h or --help option
def usage():
print """\n
Usage: cropit [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Options available to cropit
-h, --help shows options available to cropit .
-c, --crop tells how much to crop the width of you avi file. The number
given is a percentage of the original, ex. -c 85 will crop
the width to 85% of the original. -c 100 will crop it to
100% of the original, which means no crop. The smaller the
number the larger the crop. The default crop is -c 81, or
81%. A typical range of 75 to 90 is prefered for most files.\n\n\n """
# this python function gets the dimensions of a video file and returns them as a tuple (width,height)
def getdimensions(v_video_file):
avitype_command= '/usr/bin/mplayer -vo null -identify -frames 0 "%s"' % v_video_file
output = commands.getoutput(avitype_command)
split = output.splitlines()
for i in split:
if i.startswith('ID_VIDEO_WIDTH='):
width = int(i.replace('ID_VIDEO_WIDTH=',''))
if i.startswith('ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT='):
height = int(i.replace('ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT=',''))
return (width, height)
# this function makes the movie.avi.conf file
def make_conf(v_video_file, v_dimensions, v_user_crop):
conf_name = "%s.conf" % (v_video_file)
width = v_dimensions[0]
height = v_dimensions[1]
cropped_width = int(float(v_user_crop)/100*width)
conf_file = open(conf_name, "w")
conf_file.write("vf=crop=%s:%s\n" %(cropped_width, height))
print os.path.abspath(conf_name)
def main():
options = get_opts(sys.argv[1:])
for i in options[1]:
if i.endswith('.avi') or i.endswith('.mp4'):
dimensions = getdimensions(i)
make_conf(i, dimensions, options[0])
then this is the plugin that allows integration into the freevo gui inteface. As of now it is hardcoded to my script location , but that can be fixed
#!/usr/bin/env python
# this is my first attempt to make a freevo plugin
import os
import time
import plugin
from gui.PopupBox import PopupBox
class PluginInterface(plugin.ItemPlugin):
This plugin is to enable the program 'cropit' to be integrated into
the freevo interface. the cropit program creates an mplayer config
file that tells mplayer to crop the avi file
If you want to activate it add this line to your
local config
def __init__(self):
def actions(self, item):
self.item = item
if item.mode == 'file' and os.path.isfile('%s.conf'%item.filename) != True:
return [ (self.cropit_normal, 'crop an average amount'),
(self.cropit_small, 'crop a small amount'),
(self.cropit_large, 'crop a large amount') ]
elif item.mode == 'file' and os.path.isfile('%s.conf'%item.filename) == True:
return [ (self.cropit_remove, 'remove the cropit config file') ]
return []
def cropit_normal(self,arg=None, menuw=None):
box = PopupBox(text=_('creating conf file...'))
os.system('/root/bin/cropit %s'%self.item.filename)
menuw.delete_menu(arg, menuw)
def cropit_small(self,arg=None, menuw=None):
box = PopupBox(text=_('creating conf file...'))
os.system('/root/bin/cropit -c 87 %s'%self.item.filename)
menuw.delete_menu(arg, menuw)
def cropit_large(self,arg=None, menuw=None):
box = PopupBox(text=_('creating conf file...'))
os.system('/root/bin/cropit -c 75 %s'%self.item.filename)
menuw.delete_menu(arg, menuw)
def cropit_remove(self,arg=None, menuw=None):
box = PopupBox(text=_('deleteing conf file...'))
os.system('rm -f %s.conf'%self.item.filename)
menuw.delete_menu(arg, menuw)
alot of the above code was copied form the example, but I added quite abit