32,205 Topics
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Hi everyone, Im new to site and new to Java - have an assignment in Hangman - to date I have created the Hangman class and coded the tester so its working with 1 word! I have also coded the hangman component which is currently static and displayed on opening … | |
I have a question on how to get the index of a selected object. I'll briefly explain my project to help get a better understand of what I'm doing. I have created a simple object (named InfoObject) which is made up of 2 jTextfields and 1 jComboBox. I have added … | |
Stupid question, I'm sure: For an assignment I need to create a program that uses methods and constructors in several other classes... the classes were in a file that I unpacked and put in the same directory as the one I'm writing is in. What do I need to do … | |
Considering no one seems to be-able to answer my other thread I'll try simplifying this one. I have created GUI frame which contains a menubar at the top. I have several methods as well as a method which paints 5 circles onto the frame. When I call that method, by … | |
Here is my code to write the arraylist to .dat file, And im not sure if its working but it writes to the file and i can see all the random characters so it is writing something but i keep getting io errors when i try to use the method. … | |
import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; // user defined type where we put name class riot2{ private String name; public riot2(String _name){ name = _name; } public String toString(){ return name; } } public class finalriot2 extends JFrame{ Container c = getContentPane(); private Stack sstack; // … | |
Hello, I'm working on a little project. I need to have program which: [B]1.[/B] reads textline from user (example: A little cat goes to town) [B]2.[/B] a) reads words what user wants to change to 0 (example word cat to 000) b) one word to one line and if given … | |
help how to make payroll using java program and the following conditions: 1.one dimensional array 2.two dimensional array 3. accept inputs of string, integer and double data types 4. validation using if-else-if 5. use of loops constructs 6. computation 7. summary 8. use of JOptionpane/system.out.print pleas help me | |
I should create a Java program called FindThatNumber.java. The program should generate 10 random integers between 1 and 100 (inclusive) using Math.pow( ) and then store them sequentially in an array. The program should then ask the user to enter a single integer. If the integer is in the array … | |
I need some help with understanding an error that I am getting. Can anyone help me. Here is my problem. I am trying to hardcode information for a mortgage calc and I am getting an illegal start of expression error. Here is an example: MortgageLoanCalculator.java:15: illegal start of expression double … | |
Write a method that computes future investment value at a given interest rate for a specified number of years. Use the following method header: public static double futureInvestmentValue(double investmentAmount, double monthlyInterestRate, int years) For example, futureInvestmentValue(10000, 0.05/12,5) returns 12833.590. Write a test program that prompts the user to enter the … | |
String class provides us with the method String.valueOf(some stuff) that basically converts "some stuff" into a string.. But we can also concatenate "some stuff" with an empty String (""). Both these methods result in a String representation of an object(or other data type) so my question is what is the … | |
The application will ask questions like: What comes after D? A child is expected to answer the question and the application will inform the child if the answer is correct or wrong. The application will ask a total of 20 questions. After all 20 questions have been answered, the application … | |
I have no idea whats wrong here, i am fairly new to java.. heres my code.... [CODE] private JPanel pnlLogin, pnlFinalLogin,pnlUser, pnlPass = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); btnLogin = new JButton("Login"); lblUser = new JLabel("Username:"); lblPass = new JLabel("Password:"); pnlUser.add(lblUser, BorderLayout.WEST); //pnlUser.add(txtUser); pnlPass.add(lblPass, BorderLayout.WEST); //pnlPass.add(txtPass); pnlLogin.add(pnlUser, BorderLayout.WEST); pnlLogin.add(pnlPass, BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlLogin.add(btnLogin, BorderLayout.EAST); … | |
I have an eclipse application from which i trigger an Swing widget.On click of a button on the SWT composite a window pops out which contains the Swing Table. Now i want a button on this Swing page to show up an eclipse workbench window. Any idea on how I … | |
When I try to run my WordSort class with another class using the code: WordSort ws = new WordSort(sentence); ws.sort(); The program prints out what I want it to in the first method but for the ws.sort() method, the program prints out null. I would like it to print out … | |
I'm making a game as my project in school. I'm having a problem regarding double buffering, im trying to draw an image (drawImage(,,,,)) into the double buffered image, I can't seem to make it work help please =D [CODE] public void render() { if(doubleBufferImage==null){ doubleBufferImage = createImage(PANEL_WIDTH,PANEL_HEIGHT); // Set Size … | |
hi, here is my code having return method that working correctly when i print it from inside of the method, but if i call from main method its shows only one output instead all results.. [CODE]public class SearchCompare{ .... public String process(){ String showResult=null; ... .. for (String found: names.keySet()) … | |
please tell me where i'm off the window opens but no menu bar. the error says : java:52: '.class' expected menuInput[][] = array [row][col]; thanks hs [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; public class Driver{ public static void main(String[] args) { TheWindowObject aTestFrame = new TheWindowObject ("test"); } } … | |
hey guys, i have to do this program and i'm having trouble: Write a program that lets the user enter the loan amount and loan period in number of years and displays the monthly and total payments for each interest rate starting from 5% to 8%, with an increment of … | |
delete this, solved, had to do with how a variable was declared | |
I just wrote my first program using methods (I am only on chapter 5). I am not sure where I would use javadocs other than the ones that I already have in my code. Can someone help me? [code]/** * @author Brock Shelton * Date: March 15, 2010 * purpose: … | |
Hello everyone :) My problem is that my input will not be transfered when i build a new Object. To understand my problem i give you first the output: Welcome Hero! Show me your Attributes! Enter your Name: KIKI Enter your Strength: 50 Enter your Health: 60 Enter your Intelligence: … | |
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; public class StudentWriteApp extends Frame implements ActionListener { //Declare stream objects FileOutputStream outputStudent; //Stream to create file ObjectOutputStream objSaveStudent; //Stream to save an object //Declare components TextField txtStudentName = new TextField(20); TextField txtAddress = new TextField(20); TextField txtResults = new TextField(25); Button btnSave = … | |
Hi , I'm a new learner of Java I start study Java since 2 weeks one of my friends challenge me to type program that show the number which I enter , It's even or odd . could you help me about the main things ,,, | |
just needed to know when does getHeaderField(String) shows null. Is there any other case where null is returned even if the header exists | |
All, Basically what you have here is a PART of my program. Here I am supposed to get the LENGTH of a rectangle from a user and return that length to the main method for further use. My program works fine if I take out the input validation but I … | |
how to create a new excel file on click of a button in java? | |
Oje me again... :$ Hello everyone... I have a superclass Human and a subclass Warrior. Problem is, human got this method: [code] public void Reveal() { System.out.println("I am " + name + ". "); System.out.println("My Strength is " + strength + " my Health is " + health); System.out.println("My Intelligence … | |
Hello everyone... For now i have build a Human class and i want to test it now but on 2 lines there is an error and both errors states "void expected". I have a main function in my class but later i gonna remove it because i want this Human … |
The End.