35,617 Topics
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Dear Experts, I am Manoj, I had been alloted with the project [B]online messaging system [/B] as a final project. i think it would very similar to the space where i am Posting , it should change the BackGround Color, icons etc please show me the way to do this. … | |
hi, how would i install jbuilder under fedora 5? is that possible.. thanks | |
Hi, How do i align text to the right in java? Default its from left... Thnx in advance! | |
I'm trying to find all quoted strings in a given text so that I can apply proper highlighting. I've tried various regex but can't seem to get the results I want. [code] String line = "a big \"yellow\" dog! And a \"purple\" bird!"; String[] tokens = line.split("\".+\""); [/code] That cuts … | |
Hi, Im having a lil problem which is kinda fustrating me. This line of the code: g.fillRect( xPos, yPos - 20 - sensor[i], 20, sensor[i] ); the last sensor[i] besides how high the rect will be. And in this case that would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and … | |
I am new to java programming. I kept getting this problem cannot resolve symbol. I really don't know what went wrong. I am using J2SE SDK 1.5 and jGRASP 1.8.3. The code are below. Hope I can get a reply ASAP. Thanks.. [COLOR=#0000ff]1 [/COLOR][COLOR=#941edf]import[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] java.util.Scanner; [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]2 3 [/COLOR][COLOR=#941edf]public[/COLOR][COLOR=#941edf]class[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Pay [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]4 … | |
Where can i download all Java advanced tutorials in Java sun .com i want the specific link | |
I am using FocusTraversalPolicy policy in my Swing Project for tab out functionality. In some screens some componenets(combo box , textbox etc) are disabled in between some enabled components. So when i tab out from those which are enabled it loses focus when i tab out as that component after … | |
I'm new at Java, and I'm probably just an idiot, but I need to know how to show an answer as both a fraction and a decimal. Can anyone tell me how? | |
hi, I want to know what a thread is and what it is used for. also how it is used...:mrgreen: thanks | |
I have the following problem with a servlet in production on the Internet. I am using POST in a servlet to send the data to the servlet. I see in the log from the servlet that in rare cases the post parameters received in the servlet are null, and when … | |
Hi plz if i have a text file file1.txt contains for example: Hi Bob ? How are You? I need to meet u. See u Bye and i need to copy this file contents to another file but without line separator i need to ignore it so i want for … | |
:sad: Hi ,I have a text file and it contains a message ,I want to extract the last four characters in this file and then convert it to integer i did the following: FileInputStream Received_Message=new FileInputStream ("MyFile.txt"); BufferedReader buff2=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Received_Message)); System.out.println("Your Received message is as following:"); while((recv_Message=buff2.readLine() )!=null){ System.out.println(recv_Message); … | |
![]() | is there any method to split this line into StringTokenizer or by regular express? [B]1009027,"PMP Exam Prep (4th Edition)","",8,0,0,5,4,"Paperback","0971164738","","",89,89,743,"01 October, 2002","Project management@@@Examinations, questions, etc@@@Study Aids@@@Professional@@@Architecture@@@Tests@@@Study Guides@@@Education@@@Business & Economics@@@","0971164738"[/B] i wanna split the word by the delimiter "," but i found that there is some "," inside the double quote....so is … |
I wrote a simple program for tictactoe and have everything working except a method to check and see if a player has won the game diagonally. I am not sure how to write the for loop to check the board. Code: [INLINECODE] public class Board extends ReactiveDrawingPanel implements GameConstants { … ![]() | |
When using the modulus, if a<b, then a%b = a. But why, if a is negative, does -a%b = -a? According to the division algorithm, the remainder r must be >= 0 and <|b|. | |
Hello, I am trying to write a simple updater program (in Java). A client would connect to the server, which would hand out any files it needs updated. One example would be updating a Java .class file. I have tried to just copy a class file, to see if that … | |
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to find how many lines there are in a text file, and if so can you find out how many lines in the text file start with a particular word (an identifier). Thanks | |
hi, what is the difination name, when a method calls itself in its body? thanks | |
i'm making a project based on a UML, and i have a method that i don´t no how to do it, and what is to do. [CODE] public VertexIterator getEdgesIterator(){ // TO IMPLEMENT }[/CODE] here's the class WeightedEdge and Vertex : Classe Vertex [CODE]package SegundoTrabalhoTerceiraPartePrimeiraPergunta; import java.util.*; public class Vertex … | |
Hello, My problem is to connect through mobile to a servlet in web server and then collect some data . I hav built a servlet which serves this requests. I tworks fine in my pc. but after uploading it to web server it cannot connect to that server. Can anyone … | |
Hi, I have an error, during accessing a datbase using jsp:useBean from jsp.Urgent i need this one my source code ispackage SQLBean; DbBean.java import java.sql.*; import java.io.*; public class DbBean implements java.io.Serializable{ private String dbDriver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; private Connection dbCon; public DbBean(){ super(); } public boolean connect() throws ClassNotFoundException,SQLException{ Class.forName(dbDriver); … | |
Hi All! I've been working on a simple MVC style / struts web application which will allow a user to view a product database and have the option to update a record. The initial index.jsp page works and forwards to the right locations, the update page displays but is producing … | |
hi, can a server and client application communicate using strings. for example say server sends ok and error for each request received....... thanks | |
I'm fairly new to java and need someone to point me in the right direction. I'm writing a non web-based java program, and part of that program requires the ability to download files from websites (e.g. images, zip etc). I tried looking through the java class descriptions on the sun … | |
Hi my name is Knightofdurham but my friends call me Knight anyways i am a student in the Uk doing information systems and management. ANyways the reason I have registered to this website is because i need help with one of my java programs. Basically at the moment it sorts … | |
Hi Friends, i made a window with a Panel and painted a text on it. Now i want to set a background color for the panel but it does not reflect in the window.. i am posting the code here.. Please let me know if anything is wrong with the … | |
Ok got a new problem i've started to implement a GUI for my program but for some reason in the actionlistener metho i cannot pass the method i want to display.. I dont know what im doing wrong because i am not familiar with using GUIs... can somebody please help … | |
Does anyone know how to use JTAPI and JSAPI and how to configure thse two in the system also tell if we want to swith on our phone automatically from phone if any incoming come then what is the procedure does the motherboard have inbuild feature for this? | |
how to connect jsp with oracle database |
The End.