35,617 Topics
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Sorry, may seem like a dumb question, but I haven't seen anyone else ask it on here. I'm trying to create a stack of doubles, by casting them as I pop them out. The only trouble is that the compiler (eclipse) won't let me cast an object to a double. … | |
Hello I am currently creating an order form jsp page which contains a form. This form has several drop down menus - with one of them intending to read the contents of a database table which contains information. The database is set up and is ready to populate the drop … | |
Hello everyone, I am having trouble getting my Javadoc to work. It runs but it doesn't show anything in the HTML file that it creates. BTW I am using java 1.5.0_6 and I am using the latest version of Eclipse. I don't know why it didn't work, and I was … | |
hi everyone, I was wondering, for the class diagrams do i have to create for each use case one class diagram or it doesnt depend on use case.... thank you | |
Hi all, I have taken some code to read a file into an Byte array, which is then returned to another part of my code, below is what i have. [CODE] public void jButton6_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String Filelocation = "c:\\temp\\hello.txt"; try{ InputStream is = new FileInputStream(Filelocation); //get the size of … | |
How do you reverse a linked list using recursion, and return it as a string? String backwards(IntNode head): Create and return a string containing the values in the input list, separated by commas, in reverse order. The last number should not be followed by a comma. Spacing within the string … | |
Hi Im creating a new online rpg game that is currently under construction. The game will be set up just like the well known runescape but set in the Ancient world! All the info you need to know is located here... [url]http://emperor462.proboards105.com/index.cgi[/url] But what i wanted to know is if … | |
Hi, I'm writing a program and it saying their are two missing return statements . can u help me to find the two missing return statements ? :-| [PHP] import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class DayOfWeek { static Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); static public class Day { private String … | |
I have the following program working. It takes an array of numbers and returns the index value of each number. However, what I want it to do is to get an integer from input from a user and return the index value of just that integer. If the integer is … | |
// My JSP coding. This is stored in the following path http://localhost:8080/vennila/test.jsp <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>DataBase Search</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <%@ page language="Java" import="java.sql.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="db" scope="application" class="SQLBean.DbBean"/> <jsp:setProperty name="db" property="*" /> <%! ResultSet rs = null ; ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null ; int numColumns ; int i; %> <center> <h2> Results from … | |
Sorry for the crummy subject, but I have a serious problem here. I'm trying to check myself as I code and I keep having issues with seeing "old" code. I'm putting together an applet for a class assignment, and I have been periodically trying to view my code (what it's … | |
Please people help me with some ideas... everything is necessary now..... here is my code: this thing is supposed to read from a file random numbers and generate the so called Process control block with burst time and the number of the process: import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class PassProcess … | |
Hey.. I am working on this project, where you have to simulate cpu scheduling for 10 processes. I have to use only 2 algorithms like FCFS and Priority. The basic code would be randomly generating 2 files: "burst_time.txt" and "priority.txt" and then reading the random times. I have to save … | |
HI all, I'm having trouble putting a GUI on an existing java server program i have. I have added a frame to the code but all it does so far is pop up, there is no interaction.. I've tried moving all of my functions accross but to no avail.. i … | |
I have a mm-a940 samsung is there any thing I can do to tweak this phone for better | |
please can you help me in this BankAccount code i do it but the teacher remove some my code and ask me when i see complete i complete but i when i do it i have some error can you help me i will post my code the client code: … | |
i am trying to connect java program to mysql databse. bascically i am aphp programmer. now i want to lear j2ee so i was trying to connect to mysql database.i am getting the error as not able to load the drive thi sis my code import java.sql.*; public class tc … | |
Hi, supposed to implement a game where the queen(counter) is supposed to travel over all 64 squares in 16 moves and it must highlight or mark squares allready passed over. Been at this for last two nights and begining to lose patience any help would be great, thanks. Code is … | |
Me again. Another stump. This time I have to recieve two inputs from the user and perform a few math operations using both those two inputs. Meaning I have [B]String a, b;[/B] for my two user inputs. Is it possible to get all 4 of my math operations, addition, aubtraction, … | |
Hello! Can anyone tell me how to make use of the End of Line constant (TT_EOL) when reading data from a file into a Vector? I understand that TT_EOL returns and int, while vectors only hold class types (Double in my case), so how can you compare the two? I … | |
i am trying to learn j2ee .can anbody help from where i have to downlaod and waht i have to download thanks | |
Hi, basically I have an array of JButtons 0-25 labeled A through to Z. When each of the buttons are clicked I need to call a function passing the letter value. I thought that I could do this like this: [I] if (buttonObj == letterButton[0]) { functionName(); }[/I] But I … | |
How do I go about defining the average and total variables in the following script? Assistance is appreciated... Ben import javax.swing.JOptionPane; class minmax { /** Main Method */ public static void main(String[] args) { final double TOTAL_NUMBERS = 5; //Convert string to double double Average = Double.parseDouble(averageString); //Convert string to … | |
Hi, i'm now making a project of sending ,receiving ..with SMS.I think only sending, receivng,includeing error handlin doesn't make my project complete. What do i need to improve my proj. plz ignore my mistakes. :cheesy: Thank You | |
how do one convert a truth table to boolean equation,I can convert the other way round like below; //Suppose Z = (A.B + C)' public class Boolean_to_truth { public static void main(..... { int a,b,c,z; System.out.println("A B C Z"); for(a = 0;a<=1;a++) for(b = 0;b<=1;b++) for(c = 0;c<=1;c++) } z … | |
(code) function recalcnet(txt) { switch (txt) { case '0' : recalcnet1(); break;}} function recalcnet1() { var prevbal = 0; var demand = 0; var whatif = 0; var sched = 0; prevbal = document.getElementById('BegInvTextbox').value; demand = document.getElementById('dm1TextBox').value; whatif = document.getElementById('ifm1TextBox').value; sched = document.getElementById('fmm1TextBox').value; document.getElementById('nm1TextBox').value(prevbal - demand + whatif + sched)}; … | |
my application is to reserv a resourse by entering start time and end time before reserving i need to check the availability in the database My problem is (for eg)i 'm requesting reserving by entering startime as 10.00 and end time as 14.00 on a particular day if they had … | |
[B]Hello,all I need an urgent help for my senior project I have to do a java program that acts as a SMS server for my SAMBA GSM modem , but its accessed by USB . How to initialize the USB library in java and what can I do to write … | |
Hi, i was writing a program to make permutations of strings, but I ran into a snag and can't figure out what's wrong. It prints out the permutated strings, but some of them are duplicates. I attached the source Thanks for the help. |
The End.