32,205 Topics
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If a class doesnt override toString() method and tries to print out the object like this: //some class [code] public class SomeClass1{ int x=4; } //another class class DemoOftoString { public static void main(String[] args) { SomeClass1 o=new SomeClass1(); System.out.println(o); } } [/code] output:SomeClass1@hex version of object's hash code ------------------------------------------ … | |
please help me how to make on how to get txt on a file...hoping for your positive responds..... | |
hello please help me on this how to write on notepad....example input your first name input your last name input your middle initial input your address input your age this should be the ouput in notepad after inputting the data and this should be proper align .thanks in advance..hoping for … | |
[code] interface Cricket { public void Pitch (String type); public void Seats (int num); } class Arrangement implemets Cricket { public void Pitch (String types); { System.out.println (types); } public void Seats (int nums) { System.out.println (nums); } } public Class Match { public static void main (String arg) { … | |
hi guys a beginner here. can i get some help ? how do i prevent error for eg. i only one Y/y or N/n to be written and when other characters or integers are written, it will show an error message. the default doest seem to be working switch(Confirm) { … | |
How to generate a pair of random number from 1 to 8 that can fill into a 2D array in a 4x4 square? For example: 2 3 5 6 1 7 8 3 5 4 1 6 7 2 4 8 | |
How to generate a pair of random number from 1 to 8 that can fill into a 2D array in a 4x4 square? For example: 2 3 5 6 1 7 8 3 5 4 1 6 7 2 4 8 | |
Hello, I'm currently stuck on this program and wondering if I can find assistance > This programs should prompt users to > enter number(s) (integer(s)) <enter> multiple scores on the same line > see a grade(s)<enter> > then see a sum of the grades entered (abcdf). > > > It … | |
Hello everyone, I'm trying to compare Strings in a Linked List that were input by user and return the smalles(lexicographically) to the console. Any help is appreciated. ** actual method [CODE]public String smallest() // Returns smallest String in StringLog in terms of lexicographic ordering. //Precondition: StringLog is not empty. { … | |
Alright i need some help, been stuck on a basic task. I input 2 strings. I need to be able to have it compare the two strings to see which one is shorter, then count how short the item is and out put the number. ex. Word 1 Hello word … | |
I am trying to write a reflection bot for [URL="http://runescape.com"]runescape[/URL]. I am stuck at the part where I add hooks to the client to get the values of the variables. I already wrote the loader. The problem is, the runescape client is obfuscated, so finding hooks is a challenge, and … | |
I believe this is the appropriate forum, but if it is not please let me know and I will move it to the OSX forum. I have an assignment that requires me to play with a specific jar file. I am currently running OSX 10.6 and I have Java 6 … | |
Hi, I am developing xml editor using jsp and servlet. In this case i am using DOM parser. using that i getting all the element, text, xpath form xml file with help of DTD. Upto this it will be working, and it save back into xml file. While save into … | |
I tryed to compress my file but got two errors: Can someone see that could be wrong? [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Lab1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // create a Scanner object Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // read a string System.out.print("enter product code: "); String productCode = … | |
Hi guys just wanting some help with exceptions. I understand the try and catch concept but I struggle more with the throw and throws concept, it is my understanding (that may be incorrect), that you a method can be like [CODE]public class thisMethod throws whateverException[/CODE] Am I right in thinking … | |
I tried executing this program, it says, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin>java ClassWithManyStaticMethods Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ClassWithManyStaticMe thods Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ClassWithManyStaticMethods at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248) Could not find the main class: ClassWithManyStaticMethods. Program will exit. What is the problem? I clearly … | |
My java program is not executed.I saved it in mydocuments.It is in MS-Dos batch file.What should i do to execute it? | |
My program will not output the right answer if minus/negative doubles are inputted however the program will output the correct positive double. I think this is because I haven't used the Math.abs correctly but I don't know how to fix this. My code is as follows: [code] public static void … | |
[CODE] import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.security.*; import javax.crypto.*; public class messagedigestsend { public static void main( String [ ] args) throws Exception{ byte ttl= (byte) 0; try { MulticastSocket mSocket = new MulticastSocket(); MulticastSocket mSocket2 = new MulticastSocket(); InetAddress mAddr = InetAddress.getByName(""); String sendString = "M"; byte[] plainText = … | |
Hello I would like to know whether there is any Java API available including access to a stock screener like those from either Google or Yahoo. [url]http://screen.yahoo.com/stocks.html[/url] [url]http://www.google.com/finance/stockscreener#c0=MarketCap&c1=PE&c2=DividendYield&c3=Price52WeekPercChange®ion=us§or=AllSectors&sort=&sortOrder=[/url] Thanks | |
I need to use the valueOf method to return a string representation of a boolean arguement but I don't know how to use this method. Here is my code at the moment, if the inputted file name ends with .txt then 'true' is returned, if not then 'false' is returned. … | |
i am final year engineering student i have to make last year project so i need some topic pertaining to web application or software development.please kindly suggest me some new topics (using java).asap | |
Hi there! Need help wid this. i need to change all the uppercase characters to lowecase and vice versa. when i compile it shows cannot find symbol on line 13 and 18. Kindly help. Also tell me how to make the first letter of each word in uppercase. thnx in … | |
i got some problems in making codes for our Hotel manangement sysytem, it is my first machine problem that my professor given to me...it was really hard for me!can you help me? tnx... | |
I'm using a socket server that is based off of java and it allows java extensions to be implemented that allow server side login to be performed. I want to create a signup/login system but I'm struggling with finding a way to validate/filter user input before manipulating with the database. … | |
hi, i have a TextField in myGUI where some data(results) are shown after calculation. I have a 'save' button to save this result into a particular txt file.. i almost done without error....but inside my txt file it shows this kind of things: [QUOTE]ava.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection@157f0dc [/QUOTE] Please anybody help me to … | |
hi, I got exception"NoClassDefFoundException" at the runtime of this java code.My DSN connection is correct,sql server is also properly work,when my project excuted on tomcat.but my beans are not executed properly inly becoz of this connection error.plz give the solution to overcome this problem. [B]In my project i create connection … | |
I just started my Java class, and I`m trying to Install Jgrasp from [url]http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp[/url] I choose the first picture, the one that just says java, with the JDK. But after I install it, I still can`t find it in my computer. Can anybody help me. Thanks | |
Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread37189.html[/url] (manifest jar files???) i had this error too, i made a mobile application in netbeans, and know that it automatically generate a jar file once built, but wen i run it, that error occurs.. but the the jad file is running ok.. | |
Hi All, I'am having trouble passing image take from j2me application to asp.net C# webservice. I tried converting the image in byte[] to base64 string and pass to webmethod that receive a string and received the following error. Please help! javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: error 0 during TCP write at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.SOAPEncoder.encode(+248) at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.OperationImpl.invoke(+40) … |
The End.