Hey everyone,
I've got a recordset of terms in my page. I know the recordset has all the terms from the sql table within it because i can get it to print just fine to screen.
I need to put the recordset into an array. That way, a script that finds as you type will work in the textbox. I cannot figure out how to get the recordset into the array properly. the script works fine with the included arrays, so I know there isn't a problem with anything, but my ability to get these terms into the array correctly :o )
<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*,java.lang.String" %>
<%@ include file="Connections/webcat.jsp" %>
Driver Driverkeywords = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_webcat_DRIVER).newInstance();
Connection Connkeywords = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_webcat_STRING,MM_webcat_USERNAME,MM_webcat_PASSWORD);
PreparedStatement Statementkeywords = Connkeywords.prepareStatement("SELECT term FROM dbo.WDINterm ORDER BY term ASC");
ResultSet keywords = Statementkeywords.executeQuery();
boolean keywords_isEmpty = !keywords.next();
boolean keywords_hasData = !keywords_isEmpty;
Object keywords_data;
int keywords_numRows = 0;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="actb.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>
var customarray=new Array('an apple','alligator','elephant','pear','kingbird','kingbolt', 'kingcraft','kingcup','kingdom','kingfisher','kingpin');
var custom2 = new Array('something','randomly','different');
// this is where i want to put the array of my terms, the two arrays
// above are demo arrays, but hard coded, not loaded from a database query like i would like to achieve
//this is some garbage i put in the page to make sure the values were indeed loading the recordset, indeed they are
while (keywords.next()) {
//this is the text box that as a user types in something, based up an array, it will auto-complete similar to Google Suggest's functionality
<input type='text' style='font-family:verdana;width:300px;font-size:12px' id='tb' value=''/>
var obj = actb(document.getElementById('tb'),customarray);
//setTimeout(function(){obj.actb_keywords = custom2;},10000);
So again, how can i take those items from the recordset and fill an array? Especially one in the format like:
var custom3 = new Array('term1fromquery','term2fromquery','term3fromquery');
Thanks for any help you can give me!