Guys, right now i'm trying to develop a php file that can scan a virus in a server. The file and the virus definition i kept in a separate folder I named it 'virus'. I mean my website is not in a same folder as the virus scanner file. After I've tried to execute it, this error occured;
read())) { $isdir = @is_dir($folder.'/'.$entry); if (!$isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') { virus_check($folder.'/'.$entry,$defs,$debug); } elseif ($isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') { file_scan($folder.'/'.$entry,$defs,$debug); } } $d->close(); } } function virus_check($file, $defs, $debug = true) { global $filecount, $infected, $report, $extensions; // find scannable files $scannable = 0; foreach ($extensions as $ext) { if (substr($file,-3)==$ext) $scannable = 1; } // compare against defs if ($scannable) { // affectable formats $filecount++; $data = file($file); $data = implode('\r\n', $data); $clean = 1; foreach ($defs as $virus) { if (strpos($data, $virus[1])) { // file matches virus defs $report .= '
Infected: ' . $file . ' (' . $virus[0] . ')
'; $infected++; $clean = 0; } } if (($debug)&&($clean)) $report .= '
Clean: ' . $file . '
'; } } function load_defs($file, $debug = true) { // reads tab-delimited defs file $defs = file($file); $counter = 0; $counttop = sizeof($defs); while ($counter < $counttop) { $defs[$counter] = explode(' ', $defs[$counter]); $counter++; } if ($debug) echo '
Loaded ' . sizeof($defs) . ' virus definitions
'; return $defs; } function check_defs($file) { // check for >755 perms on virus defs clearstatcache(); $perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-2); if ($perms > 55) return false; else return true; } function renderhead() { ?>
In other words, it became unintelligable. By the way, below is the coding that I developed;
$debug = true;
file_scan("http://localhost/pets/", $defs, true);/*my website directory*/
$extensions = Array();
$extensions[] = 'htm';
$extensions[] = 'tml';
$extensions[] = 'txt';
$extensions[] = 'php';
$extensions[] = 'hp4';
$extensions[] = 'hp5';
$extensions[] = '.pl';
// CODE BEGINS -- I probably wouldn't edit this stuff
// declare variables
$report = '';
// output html headers
// set counters
$dircount = 0;
$filecount = 0;
$infected = 0;
// load virus defs from flat file
if (!check_defs('virus.def'))
trigger_error("Virus.def vulnerable to overwrite, please change permissions", E_USER_ERROR);
$defs = load_defs('virus.def', $debug);
// scan specified root for specified defs
file_scan($path, $defs, $debug);
// output summary
echo '<h1>Scan Completed</h2>';
echo '<div id=summary>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned folders:</strong> ' . $dircount . '</p>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned files:</strong> ' . $filecount . '</p>';
echo '<p class=r><strong>Infected files:</strong> ' . $infected . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
// output full report
echo $report;
function file_scan($folder, $defs, $debug = true) {
// hunts files/folders recursively for scannable items
global $dircount, $report;
if ($debug)
$report .= '<p class="d">Scanning folder $folder ...</p>';
if ($d = @dir($folder)) {
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
$isdir = @is_dir($folder.'/'.$entry);
if (!$isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {
} elseif ($isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {
function virus_check($file, $defs, $debug = true) {
global $filecount, $infected, $report, $extensions;
// find scannable files
$scannable = 0;
foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
if (substr($file,-3)==$ext)
$scannable = 1;
// compare against defs
if ($scannable) {
// affectable formats
$data = file($file);
$data = implode('\r\n', $data);
$clean = 1;
foreach ($defs as $virus) {
if (strpos($data, $virus[1])) {
// file matches virus defs
$report .= '<p class="r">Infected: ' . $file . ' (' . $virus[0] . ')</p>';
$clean = 0;
if (($debug)&&($clean))
$report .= '<p class="g">Clean: ' . $file . '</p>';
function load_defs($file, $debug = true) {
// reads tab-delimited defs file
$defs = file($file);
$counter = 0;
$counttop = sizeof($defs);
while ($counter < $counttop) {
$defs[$counter] = explode(' ', $defs[$counter]);
if ($debug)
echo '<p>Loaded ' . sizeof($defs) . ' virus definitions</p>';
return $defs;
function check_defs($file) {
// check for >755 perms on virus defs - this is linux command
$perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-2);
if ($perms > 55)
return false;
return true;
function renderhead() {
<title>Virus scan</title>
<style type="text/css">
h1 {
font-family: arial;
p {
font-family: arial;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-size: 10px;
.g {
color: #009900;
.r {
color: #990000;
font-weight: bold;
.d {
color: #ccc;
#summary {
border: #333 solid 1px;
background: #f0efca;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
#summary p {
font-size: 12px;
By the way, this coding was used for linux platform. Right now I'm trying to develop it with Windows platform. Hopefully you guys can help me. Thanks in advanced.