32,204 Topics

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I tried using Daniweb OAuth for android application but didn't able to understand as it requires redirect url but in my case it is a standalone desktop application interacting with dani webapi's. Do i have to create a webapp and then my application instead of contacting daniweb,contact my website and …

Member Avatar for madhura_1

hiii.. I got this strange problem.i m refreshing my jframe after every second.This jframe contains a button called addbutton.This addbutton opens another jframe.and that jframe contains a JComboBox .The problem is after every second the JComboBox is getting refreshed.I dont understand why.Before the user gets time to select any item …

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Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, as some of you might know the API is my nightmare. I know it's important and therefore I am trying to use it as much as I can. Today I am looking at a program that uses buttons to change the font of some text. So, I have …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for johnmecanse34

Hi, What is the default value of float and double datatype in Java? Its my interview question anyone know the correct answer? anyone..

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ObSys

Trying to return Multiple Card objects from a hashmap Currently using the following code private HashMAp<Integer,Card> allCards = new HashMap<Integer,Card>(); public Card getAllCards() { Collection col = allCards.values(); for(Card c: col) { return c; } } This works but only returns 1 Card object from many. How can I change …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for kyriacos1986

I have been asked to count the overal time of an album. The user enters minutes and seconds in the formmat of mm.ss. I have wrote the folowing code but I don't get the result I supposed to get. I.E : 1st:3.55, 2nd 3.55 I got 7.1 instead of 7.50. …

Member Avatar for kyriacos1986
Member Avatar for kyriacos1986

I am trying to calculate the overall time of an album. The user enters the track length (double) in format mm.ss . Then convert this in a String so I can calculate min and sec separately. public void overallRunningTime() { int min = 0; int sec = 0; for(int i …

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Member Avatar for manel1989

Hi everyone! I have in my GUI and two radio button **choco** and **gecode** and under each button (choco or gecode)I have 2 radio buttons *solution optimal* and *Feasible solution*: my problem lies in the selection buttons. Let me explain: when I click the radio button **choco**, I …

Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

Hi, I'm trying to load four file File1 contain 50 first name File2 contain 50 last name File3 contain 50 dpeartment File4 contain 50 id number I want to load these file for example when the files load I want to generate (randomly) this output id,first name,last name, department but …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for murali2489

Dear All, I am trying to understand RMI Concept and have tried the sample steps and programs written in Oracle website [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/rmi/compiling.html](null) In this URL they have mentioned to run the command as below javac -cp c:\home\jones\public_html\classes\compute.jar client\ComputePi.java client\Pi.java mkdir c:\home\jones\public_html\classes\client cp client\Pi.class c:\home\jones\public_html\classes\client I have tried the exact command …

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Member Avatar for london-G

Hello, I am currently using jtatoo to improve the look and feel of my GUI. The thing is that sometimes it works perfectly while sometimes it does not. I don't get any errors and I think this might be a bug with it. Is someone here aware of how to …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Neon Tetras

Hi guys. I decided to post this simple Photo viewer application. Its strictly for beginners, and cab be improved. /** * * @author Neon Tetras */ import java.awt.Image; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public class ImageViewer extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** * Class constructor: ImageViewer */ public ImageViewer() …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

i want to convert the value of my date into an integer value, i am using a jDateChooser in netbeans(swings) currently in my code below the value for inputDate is fixed or assingned but i want it to be based on the date a user picks using the jDateChooser. public …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Liam Stover

I followed this code im new to programing and i wanted to make someones elses program then chnage it to my liking, i finesd the code and i tryed running it and all it send in the console was "<terminated> Main[Java Application] C:/Program Files(86x)/java/jre7/bin/javaw.exe (Nov 19, 2013 11:15:54: PM)" the …

Member Avatar for Liam Stover
Member Avatar for hbhatti18

How can I write a program that reads in a bar code (with : denoting half bars and | denoting full bars) and prints out the zip code it represents. Print an error message if the bar code is not correct. Once again I am very new to java and …

Member Avatar for arronlee
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw This is my second time asking this question but now I will just make it straight forward because I didn't get any response from my other question. I want to know how can I write a program or a script in java that will be burnt/embedded to a …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for ThisIsMeOrIsIt

Hi all - I need to write a program that reads in an array of strings from a file and uses a radixSort method to sort and print the array based on what characters they are composed of. The implementation should be able to handle strings of characters. The characters …

Member Avatar for mas971
Member Avatar for murali2489

Dear Team, I am Using Eclipse to Run my java programs. But when I try to run a Simple hello world program from Command prompt, I get the below error "Could not find or load main class Test" Test.class resides inside C:\ I Went inside C:\ in Cmd and typed …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for 2butawil

write the psuedocode for a computer program that computes the sum of the numbers on the diagonal of a 10 x 10 integer array named *numbers*. Here is what i got but i'm not sure: int SIZE = 10; int [ ] numbers = new int[SIZE] [SIZE]; for (int I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for amalcolm96

So I just began a college course in Java, and our first assignment was to write a text-based Mastermind game in Java. I was able to lay out all the necessary framework, but the area that still has me in a fix is getting the computer to check the secret …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for fuhanspujisaputra

Hai everyone, i have a problem, currently i am developing software using Java (netbeans): Currently my database looked like this: Username and UserType Fuhans and Administrator Nies and Member When i login with Username: Nies The program respond, but it gave me the dialog box where both Username are displayed. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I am interested in web development but i am confused in which platform to choose, Java or .NET. I have done core java but i got to know from somewhere that Java is basically for software development and DotNet is specifically for web development but Java can be …

Member Avatar for rumisa
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi I am creating a java applet for an assignment, but if hit a snag. I have had to create a sales table for different sales people. I have made it that people can click "sales person 1" and it will display his sales. The issue is when you click …

Member Avatar for ravsau

I am trying to create a menu GUI. I am having problems with the action listeners Any help would be great. Thanks Write an GUI application that display a menu system. The menu system should allow the user to select one package, one phone, and any of the options desired. …

Member Avatar for Justin_7
Member Avatar for Kalamari

First time posting, so if I have formatting problems I'm sorry int randNum=0; Scanner in= new Scanner (System.in); Random randNumlist= new Random(); System.out.println("lowercase letters [a]"); String input= in.next(); System.out.println(" how many letters max 14"); int input2=in.nextInt(); if ( input.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) while( !(randNum>= (char)97 && randNum<= (char)122)) { for (int n=1; n …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw There is a project I'm doing but I'm doing it in VB.NET I want to know now how can I write a program in jave that will govern the CD-RW and if the disc is inserted on let say a DVD player the program will detect that the …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for rovastola

So I have to make a code that asks the user how many times it wants the word "nonsense" to be printed on a new line, I managed to get it to work but its reverse, if i write 100 it prints once and 1 it prints hundred times, how …

Member Avatar for rovastola
Member Avatar for mufasil

Dear i want to make a program i which when Pressed UP Arrow key cicle start moving up and when pressed DOWM key circle moves Downword Similarly left and right i have draw circle and also implements Key Listner and can anyone give me ideo how i do this task …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for dargokillmar

So, this code is giving me some errors, any idea? private void pintarMobs() { JButton boton = null; Component[] botones = pnCastillo.getComponents(); for (Component c: botones){ boton = (JButton) c; int ac = Integer.parseInt(boton.getActionCommand()); int a = 0; Random r = new Random(); String foto = null; if( ac != …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kyle.mace.35

How would one make one word of out put bold. I am making rock paper scissors using threads and I want to make the choice of either rock, paper, or scissors bold. So for example the output of the program would be "Player 1 chose **Rock**. How can I do …

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The End.