32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for darwin_nacional

Hi, I need help in downloading the files from here https://svn.java.net/svn/nbribbonbar~nbribbonbar/ Based from this tutorial ( http://platform.netbeans.org/tutorials/nbm-ribbonbar.html ), I need to download the files in the link but I can't seem to find a way how. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! :)

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for phil.robison.5

I am having a lot of trouble with the game I am supposed to be creating, so I'm going to put it out here for the many minds smarter about this stuff than I am to see if they can let me know whats wrong... I am brand new to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for funwithme

Hi, Please anyone help me to develop **OSGi bundle with JAX-WS** and how can I deploy it into **jboss eap 6**. If anyone provide me sample hello world example or any tutorial link that is also helpfull for me. Thanks.

Member Avatar for vstl

(duplicates http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/430259/reading-a-contents-of-txt-file-compare-the-contents-other-txt-files)

Member Avatar for B204

hello frnds!! i want to know which things in programming slows the running process of program..... i want that my program should run in minimum time.....

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Johns3

So I have successfully implemented a search feature into my tiny program but when I click the button to sort, it works fine but the images don't display. In the columns called "A" and "B", images are supposed to show up but they don't. http://i46.tinypic.com/2mx3og8.jpg . import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; …

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Member Avatar for Nickquane

Plain Text : ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Cipher Text : HETJWOPSQYAZIVMBDUKNRGLCXF Turns the plain text "BOY" into the cipher text "EMX". Note the substitution is a permutation of the 26 letters of the alphabet, so we can uniquely decipher a cipher text by reading the substitution backwards; that is, cipher text "A" is …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mullangi13

Hi Friends, I am developing one application using Struts1.3+Spring2.5+Hibernate3.6 to do practice. In this application I am using Spring AOP transactions, but transaction is not working for me. Please check my code snippets and help me. web.xml ======= in addition to general entries, I have added the following code as …

Member Avatar for kmrudula

Hello everyone, I would appreciate if somebody could tell me how to find L*a*B of an image in java Also how to find texture of each pixel.I know how to find RGB value but i am unable to find L*a*b Pls help

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for hubber92

Hi guys, I'm trying to create an array with the length according to the number of rows in my database. So here is my code. I getting "array out of bound". import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; public class prg extends javax.swing.JFrame(){ String nameC = "HDB"; String nameCC = ""; int count=0; …

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Member Avatar for aquagirl20

Hi! I have a huge problem with my PERT program. I've been trying to figure out how to display all of the data in jTable with one click and how to delete all them as well, like if I click on "reset" or "clear". What I've done is just the …

Member Avatar for aquagirl20
Member Avatar for cisumma

I am in the process of learning how I could use a JListDataListener to change JList elements at runtime: I am goggling this right now to collect examples: I would like to see some code on the subject if anyone has some examples -thanks Here is some code to create …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Ideteng

Please, how do I pass values from mysql into an arraylist. I also need to pass the arraylist values into new methods and send the result back to mysql table.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Krishna1991

**3. Write a java program to create a frame with a menu File->Open The frame should consist of a combobox. On select of an item from the combobox display the item name within the message box On click of the “Open” menu item display an internal frame with a text …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for trishtren

Hello, I am trying to recreate a data type in java used by adobe, it is an unsigned integer 30 bits long or U30 by the specification. Anyway i am having problems understanding the binary output, the definition states: "The variable-length encoding for u30 uses one to five bytes, depending …

Member Avatar for trishtren
Member Avatar for Andrei15193

Hey guys. Which is better? .NET or Java. I know .NET isn't really portable, however independent projects (Mono Project, MonoXNA) are trying to give it some portability. What benefits does Java and .NET offer and what downsides do they have?

Member Avatar for Andrei15193
Member Avatar for prnjn

How to set image of my own choice say baby.jpg as an icon on the title bar of the jFrame.. Please also help with codes if required ,, i am newbie in java and NetBeans..

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Member Avatar for prnjn

As i said earliar i am making HRMS , the last phase is logout button. when logout button is clicked , an option dialog should appear which ask for yes or no . PROBLEM is i dont know how to use JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION so that i can give user choice of …

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Member Avatar for shsh111

i hope someone here can help me with this quistion... Finding Tandem Repeats: Suppose that we want to find all short tied repeats w within a string A = xwwy, |w| < 8. This type of repeat is called a tandem repeat and it occurs very often in biological sequences. …

Member Avatar for SagarSe7en
Member Avatar for gabz16

Hi programmers i need to have a GUI code for 4 cpu scheduling algorithms OR AT LEAST THE THREE, W/O THE ROUND ROBIN.. can you help me interface(menu): Cpu scheduling algorithms 1.FCFS 2.SJF 3.PRIORITY 4.ROUND ROBIN CHOICE:______ NOTE:5 DEFAULT PROCESSES ARE GIVEN. PLEASE HELP..THANKS!

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for serph09

So I have the code below. The whole program just reads from a text file and prints certain characters if it detects specific characters from the text file (in this case I just made it mimics what the text file has). My text file contains this: .........www... bbb..........ww ...bb....ww.... The …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

I'm having a problem of displaying all the data of a column in a text file I can display only the first data, so please someone tell me what can I make to display them together in a text file. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(host, uname,password); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Armanious

This is basically the layout of my task at hand: I have one "host" program - the basic GUI for the entire application running at any given time. It contains a JTabbedPane. When the user adds a tab, I want the program to start a completely new process (new JVM …

Member Avatar for Armanious
Member Avatar for aabbccbryanmark

can someone give me an idea how I limit the decimals in the output of this code: /** * @(#)Text1.java * * * @author Bryan Mark * @version 1.00 2012/8/4 */ import java.io.*; public class Converter { public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); …

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Member Avatar for aabbccbryanmark

can someone please help me with this java application that will display the output below: "Enter Middle Name: Gosling" "You Middle Initial is: G" and also java program that will let the user to enter value for fahrenheit & convert it to celsius. can someone give me codes for this.. …

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Member Avatar for gamebook
Member Avatar for yup790

I have nearly finished teach yourself java in 21 days. What should I do now to get good at programming, especially java but other languages would be nice. BTW, java is my first programming language.

Member Avatar for godzab
Member Avatar for ramel.coletana

hey, is there any body there who will give me a sample code of database?----that will save a cellphone number and name.

Member Avatar for neowolfx
Member Avatar for AireenK

Hey,I am trying to write a code that will pop up anotification when a the system captures time and alert the user that time is up.Please help

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for raviaaaa

HI All, i am doing jdk upgrade version on one application is there any tool whick will convert .class file (which has compiled under jdk 1.4). i don't have .java files(src code) so i want to know is any tool which will convert .class file (jdk 1.4) to .class file …

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The End.