35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for peter_budo

I'm trying to create a login for clients to server based on three way handshake. Client send his username in synchrinization to server, server acknowledge and send random encryption string to client with request for password, client encrypt password and send over to server. If password ok connection established. I'm …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for rabidpanda

Well, I'm working on the hangman program. We were told to do it with three classes, a hangman class, an interface class and a tester class. I got the program working at school last night, but when I loaded it at home, it doesnt compile right. The hangman class will …

Member Avatar for rabidpanda
Member Avatar for bondito

Hi Everyone, i am trying to use an encryption class to encrypt pasword characters, i have modified the encryption class correctly, but i am getting an unreachable statement error and a missing return statement error. Pls could any one tell me what the problem might be with the code. Thanks …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Stewie

Hello, I am very new to java so my question might seem stupid :p anyway I am in a class where we are makeing a patron loading system for a library (every one else in the class is new to java also :) ) we have our basic form built …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for erez131165

I realy need this script: [URL="http://www.jscode.com/js_auto_bookmark.shtml"]http://www.jscode.com/js_auto_bookmark.shtml[/URL] unlike a regular bookmark, it grabs automaticly the page url & title to be added. one problem: i just dont know how to make the link to the script as a picture, insted of "bookmark us!" text. any help with this please?:eek:

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Mr.coolguy

Hi all, i am new to java field, can anyone help me out to create a data base for security or Guard to enter the details of the employee and his phone number and also to replace incase his idcard is broken?? help me out using Java/JSP thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for Mr.coolguy
Member Avatar for erez131165

I need this script: [URL="http://www.jscode.com/js_auto_bookmark.shtml"]http://www.jscode.com/js_auto_bookmark.shtml[/URL] i just dont know how to make the link as a picture, insted of "bookmark us!" text/ any help with this ?:eek:

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for arekondaramesh

ACL used in Weblogic 6.x has been deprecated and replaced by security policy.why this is removed and what are the problems caused by this when included in weblogic 6.0 :sad: ramesh

Member Avatar for arekondaramesh

hai why need the deployment descriptor in the form of xml files only. and in deploying ejbs we have to define 3 files like... weblogic.xml, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ra.xml files why we need 3 seperate xml files. iam a new be to ejb technologies :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for arekondaramesh

hai iam newbie in java programming. i declared like this: StringBuffer s1=new String Buffer("hello"); StringBuffer s2=s1; i want to know exactly how many objects created: 2 or 3 am not certain suppose i want to show the number of objets in System.out.println().... how i need to proceed.... regards ramesh :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for kiran kumar
Member Avatar for bondito

Hi everyone, i am building a voting system and i am trying to count the number of votes for each candidate to be stored in a candidates table in the field voteresult, i have stored the results in a bean, and written the sql query statement in a jsp page. …

Member Avatar for shimul_bari

Hello everybody, I am having a great problem in my class project. I have to play multiple files in different output ports of the sound card same time. Explanation: Suppose i hav 1 speaker and 1 headphone connected to my pc. Now i hav to play 2 files in such …

Member Avatar for shimul_bari
Member Avatar for Phaelax

Is there a way to set the number of spaces shown for a tab? (tab as in a tab character) I've made an editor using a StyledEditorKit and StyledDocument, but tabs give more spaces than I would prefer.

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for lwinn213

Hi All. I have been given a task where I have been asked to implement a Java RMI version of an SFTP (Simple File Transfer Protocol) Client / Server. It must use the following commands: list - list files in current directory cd - change directory get filename - copy …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for computergenie

Hi people, I am new to the world of Java and i am stuck on something. let me explain. let say you had a program you opened up. Usually if you click on an Help menu then click "about" it dispays information about the program like version, copyright etc. Do …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for baron

I can't find out how to complete • MIN_GROUP_SIZE x1 x2 .. xr at the expected time comp' Please help me i'm stack at this point for a week.. For the other function i had created a smart array with pointers.

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for tlyons86

Hello I am in need of help with my java programming class project. I am able to start the project but some parts I'm having major problems with. I need some hints to solving my problems. The description is so long because I want everyone to understand exactly what the …

Member Avatar for tlyons86
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, I am writing a report(final year) and wanted to do a white box testing on a section of a code that i implemented(i am using eclipse), should i draw a diagram (e.g. for an if statement or while loop) and do it using cyclomatic complexity, or just describe how …

Member Avatar for iamthwee

How can I plot graphs in java? I mean to say is there any API I can use for plotting stuff like `y = 5x^2 + 3x - 3`: with the x and y axis ...and with units? ThanQ

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for arekondaramesh

hai i need to address these things theoritically.... MAIN TOPIC: Migration of Weblogic Server 6.X to 8.1 SUB POINTS: JDK 1.4.1 JRockit JVM J2EE specification EJB 2.0 specification EJB QL JSP specification Java Bean specification Security (JAAS, LDAP v2 security realm) Weblogic Specification WebLogic Server Installation for Multi-Zone Operation on …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for aarya

i am trying to learn java bean . i wanted to know how i have to compile and where. i m little bit confused.weather i need BDK?.PLEASE ANY BODY HELP ME

Member Avatar for techkar
Member Avatar for TAISM2000

I am looking for someone who can create me a Java Program for 3 Excercises and 2 mini-projects. The excercises will take almost 3 weeks to finish and the 2 mini-projects will take about a month. I will pay one time online checq, after i e.mail the content to you …

Member Avatar for bellars
Member Avatar for parandhaman

hi, i am parandhaman.gr from chennai,india. please suggest me a website that allows me to see the latest Enhancements in java developer kit.:p

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for raam

hi, I have close the taskbar of linux wen i run my java program.I searched the net and some people said i should use jni .I do not know how to write a jni to close the taskbar of lnux.Is there any shell command that will close the task bar …

Member Avatar for techkar

hi all, here I'm having a problem, When u type a letter on the textbox it shoud display the remaining or matched name from the database, on or below the text box.It is named as [B](autocomplete)[/B].I searched on popular search engines but coul'd find the solution. If any of you …

Member Avatar for cpweb
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, is it necessary to close a database connection after the job is done? if yes why? thank you

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for tekyiman

I've downloaded Java jdk 5.0 and jre 5.0. to my Windows XP. The downloads are NOT listed in the "All Programs"; they're in the "Add or Remove Programs" in the CONTROL PANEL. How do I make java appear along with my other programs in the "All Programs" list? And once …

Member Avatar for bbb777b7
Member Avatar for peter_budo

Can somebody suggest some good and cheap JSP provider with MySQL (UK if possible). ( :lol: know cheap but i'm student and need something to practice on as uni service has limitations) Thank you

Member Avatar for techkar
Member Avatar for uth

I am trying to execute a batch file which in turn executes an exe and writes output to a file, through java. I do not know why but the output file is not always written. Sometimes the program terminates without writing the file and sometimes it does. Any suggestions? Is …

Member Avatar for uth
Member Avatar for an051682

Hi, I am an Engineering student. i need a java code that can convert Alphabets to numbers. i.e, a to 1,b to 2.................................z to 26 kindly Help

Member Avatar for server_crash

The End.