Hello Everyone,
I am an intermediate developer in programming languages. I have developed some python script and some java applications. In my project, I need to integrate the python script with a java application to put all the tools in a single pipeline to function as a continuous workflow.
This python script and the java program are completely developed and can work as independent modules in the pipeline. The output of the Python script is a text file which should be read by the java application as an input.
I read about Jython, SWIG & JPype. Can anyone direct/advice me in choosing the effective approach to integrate my applications,other than the command line(CL) invocation.
Jython is slower than Python. Hence, I am hesitant to use Jython as top layer program which can call the python script and the java application sequentially.
And SWIG is for the integration of C/C++ Applications with scripting languages like python/perl and also with java
I would like to appreciate you for reading this posting. Please give me some advice.
Thank you,