35,617 Topics
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Thanks to those who replied. I have seen the light and corrected the problem(s). I'm set. Again, thank you. | |
I am attempting to learn Java and am having a time of it. I am wanting to write a program that will allow a user to input number...then output them in reverse order. If someone would be so kind as to look at it and provide me with suggestions or … | |
Hi mate...This is Andy here.... I need help in JAVA...I know nothing abt JAVA...& also very poor in programming..... The following is question for my assignment.Can you plzz help me out... Problem Situation You will write a small application which might be used by a shopkeeper to hold and maintain … | |
I am new to Java and have ran this several different ways nothing works. My instructor is requiring that the BufferedReader be used in the program I am attempting to write. I can convert to doubles and can do String but it will not work with integers. (This method for … | |
Hi every one I am working in an appliction that lets the speaker get access to the rtp stream coming from an Ip telephone. The idea is to have all the soun of the telephone in the PC. I get the voice but I also get a horrible noise al … | |
Hi I am using Nokia SDk for J2me and am trying to compile. I do not know how to set the classpath. I set it by going to Control Panel -> System->advanced->Environment Variable. There I clicked on the Edit button after selecting the "CLASSPATH" variable My classpath is "C:\WINNT\System32\QTJava.zip;C:\Nokia\Devices\Series_60_MIDP_SDK_for_Symbian_OS_v_1_2_1\lib\Series_60_MIDP_SDK_for_Symbian_OS_v_1_2_1\j2me-debug.zip" BUt … | |
Hey everyone, I've got a recordset of terms in my page. I know the recordset has all the terms from the sql table within it because i can get it to print just fine to screen. I need to put the recordset into an array. That way, a script that … | |
Hi all... I have a JFrame, which contains a JTabbed Pane, which contains two JPanels. The problem is that when I run the program, a completely grey frame shows up, and the contents only becomes visible when I click on the border of the frame. Here is the code. Compile … | |
i know java, ive had two classes in it but ive only written it in notepad.. lol so here im trying to make an applet in netbeans and implement an action listener.. why do i get an error at my first line here: [code]import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class applet1 … | |
hey, wanted to know if anyone knew how we would use a 'directed acyclic word graph' (dawg) to generate a computer players move in scrabble. Know of any algorithms, have you got any code snippets i can see? | |
I am very new to java and have to create a programme to average data. The scope is as follows: I have two .txt files with collumns of data: file1.txt is something like 2 xxx xxx xxx 3 xxx xxx xxx 4 xxx xxx xxx ... 100 xxx xxx xxx … | |
Hi there I am new to JAVA, I would like to create a line 2 pixels wide that moves across my screen. The line should be a bezier curve and should animate pixel by pixel. I would like to have 200 fps and four seconds from animation start to end. … | |
I’m here because my best buddy has told me to go into forum do discussed with people and reach to your resolution. I've downloaded ucertify java test software, next month mye xam will go. Less time, the TestKit provides 5 full-length exam simulations, containing 285 questions, 150 pop quiz questions … | |
I'm new to Java and the Prof. asked us to create a program that prints out the Avg, Min & max of a set of Array values and I can't find a class or method that seem to do this . Any help would be much apperciated!!!! :rolleyes: | |
Hello everyone, I just started learning Java, I like it so far because it is very similar to c#, which I am familar with. But I can't get programs to compile for me. It gives me an error saying 'Exception in thread "main" ' I am using NetBeans to compile … | |
heres an easy one..how do I make it... rob | |
Hi everyone, Take a look at the following code block. [CODE] ->Class InterruptionDialog public class InterruptionDialog extends JDialog { //Fields Thread currentThread; JButton interruptionButton; //Constructor public InterruptionDialog(JFrame parent, boolean modal, Thread t) { super(parent, modal); currentThread = t; interruptionButton = new JButton("Click to interrupt"); interruptionButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void ActionPerformed(Event … | |
I started over with reading my certification book, and I'm now on page 113. It says that an interface can extend one or more other interfaces.....I thought you could only extend one thing, or do they mean the interfaces that the extended interface extended? | |
So, in my applet, I need to run two threads, each using the same "communicationDriver" class: comIn, and comOut. Each has a socket connecting to port 2002 and 2001 respectively. I init my applet as such: public void init() { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { makeGUI();}}); } Then … | |
I'm seeking for java2 certification. I downloaded ucertify product. Question are on right quality. 150 challenging practice questions have been included to closely model the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam. If i purchased it before release then i could have able to got 40% discount. Test … | |
I have an applet that needs to have a sending socket and a receiving socket, each unidirectional, on ports 2001 and 2002. now, i tried making each one in a thread and it did not work. can someone give me a code example as to how to do this? i … | |
hi guys, im in my first few weeks of working with java, and am finding it hard to complete an excercise i've been given. We are working with a java program that works over 3 files, and we have to "fill in the blanks". trouble is, i don't know what … | |
I’m here because my best buddy has told me to go into forum do discussed with people and reach to your resolution. I've downloaded ucertify java test software, next month mye xam will go. Less time, the TestKit provides 5 full-length exam simulations, containing 285 questions, 150 pop quiz questions … | |
Hey I'm trying to write a program to make a simple Tic-Tac-Toe Program. I just started coding it, so this is my rough draft version, i haven't worked on lots of checks i know i need to do later. However I have a big problem I cant seem to figure … | |
I need a better JSP Discussion Board. The site that I have came from a pre-built software. I had to do a lot of extra coding to change things up but I am having a hard time with the Discussion Board. Everything is in .html and .jsp pages. The Discussion … | |
Hi, I seperated the layout with struts tiles. Now my question is how can I add scrollable feature to the left panel. Although it is inside the table as: <td valign="top" height="100%" width="100%"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" class="st08"> <tr> <td height="100%" valign="top" style="border-right: 3px solid ;" > <tiles:insert attribute="left.panel"/> </td> … | |
I want to start studying for the scjp exam but I'm not too sure where to start... Does anyone have some good book or link suggestions? | |
THIS IS MY CODE, at the end is the nullpointer error i get....hope you can help me.... public class CuartaApp { // These fields are read in from the application.properties file. This file // must be populated with a valid IP address for Avaya Communication // Manager, as well as … | |
HI, I am trying to implement a scrabble computer player that is capable of beating a human player. I dont not know how to go about starting this project (other than designing a GUI for the game itself). Any advice on how i would store and search the dictionary quickly … | |
Does anyone have a few good sites that give you some practice java questions? I'm not tallking about java certification questions, just regular old java questions about the language. I need a lot of them, so please post as many sites as you can. |
The End.