32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for tanha

Hi, I have been reviewing and reading the docs for the VLCJ but unfortunately could not come to a conclusion of configuring and running it correctly. It is appreciated if someone placing an example, snippet or tutorial of that.

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for kedxu

The setSize() method of a Frame only resizes the frame itself, not the canvas inside. Is there a way to resize a frame based on what size you want the interior to be? I made this image to explain what I'm talking about: I used setSize(500,500); http://oi44.tinypic.com/4uymur.jpg I suppose I …

Member Avatar for kedxu
Member Avatar for kedxu

If I am given the exact coordinates of three vertices in image-space (as in, the numbers are not integers, but can be rounded to find their location on the screen), how can I determine which pixels are inside the triangle and should be colored? If you look at the diagram …

Member Avatar for kedxu
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am trying to find a scripting language for some simple tasks etc... I tried python - dont like the whitecpace thing. Ruby - just a weird language. Javascript on the other hand has syntex that I like - C/C++/C#/Java like - and it uses curley braces. But the draw …

Member Avatar for kedxu

So I have a PrintWriter as a class variable which is created upon initialization. I want to make sure it gets closed when the Applet closes, but overriding the destroy() method doesn't seem to work (a System.out.println inside the method does not appear). 1. should I be doing this in …

Member Avatar for kedxu
Member Avatar for kedxu

Right now I know that Applets can add any listener with the addMouseListener() method. But what I want to know is if I can make my custom class a mouse listener without having an Applet add it itself.

Member Avatar for kedxu
Member Avatar for Dennis_1

I know this is gonna be an easy fix, but I can't see it! Why won't this work? import java.util.Scanner; public class Elevator { public boolean doorOpen=false; public int currentFloor = 1; public final int TOP_FLOOR = 5; public final int BOTTOM_FLOOR = 1; public static void main(String args[]) { …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for arif.lone.92

sir I can able to save java program in the jdk bin that shows me a cammond that you can,t save your programme contact your admannistater on windowes8

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lena1990

hi all i want to ask you how to connect java to remote ms access in another computer thanks in advance

Member Avatar for lena1990
Member Avatar for babyani

● Do questionnaire Upon completion, the responses are scored and the total is displayed. The points awarded for the responses are: 1 point for response A, 2 points for response B and 3 points for response C. You may assume that the names entered are unique.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I am trying to write a code which checks whether the username and password stored in the database matches to the string created locally and displays it in console. The program connects to the database and gets the string from the table space correctly, but the problem is, …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for Yarra

So I am making a 3D game using Java 8. The question I am to ask will not concern any of the features specific to JAva 8 though. But if any of you have played a shooter game or simply minecraft. How do I mimic the mouse free look behavior …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW I've created a project on NaviCoder for java and when I tryied to export the project I had a problem then I redo my project using the Netbeans and that where I was then able to export or should I say build the jar file which is an …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for robgeek

Hey everyone, I was attempting to get the lastmodified file from a folder, and to do so I used File.listFiles() method which is returning a null pointer exception even though the folder is not empty. I had this piece of code working about two days ago and I am not …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I am new to use of database in Java. I am trying to write a simple java application which connects to my Database and sends some query and retrieves the output. I have downloaded MariaDB and then created a database named iff and created tablespaces which has some …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for Dardan89

Hi all how are you i need help if any one can help with an Open Source Hotel Managment Prog..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for amrita111

Why to have service when we can create classes,interfaces and can use the property inheritance?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi, I have a png image wihtout background and want this png to be my JFrame where the transparent section must be transparent; I have tried different ways I used the setOpaque(), setOpacity(), ImageIO but no clue. I want only my transparent png as JFrame. Any idea and solution will …

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for akhildas
Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for Nelson.Zacharia
Member Avatar for bansal123

i have a folder that has 1000 text files i want to read all of them character by character and sore them in different matrices . the data in a text file is like 101010101001000100000000001 101010010101000000000000101 101010010100101001010010100 000101001010010010100100101 i want to make a matrix from this data and similar 999 …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for JoeD1

Hi, I programmed this code to solve the equation: x/2! + x^n-1/n! where n is the size of series The program functions, but appears to be giving me the incorrect result. For example if I enter 3 for n, and 2 for x I am expecting 1.67 as the result …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for shanaka95

hi, I am new to use iMacros.I created a sript to get points in addmefast.com It is working,but some times I am having some problems with my internet connection.So sometimes my script stops working because of my bad internet connection. So I want to change my script, when there is …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for somjit{}

[This](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/deadlock.html) is the example i was looking at. The docs say that trying to access the bowBack() method is creating the deadlock , but im new to threads , and i really dont understand why this is happening. In need of some guidance here...

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW I've created a program in java and now because I'm also new in java but I know better visual Basic i couldn't complete the program the way I wanted because there are features I find it hard to do so I just completed the main program on java …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mKorbel

please overview for Java Forum, http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/9 isn't accessible for me, I can't see any exception, screen is blank, missing there Q&A's

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for emanhossnycs

Hello All, I need to generate java classes from the schema exists in the link http://www.compatibleone.fr/schemes/paasmanifest.xsd so I tried to download it & add it to Java Project, then generate JAXB classes from this schema. but the following errors appears to me: can any one help me in solving these …

Member Avatar for Tanio

I have developed a piece of software that creates an embedded graph database. I was wondering whether I can use a special feature to visualize it within my program without opening other tools. I am developing my software in JAVA using eclipse and windows builder. I have heard about some …

Member Avatar for EkDs

I have been searching codes to draw line charts using jfreechart on internetand encountering the constant problem of pack(). When I copy the code I find on net the compiler compiles it. But when I try to use it in my code, the compiler shows error. I don't find its …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for game06

my r.java file in android is not updating. i already tried: 1 - clean project 2 - refresh / restart eclipse/computer 3 - all my string are in double quotes

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.