32,205 Topics
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Hello People, I am trying to create a java program that inputs an infix expression, then gives the output in postfix and prefix. So far the code compiled without errors but the answers for the postfix and prefix are not coming out correctly. Also the outputs come out wrong when … | |
Hello everyone! It has been quite sometime since I was on Daniweb, and a lot has changed. Anyway, I have decided to "fix" my old Java school ISU and make it better. (I am not in school so don't worry, I'm not cheating.) Here is my problem: I want a … | |
I did a code which can run cmd of windows from java, and also I stored the result of that cmd in a string variable, my question is is it possible to get a substring from that variable from where I had stored the output of the cmd. I want … | |
What would be the best way (or any way) to print out a pattern, that may cut off at any point dependant on the x & y length? for example, if i wanted a pattern 4 up (y = 4) and 14 across (x = 14) I would need it … | |
final Handler myHandler = new Handler(){ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { updateUI((String)msg.obj); } }; Would someone please let me know what the curly brace '{' and its contents mean in this context? what is the purpose? | |
Hey, Im looking for the cleanest way to scan through a text file and remove symbols only if they meet certain conditions. So far i have been using the Scanner, but it removes them regardless and i was looking for the best way of providing conditions like those for comments … | |
String usn = jTextField1.getText(); String pwd = new String (jPasswordField1.getPassword()); if (usn.equals("hayley") && pwd.equals("hello")) {new Home().setVisible(true);} else {alert("Invalid Username / Password (LOGIN FAILED)");} Please see the following code above. I have been receiving problems such as "illegal start of expression" and ')' expected whenever I run my system, even though … | |
I apoligize for making so many topics about this......Its just that different methods have proved pointless and do not work. I want to do the following: I only have two functions right now: createfolder (Function A) and insertfile (Function B). Nothing else. My requirements are the following: Random number is … | |
hi! I have a problem regarding this matter. To illustrate: i have class A, which holds a data to be passed to class B to be used in method1 of class B. I also have class C, in which a have the event to trigger method1 in class B. In … | |
How to deleting last node in linked list ? | |
Hello to all, I missed a class for the array section at uni and have been sick couldnt really jump back into it. Could you guys help me solving this? :) Write a Java application that does the following: 1. Reads an integer from the user represents the number of … | |
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Hello guys! I need help. I have two forms: Input and Output. On the Input form, the user/s will have to input their name/s and times in which they are busy. When they click "finished", the Output form is supposed to display what they typed like their names and times. … | |
hi I'm trying to sort 3 numbers from lowest to highest that the user enters...ex ...2 , 4, 6. I have a problem with finding(calculating the middle) number. this is what i have [CODE]//create a Scanner Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); //Prompt the user to enter three floating-point numbers System.out.println("Please … | |
Hello guys, I am a dude who used to work with vb.net until i joined college where Java rules the day. I have a project in which i have a database in sqllite and i want the db to be in the same folder as the executable file(jar in this … | |
In java what is the best way to create a truely random number sequence? One that is 100% never to be repeated again Thank you | |
in this part of the code which i'm using to search if an account number given by the user is in the vector. what is the cause of the problem ? thanks in advance. if (ae.getSource() == b7) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < … | |
Hello, As per wikipedia, a complete binary search tree is defined as: A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible Can someone give me an application of complete binary trees … | |
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Hey, just a quick question, I have a function to double the size of a string array and another function to use StdIn to populate the array my code is public static String[] read() { String[] a = new String[5]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] … | |
Hi, I'm trying to complete this method for a binary search tree and recursion has never been my strong point. All it does is return the total number of nodes in the tree. I have an answer that finds it a different way, but I wanted trying to get it … | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and this 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 | |
HI all, I was looking at this program and noticed few things: import static java.lang.System.out; public class Employee { private String name; private String jobTitle; public void setName(String nameIn) { name = nameIn; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setJobTitle(String jobTitleIn) { jobTitle = jobTitleIn; } … | |
hi every one, i'm writing a code to split a file into many files with a size specified in the code, and then it will join these parts again. the problem is with the joining code,it doesn't work and i can't figure what is wrong, can any one help? this … | |
This a followup to these two threads: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/438729/recursive-ftp-listingmakingcreatingetc-access http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/439941/recursive-ftp-listingmakingcreatingetc-access...-part-2 For the "real thing" Ive decided to break it to two function: Insert file and make directory. Ill reexplain what I am trying to do. Im going to go a folder called "webfolder". If it isnt found, it is created. If … | |
An in-the-wild exploit targeting a vulnerability with Java 7 has led to security experts the world over warning users to disable the Java plug-in for their browser clients at the very least, and preferably uninstall Java altogether. The CVE-2012-4681 vulnerability, comprising two flaws, along with a couple of other 'related … | |
Hi Guys I need to retrieve a value from the javascript below in my html code and inject this value into a webbrowser. how can I format and invoke this script ? $(function(){jQuery.liveviewWithTable({enableCountsTable:false,enableCountTable:true,countTableElement:$("#count"),directionIn:$.getParam("Counter.DirectionIn"),liveSumUrl:"/local/people-counter/.api?live-sum.json",loadingAnimationUrl:"/people-counter/images/ajax-loader.gif",dataTypes:["in","out"]})}); Thanks a lot | |
Hello, I have this java code which draws to me 100 nodes(with the sink node)(like the figure) that are connected by links, at the end I will get a tree , now I need to redraw the tree in(shortest path tree using prim algorithm )I have the nods in ( … | |
the answer of Write a class for rational numbers. A rational number is quotient of two integers, such as 2/3 or 1/2. Your class should have three constructors. One constructor takes no argument, and initializes the rotational number to 0. Another constructor takes a numerator only (the denominator is assumed … | |
hye guys, can you help me to create the name for the jPanel using the netbeans? i want to create the name for jpanel. please look at this link http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/gui-functionality.html#Exercise_2b for example. i just want to give a name same at the picture "number Addition". so how to write it. … |
The End.