32,199 Topics

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An **applet** I am creating **uses Timers for its animation**. Even though the Timer is set to repeat at a constant 30ms, **the applet's framerate on my computer** versus on my brother's laptop **is significantly better**. Is there a chance that **on slower computers**, the **Timer "ticks" slower**, so to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for patrick.ooi.96
Member Avatar for Rajshri Patil
Member Avatar for Darshan5

Im creating a project in java using netbeans. I have to create lots of forms for every operation. So i created a menubar and add menu items in it. Instead of creating so many jframe forms i decided to create JPanel forms for evry operation. So in this way i …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sandeepyadav

Can i get java source code for making an er diagram of any database(which have entities, attributes and relationships)?

Member Avatar for Patil Raj
Member Avatar for mateusz.baran1

Hello fellows! I have question. Iam doing some project to my school and I have small problem. I have chart (iam using jfreechart) in Chart.java file and after user is loading to his profe he should be able to push button and chart wit his statistics should appear. My problem …

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Member Avatar for runlevel3nut

I'm self-studying python, and more advanced python programmers have pointed out to me that I'm learning an obsolete instruction set and the use of obsolete tools thanks to being taught about an old version of python rather than the most current one. The website where I'm self-studying also offers chances …

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Member Avatar for jakubee

Hi everyone, I'm doing a RMI chat application for my client-server distributing programming module. I have stuck nearly at the very end of it. What I doing is: running the server. running the the UI, connecting to the server. Loging as user1. sending the priv messagae to other user. Replaying …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hi guys, I have an ImageButton control in asp.net calling a javascript function to display it in block. The elements have their own css classes, but they do not appear in the context that I gave them. I am assuming this is a problem with my css because the javascript …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sunnykeerthi

Hi, i have a html page with 3 frames(Index.html), and the preview is as in the screenshot. Here in Welcome.html i have a button named block. when i click this button i want left.html to be disabled(the frame in left side), i'm able to do it., but the form elements(the …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dksinghcomnez
Member Avatar for ruthvik.vijaykumar

I am creating this Word Processor...for my college project...an i hav this bugging problem, i have this text area which has a popup menu,this popup menu has a listener(below)..now comming to the point when i right click the TextArea a grau colored popup come up(all the menu items hidden) only …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for subramanya.vl

I need the algorithm not the code . I am on a project where I should not use any third party libraries other than java sdk. I am supposed to convert a text file to an xml file. I know that there are SAX parsers and DOM parsers available and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for odose

How to select data from different tables in a single database and show in a single jtable.. Pls I need help

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for beep

I seem to have screwed the whole process of updating Java to 10 simply because I could not stop the stupid process after I realized that I couldn't take 9 off at the same time. Uh, kinda stupid thing to try, true, but anything worth its salt won't let you …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tnimblett

Please tell me why I am getting a "bad operand type" I'm trying to to do a comparison on a range of value. Please help me fix. if (-13683360 <= rgb <= -13683381)

Member Avatar for tnimblett
Member Avatar for LALITVYAS

i want to remove complete image from an image file(like JPEG,etc) into an editable format in java..... means in short i want to remove image from an image file in java

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mumaga

Hi, I am working on the World of Zuul game. My question is about these three classes: Room, Inventory and Game. The game class uses an instance of Room called currentRoom. In Inventory Class, I want to write a method to check if a certain item is present in the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dennisme

Test Class @Test public void testCharRemover() { TextModifier remover = new CharRemover('x'); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("a bx xd xx"); remover.modifyText(buff); Assert.assertEquals("a b d ", buff.toString()); } ------------------------------------------------------- /** * Removes all occurrences of the character passed to the constructor * from the input when {@link TextModifier#modifyText(StringBuilder)} * is called. …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for tingwong

Hi everyone I have a final exam for my Java class tomorrow and wondering if anyone could tell me if my answers are right? The questions are True/False. Thank you all! 1. True/False — An interface may only contain method headers. 2. True/False — An interface may not contain instance …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for xterradaniel

I was given a programming exercise which calls to: "Write a program to create a file named Exercise09_19.txt if it does not exist. Write 100 integers created randomly into the file using text I/O. Integers are separated by spaces in the file. Read the date back from the file and …

Member Avatar for nate.nelson.566
Member Avatar for bymak87

I am supposed to create a file that will generate 100 random numbers and then sort them. I am stuck on the sorting. I think it would be a really simple solution but i cant seem to figure it out. I have tried the arrays utility and creating a method …

Member Avatar for nate.nelson.566
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hi This is related to 3 threads: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/438729/recursive-ftp-listingmakingcreatingetc-access http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/439941/recursive-ftp-listingmakingcreatingetc-access...-part-2 http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/442142/recursive-ftp-listingmakingcreatingetc-access...-part-3 At first, I had NO clue where to even start. Over a couple of weeks, Ive slowly but surely started to make the process correctly but Im stumpped so (for the third time) ive thought of rewriting everything from sratch. …

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Member Avatar for marzii

hiii!! please help me!! I want to see my outputwindows in the form that I create it!!! like this: **run: C:\Users\vista.netbeans\7.0\var\cache\executor-snippets\run.xml:48: Cancelled by user. BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 seconds) ** this is all of things that java shows in output win!!! can you help me to see that's in …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for tiggermesho

I am trying to get at least 5 minimum values from an array of integer my code attached works but it skips few values public static void main(String[] args) { int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 15, 16, …

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Member Avatar for gbenro.selere

Hello People, I am trying to create a java program that inputs an infix expression, then gives the output in postfix and prefix. So far the code compiled without errors but the answers for the postfix and prefix are not coming out correctly. Also the outputs come out wrong when …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for javanoob101

Hello everyone! It has been quite sometime since I was on Daniweb, and a lot has changed. Anyway, I have decided to "fix" my old Java school ISU and make it better. (I am not in school so don't worry, I'm not cheating.) Here is my problem: I want a …

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Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

I did a code which can run cmd of windows from java, and also I stored the result of that cmd in a string variable, my question is is it possible to get a substring from that variable from where I had stored the output of the cmd. I want …

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Member Avatar for meowmonkey

What would be the best way (or any way) to print out a pattern, that may cut off at any point dependant on the x & y length? for example, if i wanted a pattern 4 up (y = 4) and 14 across (x = 14) I would need it …

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Member Avatar for hamidvosugh

final Handler myHandler = new Handler(){ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { updateUI((String)msg.obj); } }; Would someone please let me know what the curly brace '{' and its contents mean in this context? what is the purpose?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for trishtren

Hey, Im looking for the cleanest way to scan through a text file and remove symbols only if they meet certain conditions. So far i have been using the Scanner, but it removes them regardless and i was looking for the best way of providing conditions like those for comments …

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The End.