32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for SakuraAssassin

is it possible to use information input into one screen, then displayed into another screen using sql commands? this is how i am trying to get the information required: String sql = ""; if (cname.getText ().length () != 0) { sql = "SELECT CommonName, ScientificName,Type FROM Animals WHERE CommonName LIKE …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for arionyx
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Ashenvale

Hi there, I wanted to get the percentage of total vote per candidate but it always result to 0.00. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with my code? public static void main(String[] args) { //Array Declaration String[] candidate = {"Estrada J.", "Drilon F.", "Enrile J.", "Lacson"}; int[] voteEs = {5, …

Member Avatar for Ashenvale
Member Avatar for vergil1983

Hey guys I was trying to run a Applet from netbeans 6.9.1 My code has no error when i compile, but when i run the file I received an error which says "start applet not initialized". what does that mean? thanks There are 4 classes in my code, which is …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for tanu.jain.39566

i want to implement drag and drop on my jsp page..how can i implement this ?using javascript or php or something else ?and how?

Member Avatar for James_Smith
Member Avatar for manaila

Hi, I am having the C application which I want to access a remote Java Web Service; I have looked for open source SOAP libraries for C and found [CSOAP](http://csoap.sourceforge.net/). However, I am having the following questions/problems with it: 1) Is it possible to access Java Web Services using CSOAP? …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

I understand overloading but what does someone mean by "Overload the increaseRed method with an increaseRed method that accepts a number that specifies an increase factor"? The increasedRed() is as follows: public void increaseRed() { Pixel[] pixelArray = this.getPixels(); Pixel pixel = null; int value = 0; int index = …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for broodwich

I have to make an applet that gives you 2 single digit integers and you have to multiply and then it will tell you if you are correct. I got it to work but how do I make it continue the same set of numbers until you provide the correct …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jab8288

I created the GUI to display the monthly mortgage payment for any loan principle at a specific term and rate. The GUI works fine but I have some improvements I can't seem to figure out and I need to display an amortization table. Issue# 1: I am usure how to …

Member Avatar for soham.m17

I want some **Logical** algorithm to get all possible combination of given string except the palinadromes. Like Input is: ABC OutPut: A,B,C,AB,AC,BC,ABC,ACB,BCA,BAC It can't contain CBA,CAB as it already has ABC,BAC i.e reverse of those. I want to get it done by boolean logic and but it is no where …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for softtech1011

Write a Java program that can take a positive integer greater than 2 as input and write out the numbers of times one must repeatedly divide this number by 2 before getting a value less than 2.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sianpunky

Hello guys, need some help with my assignment. Currently i have already done with the Queue and random part but i'm not too sure how to carry on. Can anyone enlighten me. Thx. Below is the scenario Write an e-mail simulator that processes mail at an average of 40 messages …

Member Avatar for broodwich

I have the following problem: Write a Java Applet that will help an elementary school student learn multiplication. Use either Random class or Math.random() method to produce two positive one-digit integers. The applet should prompt the user with a question. The student then enters an answer. If the answer is …

Member Avatar for broodwich
Member Avatar for osamabin.idrees

hi everybody, i am 2nd year student of computer science department, and now i am thinking about choosing my main field about programming. There are two choices in my mind either to start learning php development(because it has a lot jobs) or start learning java and become a java developer. …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for jinglylime

Hi guys, I wrote some code for finding the three longest words in a string. The code I wrote seem too complicated, is there a better way to appoarch this? public class Size { public String[] threeLongest(String word){ String[] three = new String[3]; String[] words = word.split(" "); three[0] = …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for theCompiler

im creating a program that will convert certain character into its ascii value then i will change the value. for example the ascii value of A is 65 right? but i want to change the value of it into 1 so if i input A the output of it is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for trishtren

Hey, Im trying to extract numbers from a scanner, but im having problems extracting them all. Primarily i need it to * read a text file which contains some text and numbers. * go through the file and locate all numbers * differentiate between numbers contained in bracket (3), and …

Member Avatar for trishtren
Member Avatar for coroll

Hi all, I dont why my code is not detecting the matching words. Firstly Im reading the words from a text file into an array. Plz help me to make this correct. This is my code. import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class TestRegex{ public static void main(String[] arg) { String …

Member Avatar for coroll
Member Avatar for Random_Integer

Right now I'm writing a java program that makes special edits to the hosts file on windows. Some people at work were complaining about it. Anyways, the program is finished everything works great! However I have to run eclipse as admin to give it permission to write in the hosts …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

Hi, If I have a value inside the try{} how can I read it outside, is it possible try { int num=0; }

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

//Hi, //I want to make an application that sends email; the email need to be taken from an oracle database, I had make the email code and it is working succseeful and also I made the coonection to the database in the next class which is also working successfully, but …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

Hi, I am trying to read a value which is in a class (in a public void) in anothe class and I couldn't do that, so please can someone reply me and tell me how to do that using these code. public class CDB { public static String main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dppd
Member Avatar for shiv0013

I can find some jars like HTMLPARSER and java.net package to access the source of a URL import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; public class sample2 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String data=null; URL location = new URL("http://www.google.com"); URLConnection conn = location.openConnection(); BufferedReader in …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shivcena24

i having the string array,, String[] strrr=null; String[] aa ; aa=strrr[3].split("\\!"); if i debug this it shows source not found but i want to return from the string if the strrr[3] value having null or 0 ,how to do it,, use above three line of code to check it,exactly what …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for Traps

So I have a phpbb forum (where I'm the admin) and what I would like to do is to write a simple program that logs in into the Admin Control Page (ACP), navigates to the maintence section (where a backup of the database is located) and then download a backup …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for daudiam

I thought that setting up the PATH variable was a must if we wanted to use java or javac commands on linux (preferably in the bashrc file), but I am able to use these commands anywhere without setting up the PATH variable.. Similarly, without specifying '.' in the CLASSPATH variable …

Member Avatar for odubanjo.ismail
Member Avatar for SakuraAssassin

I am writing a program with java and i am having trouble displaying my .txt in my JTextArea. it shows it as 1 appended line and i want it to display the way it is set out in my text file. Here is my code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import …

Member Avatar for SakuraAssassin
Member Avatar for nixeria

Hello! I want the java code for login+registration form using swing along with mysql connectivity. i do not want jsp or java script coding. just simple java code. please revert as soon as possible!

Member Avatar for DannyW

Hi all, This *is* a Java question, despite the set up looking long! I am writing a program that involves constructing and using the inverse of a large correlation matrix many times. Suppose you have a data matrix X with d columns representing d variables and n rows representing the …

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The End.