Hello everyone, I have an ASP chat inside an IFRAME. The ASP file is hosted on a different domain than the main website.
When the user logs on by entering their name, the chat stores a cookie so the user can start posting messages. However since the cookie is stored using the main domain (not the iframe), the chat doesn't recognise it anymore and keeps asking to log on.

How can I get it to recognise the cookie, or to store it with the correct domain?

Your help is appreciated

Here is the coding used by the chat to recognise the cookie:

'/// Get Nick Name
if nick<>"" then
end if
if xlaSBnick="" then
formproperties="action=bottomframe.asp onsubmit='return validatenick();'"
formproperties="action=receiveframe.asp target=xlaSBreceive onsubmit='return shout();'"
end if

Hello everyone, I have an ASP chat inside an IFRAME. The ASP file is hosted on a different domain than the main website.
When the user logs on by entering their name, the chat stores a cookie so the user can start posting messages. However since the cookie is stored using the main domain (not the iframe), the chat doesn't recognise it anymore and keeps asking to log on.

How can I get it to recognise the cookie, or to store it with the correct domain?

Your help is appreciated

Here is the coding used by the chat to recognise the cookie:

I'm having this same problem... I got around it temporarily by setting each user's browser to trust the domain. I hope there's a better solution though.

You can not using cookies. You should use javascript to send the information to the iframe

you can set the domain on a cookie as follows

Response.Cookies("CookieName").Domain = "www.mydomain.com"

and even a path of the cookie on that domain to make sure it can only be read by the path on that domain and not another

Response.Cookies("CookieName").Path = "/maindir/subdir/path"

Some browsers allow third party cookies and in some browsers, like Internet Explorer, it depends on the privacy settings of the browser. In IE6 (Internet Explorer 6) with the default privacy setting of ‘Medium’, third party cookies will be deleted.

As it turns out, there is a simple solution. If you supply a ‘compact privacy policy’ with your page, then IE will treat the cookies with respect and let them through.

ASP.Net code HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("p3p", "CP=\""IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT\""") PhP code header('P3P:CP="IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT"'); For more information on this, please visit this url:

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