32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for JGClifton

Hi guys, Firstly, thanks for the great community, have been lurking for a while and have picked up a lot of help from existing threads. I am making a small program which takes some inputs as strings, i then need to display a list of these inputs, be able to …

Member Avatar for rs25
Member Avatar for dahliababy

[code] package squishgame; /* * The stop watch class will allow a program to start and stop a stopwatch as * well as return the stopwatch as a string, a total ms's, or the hour, min, and * seconds separately. * * The System.currentTimeMillis() returns the number of milliseconds since …

Member Avatar for kdkanishka
Member Avatar for feartrich

Basically, this program checks if a word (String s) is a palindrome and prints out "true" if it is and "false" if it isn't. I am currently getting three errors: "unexpected type" at line 17, "incompatible types" at lines 30 and 32. [CODE=java]/** * @(#)palindrome.java * * * @author * …

Member Avatar for kdkanishka
Member Avatar for Sandar Khin

Hi all, I want to make plugin.Pls tell me steps of making plugin in java.Thank for any answer.

Member Avatar for Sandar Khin
Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

I have been working on this for a bit, and I have made some great strides. However, there are just a few things bugging me that I can't seem to figure out. This is an assignment, and I don't expect anyone to toss out an entire program for me. However, …

Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

I need this to try every ables[z] and the move on to another check. How can i check if its finished without finding the right word in the ables against the other array. Or if its finished and has found the word. [code] for(int i = 0; i < array1.length; …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for muusa

i am trying to send a file using tcp on the local host itself but not sucessful. here iz the program tht i am trying to use. server side [code] [import java.lang.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.ServerSocket; public class FileReceiver implements Runnable { private static …

Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

How can i insert a decimal point into either an integer or a String(probably a String), 2 decimals from the right? like with money? eg/ 13922 139.22

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

Really any ideas will help but id like to try and make the game hangman. id like to mak it simples in a gui(i dont really need the image of the hangman) but id like to atleast have it show all the letters and make them dissappear as they guess …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for nillsource

Hi, I nead to do some menu in gui Netbeans. I have got buttons, and a nead to change one JPanel in witch is some others components. Could you help me how to change JPanels? or some another way to do menu? i'm not good at it :(

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Izzywizz

Hello I am a fairly new to Java, below I have created a program for calculating the distance between two cites that is inputed by the user. For the second part of my program I need to have a menu system and the constant SPEED value to change according to …

Member Avatar for Izzywizz
Member Avatar for kolibrizas

As i paint any figure in Java, the lines don't look smooth and I clearly see pixels. Any not very difficult solutions?

Member Avatar for kolibrizas
Member Avatar for divya2909

hi everyone divya hea..i'm new to java..i gotta do a inventory project in java..i've been told its simple..but i just dont seem to know how to do it..pls help..:Spls someone submit the code..i've attached the project details as images pls jus c it..thnx

Member Avatar for divya2909
Member Avatar for Nightryno

Hello, I've worked on some code for a project I have to do but I'm a little unsure about a few parts that I was hoping somebody could provide some clarity on. Here is the project that I'm working on with the code and question on it to follow: Write …

Member Avatar for GTJava
Member Avatar for topest1

Hello all, I m a newbie in java, I m writing code to change the text of the JLabel on the mouse over to the JButton I m facing some problem in Updating [B]Initial Label:[/B] [ATTACH]12891[/ATTACH] [B]After setText:[/B] [ATTACH]12892[/ATTACH] label.setText(); It doesn't update properly New text gets overwritten on old …

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Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

i successfully edited windows registry using java API... BUT THE PROBLEM IS whether i need to reboot os or not... because after editing it has no effect... if i need to reboot then how can i skip it(i strictly dont like to reboot...)... any java snippet available,, plz....

Member Avatar for kdkanishka
Member Avatar for cms271828

Hi, I'm building an application and I want to it to play mp3 files. I have it working, basically by installing JMF2.1.1e, and then I add its jmf.jar file to the build path of the project within eclipse. When I then jar up the project, and place on desktop, it …

Member Avatar for mlikesit
Member Avatar for aakaashjois

Can anyone mention all the math functions i require for making a scientific calculator. I am making a CUI version of it (The one which is opened in cmd).

Member Avatar for kdkanishka
Member Avatar for SORelena

please help me ^_^ I want using thread in this program but I don't know ..?? ____________________________________________________ [CODE]import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class MyApp extends JFrame { // Data static boolean stopped = true; // Is the counting stopped? (True or False) --> shared variable …

Member Avatar for SORelena
Member Avatar for bonzi200x

I need to implement a huge array of 2100000 integer elements. I have to find duplicate elements in this array which means there will be lot of search. Can you please suggest me an efficient way to implement this? What collection to use and how to search.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for may781

Hi I am very new to java as its part of my course and I am stuck I have written part of this basic code below [code] import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.imageIO; import.java.awt.Color; public class FinalExam { public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Solani

Hi, I was just wondering why my program wouldn't output the elements that I entered. Thanks in advance. [CODE]//Scanner utility import java.util.Scanner; public class A4 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Reads user input. Scanner inputReader = new Scanner(System.in); //Declares an array,size of the array is 10. int[] elements=new …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for adams161

I was planning on releasing the source of my applet but I wanted to wait till i was done to do that. It got decompiled before i was ready. Is there any practical way to prevent decompiling? i googled and all the articals said how easy it is to decompile …

Member Avatar for dleskov
Member Avatar for lil_panda
Member Avatar for gregoryalussier
Member Avatar for jehad

hi i am not famelier with this site and i dont know how to ask for help i want to implement breadth first and depth first search for solving 8 buzzel problem may you help me?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for soeppp

Hi all..i make a program use javascript to call VB.Net function..but it doesn't work...can somebody help me to check this code... [code=vb.net] Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <ComVisible(True)> _ Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load WebBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = True WebBrowser1.DocumentText = "<Script language='JavaScript'>" & vbCrLf …

Member Avatar for shazi786
Member Avatar for intelnf09

Hello I have an assignment that is due and am in need of some dire help. I would appreciate all the help that I can get. Please bear with me. I am new to Java and Daniweb. I have to create a java application that displays the product number, product …

Member Avatar for intelnf09
Member Avatar for sah701

Hi all, I'm a computer science student in my last year. I need an idea for my graduation project. I prefer JAVA as a programming language. I'm trying to implement a web browser but I think a web browser is a traditional idea so I am looking for a new …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for xen2676

I have to write a class names Hexagon that extends the superclass GeometricObject. This is what I have could anyone help me pleas? [code] public class Hexagon extends GeometricObject{ private double side; /**Construct a no args constructor with a defaukt side*/ public Hexagon(){ //Implement it } /**Construct a Hexagon with …

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The End.