35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for pentasoft4u

Hi, Can u guid me , how to connect the java with xml and I need to get the Data's from any database. Through a common xml file i need to fetch the data and an view through xml.. Can u help me how to do it using java. Regards, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for chip1123

Hey guys, I need help with this client server program I am working on. Description: The server program takes port # as a command-line argument and performs the following operations: 1. Opens a socket connection on the specified port 2. Listen for request from clients 3. When a client program …

Member Avatar for chip1123
Member Avatar for Klitzy

Hi guys, back again...You guys were very helpful before and I ended up approaching it a totally different way. I used the mathematical way which is hard to explain but well...it worked so thanks. Now I am having a problem constructing a program that prompts the user for a name …

Member Avatar for tknows
Member Avatar for shapeshifter

how do i do validation in java i want only the user to insert the letters x and X if not to display a message........actually i dont know how to do a validation in java can some one help

Member Avatar for skoiloth
Member Avatar for static

Hi everyone, Recently , I downloaded java jdk 5.0 beta and it didnt work. The error message box appeared evertyime i tred to install. Plz hlep. Thank You.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

I got an error as "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: JBuilder".my programe is create simple jframe and show hellow world on it. i think this is some problem with JBuilder, because when i run the same programe with "IntelliJ IDEA" did not get that error. thank you.

Member Avatar for DavidRyan
Member Avatar for bazmanblue

hello ive been trying to insert a java code to change the images of my buttons when the mouse is held over i have followed these codes <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function mouseOver() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop.png" } function mouseOut() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop2.png" } </script> </head> <body> <td width="191"><a href="[U][COLOR=#0033cc][URL]http://www.bob.com[/URL]"[/COLOR][/U] onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"> …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth
Member Avatar for fraogongi

Hi Everyone! I've been wondering what to do this semester for my final year project. Last semester i developed a java chat application, which i thoroughly enjoyed. This semester am clueless on what to do. Can someone offer me any suggestion? I woul gladly appreciate it.:rolleyes:

Member Avatar for tania23
Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth
Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth
Member Avatar for mysticcc

Hi I have a difficulty in insertion data. I wrote my html code (a form in it) and jsp code to get the form data and insert it to database. I don't get any error message but it doesn't insert data to database. My code is below. Where am I …

Member Avatar for mysticcc
Member Avatar for q8z

the object is not thread and he had a data about the number of threads and he have data on the result from the internet and all the threads get an manager object - new thread(this); I call it from the manager

Member Avatar for DavidRyan
Member Avatar for q8z

i have a program with 1 thread that run all the time and after I make connection to the internet - my memory get bigger with more than 25000 bytes and it all the time grow how can I make it smaller?

Member Avatar for DavidRyan
Member Avatar for q8z

i have picture that when i go right created communication to the internet in order to import new data. the communication to the internet blows the movement on the screen. how can I set low Priority to the internet thread - i use this: thread.setPriority(1); but it not help - …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for Angiana

Hello guyzz.... is there any1 tat know Matlab here? coz i have a doubt in one of my Matlab question and i hope some1 can help me wif it... thanx...

Member Avatar for Klitzy

Hi guys...Im new here and just registered a few minutes ago. I am a sophmore in high school and this is my first year of java. I have a program that I have to do for homework and I don't even know where to start. We have just begun learning …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kylethedarkn

I made a program that is supposed to ask for a shape and then make a green shape and then ask you if you wanted to make another shape. That didn't work so I changed it to ask if you wanted to make another shape after this one and put …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi All - Can you please look at this code for me? I need to be able to have this script LOAD A URL when the checkbox is checked and the SUBMIT is pressed.... Thanks so much!!! :) [INLINECODE]<head> <script> var checkobj function agreesubmit(el){ checkobj=el if (document.all||document.getElementById){ for (i=0;i<checkobj.form.length;i++){ //hunt …

Member Avatar for amellie
Member Avatar for q8z

this is the wat i make new thread: public void startThread(){ if (threadIsActivate==false){ new myThread(this); threadIsActivate = true; } } and this is my constructor : public myThread(Object o) { this.o = o; Thread thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); } //in object the thread make changes all the time after …

Member Avatar for shuchi_jain

hi i m MCA final yr student from IGNOU.This semester i have to deposit a project in java on the topic, "matrimonial site", just like any other matrimanial site like shadi.com .........etc..Im new to this field, Im not finding anyone to help me.Kindly provide me all sort of help u …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for vamsikirans

One of our clients,a Hyderabad (India)-based Company, with presence in US & Europe, has the following opening: [B]Position: "Senior PERL Programmer”[/B][B][/B] [B]Skill-set: (Mandatory) Perl, C++, Shell scripting, Java, JXB , PHP Scripting[/B] [B]Experience: 3+ Yrs (incl. 2+ yrs relevant exp)[/B] [B]Education: Graduates/Btech /BE /Mtech /ME /MCA /BSc. CS /MSc[/B] [B]Location: …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for Klitzy

Well, I have finished one of my programs and have been tracing it over and over. Trying to figure out my problem and I just can't seem to figure it out so I have decided to try and let another pair of eyes look at it. A very simple program. …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for himanjim

Hi friends, I have turned scrolling off in one of the frames of my webpage having id bottomFrame. But I want to turn scrolling on when a long web page opens in that frame using javascript. parent.bottomFrame.style.scrolling="yes"( I hope the syntax is correct) doesn't works.

Member Avatar for jrabhu
Member Avatar for stonemonolith

Hello. I'm new to Java and, I'm trying to set up a frame with an Exit Button that uses an event handler. But, it isn't working - here is the code, am I missing something? It isn't even getting inside the if statement. Any help would be appreciated import javax.swing.*; …

Member Avatar for stonemonolith
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have a text editor I've been working on, and I'm having some trouble with the undo/redo functions... It doesn't work, and I don't know what's wrong with it. I posted all of my code dealing with the undo function. I know it's a lot, but maybe you wont mind …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for cvr-grl

Hello to all !!! I just joined this site 2day & I hope it will be some help 2 me. I'm new to JAVA & I have a professor who stated that we have to learn JAVA on our own. My prgram is due Wed. by 10am. The program is …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Antiparadigm

Hello all, I've got an assignment due on thursday that is very easy, but I have one bug that is driving me nuts. The assigment is to just create a basic GUI with 1 label, a text box, and a few check boxes, so it's not that hard. The problem …

Member Avatar for Antiparadigm
Member Avatar for soccerdevil221

Does anybody know how to make a recruiting program for the MMORPG game of Kings of Chaos?

Member Avatar for aarya

[B]Intro[/B] Today more and more developers want to write distributed transactional applications for the enterprise and leverage the speed, security, and reliability and server-side technology. If you are already working in this area, you know that in today’s fast moving and demanding world e –commerce and information technology, enterprise have …


The End.