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217 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Troy

This is a simple to use, self-contained website slideshow utility. Do you have a monitor or TV setup in your lobby where you'd like to present web content automatically? With this HTML/Javascript page, simply edit an array of pages or "slides". You define a title, duration, and URL for each …

Member Avatar for PROSYS_1
Member Avatar for AhmedHan

I've never heard of Tripod, but there is a Daniweb member who recently installed a package that puts Apache, MySQL, PHP, and other stuff in a single install. I can't seem to find that post or remember the product name, but it was not "Tripod". I assume you are talking …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for zippee

Yes, mod_rewrite is what you want if you are using Apache. If anybody has any proof, I'd like to see it, but the official word from Google and others is that data-driven content (.ASP, .PHP, .JSP, etc.) is not a problem for their spiders. The only problem for spiders associated …

Member Avatar for mikerock
Member Avatar for Troy

class_session.php is a session management and password protection class. It can be used to perform 2 major functions: 1. Create and maintain session state between page hits. The class does this using simple session cache files into which the session is stored as a serialized array. This is similar to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ian111

This may be a stupid question, but, you do know that with PHP as an Apache module, you need to restart Apache (httpd) to see your php.ini changes?

Member Avatar for Nika111
Member Avatar for sri_sep29

Debugging tip: You mention that you run the statement in MySql window, and it works, but did you actually copy & paste the statement as generated by your code? Right after you build the $sql variable, output it like so: [php] echo $sql; exit(); [/php] Then copy & paste that …

Member Avatar for Starfox275
Member Avatar for michael123

Yep, the documentation at [url][/url] makes it pretty clear. If you code PHP, you probably want to keep open in a browser at all times! Very nice documentation, and the comments can be a lifesaver---when they are accurate anyway! In my applications, and I have to think in most …

Member Avatar for GuggiTanvi
Member Avatar for michael123

To remove code tags, check out PHP's strip_tags function. [url][/url] You can easily parse or split text based on Returns ("\n"), but you are right, if the user does not hit Return, the text will wrap to another line in the textarea, but is actually not a seperate line. All …

Member Avatar for cicovy
Member Avatar for Troy

Does your organization use Microsoft Exchange? Do you have a need to incorporate your Exchange data with your PHP web applications? You can use the WebDAV methods to query your Microsoft Exchange Server using the PHP scripting language. Once you wrap your brain around these techniques, the sky is the …

Member Avatar for dskanth
Member Avatar for i love my vans

[url=""][/url] index.php: [PHP] <?php if (!isset($_GET['page']) { $page = "about"; // Default page } else { $page = $_GET['page']; } include ("/content/".$page.".php"); ?> [/PHP]

Member Avatar for rekhasuresh
Member Avatar for Majdaa

I am not an expert in this field, but the way many barcode scanners work is simply as a keyboard interrupt. That is, they decode the code, and enter the code text AS IF it was typed using the keyboard. So for example, you could have a PHP web page, …

Member Avatar for chayan.cjee
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm very interested in this answer, too. Hopefully some light will be shed on this thread.

Member Avatar for devpk
Member Avatar for Bill_Thompson

[QUOTE=Bill_Thompson]Edit and debug PHP without having to upload to a sever constantly.[/QUOTE] Quick tip: I use PSPad as my code editor. Like many advanced editors, it includes the ability to edit files directly on your webserver using ftp. So you "open" files from your ftp server. When you save, it …

Member Avatar for elina4u
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

[QUOTE=bytesurfer]Just wanna ask what is the different with uncommented and commented.[/QUOTE] The difference between an uncommented and commented line is that one is commented and the other is not! :eek: A "commented" line will be ignored by the processor -- comments only exist for the human reader. In many configuration …

