32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for godzab

I have been programming in java for 1 year, but I would like to contribute to an open source program. The problem is its to compicated for me to join a open source program. Is there any recommendations you guys have for any open source projects I can join?

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for joejo

Need help urgently. Can anyone please help me finish up a project which i have a deadline to meet in 3 hours time. It's a camp application to input and store the records of the children from my church! I have created the GUI and I am left with the …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, i am very new in java. i am having problem in SWITCH CASE STATEMENT. can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: you have to write a program in java to generate the following menu: 1: DATE 2: MONTH 3: YEAR 4: DAY if the choice …

Member Avatar for Raja Goswami
Member Avatar for SagarSe7en

Hy Friends, Have to submit a small routine program. So this is how it goes: There are soaps on the shelves. One soap costs $1 and the next soap costs $1.2 until no money is left in the pocket Each soap is 20% more in price than the previous one. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for yup790

I am trying to make a program that displays the nth prime number. I don't get compiler errors but it doesn't display the prime number. I don't know where it stops, ive tried breakpoints but it stilll doesnt work :(. here is the code: package primenumberfinder; import java.util.Scanner; /** * …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ramel.coletana
Member Avatar for songokute

Hi, i have a j2me game (in chinese): comments, button text, game guide... are in chinese! I want to make them all (chinese words) be translated into English, but Eclipese doesn't display these chinese words!! I downloaded some Chinese font and installed them, nothing change in eclipse editor! The same …

Member Avatar for songokute
Member Avatar for cynusalisa

Hello Guys, I am Confused between the two languages Java and C++ that Which is the better Language to learn? What do You Guys Think about These languages and Can You make difference between these Languages Guys?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for arunod
Member Avatar for collinsislee

OK here is my code to print all prime numbers less than 100 and also print the first 36 numbers in the fibonacci series. I want to change it so that the fibonacci prints 9 numbers per line and the prime numbers print in 5 per line. Im new to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 47pirates

HOw can i convert the String "2012-07-30" to Date object with same format 2012-07-30 which is date not a string. I've tried but i get the result in string. plz help

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for rithish

in java we use import javax.swing when we want to use frame and panel we write like this class frame extends jframe but in c++ we use <iostream.h> and <conio.h> where we use cin and cout from these libraray functions but we dont inherit anything .we use normally we dont …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for abbelylee

I want to be able to read data from a csv file (comma seperated,tab seperated or space seperated) and pass the data into an array.my intentions are to combine four classes. such as a class for the data model,file reader, driver and textui. i can handle the textui and the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for phil.robison.5

I need some help with my code for my bulls and cows game... the requirements for the program are below: To start your gaming career, you have decided to write a math game. You want to create the following Menu: Bulls and Cows --------------------------------- 1. Play new game - New …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for OsamaJutt

Hi, i am new here and i want an help in add the actionListener to the component of JCombo Box. Like there is Combo Box in Which there are components like name of color. When i click any component, for example i click Green color the background turns into Green. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for aratnon

sorry, i'm a newbie of java. for example, public static myObj createObj(String nameFormUser){ myClass nameFromUser = new myClass(); return nameFromUser; } can it possible ?

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for esy928

Greetings! Currently, I'm hitting a road block on a task that I need to perform. My goal is to hash my source code and check if the code has been changed during runtime. if it has been modified, it shouldn't be allowed to run. My question is how do i …

Member Avatar for esy928
Member Avatar for iThaos

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a little applet that reads text files. I was planning to load some data into a class and use it later. However, I seem to having a few problems with it. // DataSet.java package com.someone.something; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class DataSet …

Member Avatar for iThaos
Member Avatar for danny.vin

# **program editor** # how to create a **program editor** for compiling and executing java programs?i need the codings...

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to make a multithreaded and multiuser web service in Java. Where do I even start looking? Currently I have a web service that is one user and one thread. I think Ill problably have to completely rewrite it from almost scratch so.... Where can I see some …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for khaled_jawaher

i am trying to run a jar file i created from net beans when i built my new project.it is giving me error cant launch application i tried everything.I am using window7,i opened the command prompt and put assoc jarfile ftype jarfile="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin" "%1" %* and tryied to run it …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cor.vandijk.779

Theinput in a JTextField must be used in the variable Color color. input = YELLOW must change variable color in Color.YELLOW. My attempt does not work:

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kashyap2005

Hey guys i want to display images that are retrieved from DB in grid form!!!!!I am able to display them in listform!!!!!Please help me out!!!!

Member Avatar for lesliebielski

I am new to Java (taking it to get warmed up for C and C+++ as I am very rusty.) I am writing a class that is suppose run the file DLTest.java(written by the instructor) that is suppose to keep track of two licenses with name and tickets. DrivingLicense, ().addTicket, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for trishtren

hey, Iv been looking around for an easy way to check if a string matches exactly and not just in a few characters I.E B != "ABC" B == B Frederick != F So only if the entire string matches will my condition be met. currently im using : String[] …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for njbst18

I'm new to creating jar files. I'm using JCreator and have set up the jar creation and the manifest using winrar and txt to get it to run. However if I run the .jar from anywhere other than the programs root directory all the images vanish. I have been looking …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for starkar89

i am developing mobile web app for conducting survey in html5. i need to save user responses in file preferably in csv format. How can do it. i am stuck with storing part.......... please please help me. I cannot use activex for dat purpose coz app needs to work on …

Member Avatar for Walahh
Member Avatar for Ricky116

Hello, I am trying to make a simple movie-managing application that allows the user to log into a particular username out of a list of usernames in a text file, and simply view information about movies kept in a text file. This is my first project, from which I would …

Member Avatar for osiron

Hey guys, I'm trying to create a iterative heapsort program and for some reason when I input 10 random numbers into the array, only 9 numbers are sorted. Here is an example of my input/output: Input: 45 15 2 44 30 83 30 86 66 49 // 10 random numbers …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for kovidd

i have recently started learning java .... i completed "head first java" recently ....it is just an intro to java . now i am looking to learn other aspects of java so could you tell me which book to read next . Or should i jump straight into a example …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.