Member Avatar for baedaar
Member Avatar for Madmax

[QUOTE=relawson]You know, this feature isn't in Oracle as I recently discovered. Is it considered bad to use autoincrementing numbers? Certainly makes it easy to maintain a primary key with little effort. I am just trying to understand in what situation you wouldn't want to use that feature. Obviously Oracle doesn't …

Member Avatar for hgdfjguigh
Member Avatar for Troy

This is a PHP script that allows javascript clients to request content they otherwise would not be able to. With the popularity of AJAX (using the XmlHttpRequest object in the browser), many developers are becoming aware of the cross-domain scripting limitation. This is a security feature that prevents client-side scripts …

Member Avatar for umakantp
Member Avatar for nike123

It might be useful for a newbie to understand that it is very easy to enable the IIS webserver on your own Windows computer. The problems are: [list] [*]Speed. Home internet connections do not usually have enough bandwidth to handle much traffic, but this is not a problem for most …

Member Avatar for btesfaamlak
Member Avatar for Virii

Whether you are using PHP4 or 5, I have 2 PHP classes that will give you almost everything you need. They come with LOTS of code comments and clear examples. [b]class_http.php [/b]- Use this to pull the documents from the remote servers. Includes a caching feature to make you a …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for fsn812

I'm a "professional web developer". For over 10 years, I've developed browser-based, database applications. I started my programming career writing client-server apps with PL/B. I moved to CGI web apps using PL/B. Then I moved to ASP/VBScript and SQL Server for web dev. When ASP.NET came on the scene, I …

Member Avatar for mama_rock
Member Avatar for kc0arf

Thanks, Christian. I appreciate your review. My web servers are still FC2. I only use Linux for serving, so I don't install any of the GUI tools. Each new release, though, gets me closer to attempting a complete switch over to Linux for all my OS needs. There are still …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for Troy

class_http.php is a "screen-scraping" utility that makes it easy to scrape content and cache scraped content for any number of seconds desired before hitting the live source again. Caching makes you a good neighbor! The class has 2 static methods that make it easy to extract individual tables of data …

Member Avatar for Samir
Member Avatar for Troy

class_db.php is a database class that provides methods to work with mysql, postgres, and mssql databases. Other database types can be easily added. The class provides a common interface to the various database types. A powerful feature of the class is the ability to cache datasets to disk using a …

Member Avatar for ethen_th
Member Avatar for JRED

I'm sure the code is good, but I recommend the use of the popular ADOdb class library for database access. It is fast and robust and allows you to use the same code to connect to multiple databases as needed.

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for ReDuX
Member Avatar for loyaltrekie

Well, there is a lot to cover here, and a lot you need to learn obviously. :) I will start, and I'm sure others will pitch in as well. Some things you need to clarify: [list=1] [*]Do you have access to and know how to use phpMyAdmin to administrate your …

Member Avatar for Toxikr3
Member Avatar for larry78

I just struggled for 2 days to solve this same problem for my company--except I'm using PHP. Your job should be a bit easier since all the official examples are in VBScript, VB, VB.NET, C#, or C++. I would direct you to the Microsoft WebDAV Reference wth code examples. Click …

Member Avatar for kirill.krylov
Member Avatar for realestninja

Hey, I want to write a Word Processor to compete with Microsoft and put Microsoft Office out of business. Can somebody show me how to do that? ;) JUST KIDDING!

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for croft

So you want a process that will parse these emails to get specific bits of data, store this data in a database, then have an interface to display the data in a meaningful format? If what I describe above is what you want, then you'd go about it by creating …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for cynch

I can't help but ask. cynch, you do realize that this login script has zero security value, right? The username and password are written out to the browser and viewable in the source code.

Member Avatar for Stuart S2
Member Avatar for Troy

[url=""][b][url=""][/url][/b][/url] I've written what I think is a high-quality PHP class for screen-scraping external (or internal) web content. The class includes features to cache scraped content for any number of seconds. So for example, if you want to show stock market data on your site that you scrape from a …

Member Avatar for WebSnail

The End.