32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well what I want to do is play a video clip when my program starts. My menu has been set up to how I want it to look. I've researched how to do this but I cannot seem to find anything that I want. All I find is …

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Member Avatar for Hitman Mania

So I'm doing this simple draw program where I let the user click a button, i.e. Rectangle, and then click any desired place on the JFrame to draw it. Now, I want the user to first click on the JButton, then click anywhere on the JFrame (so that I get …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Samwal

Hey there guys, this is my first post here. Really pretty website I must say. I guess you'd expect a programming website to be well built. Haha. But anyways, I've been having some problems recently with a JFrame. I'm a beginner, but I usually do pretty well with resolving errors. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have problems with choosing a line and to find a number or times specifif word repeats in that line? Can you help me with that? [CODE]import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DefectInspector { private JFrame frame = new JFrame(); private JPanel p1,p2,p3,p4; private JMenuBar jmb; private JMenu …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for adil_bashir

hello, i have written the below piece of code for calculating the power function, but when i run the program, it shows the wrong result and i verified it by calculating manually. so please help me to get the correct result. [CODE] public class powerFunction { public static void main(String …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for freedomflyer

Hello y'all. I am in the midst of an exciting project, and I've hit a little bump. I'm trying to do a 'deep copy' of a TreeMap<String, State> [B]so that I can work with one (delete, insert, etc...) and preserve the other for later.[/B] Instead of having to code up …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for igotaquestion

How to implement a DHT in Java? Basically I need to know how to implement a lookup algorithm for DHT. The idea is to grasp java RMI and lookup algorithm of DHT.

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for Mxlfa

Ok you guys are my last hope, i've tried searching what i need and i cant find it. i really tried searching.... but i just don't know exactly what i'm really searching for... i have to do the following project in c# (wrong post haha) but if you could help …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for miss_lovely

Having some difficulties getting this assignment to work. What, I'm having trouble completing is creating an conditional statement that calculates interest for the amount of years entered by the user at the interest rate they enter and displays it in a message box. This is my code so far: [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I have this code [code] FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(nombreprograma+".zip"); FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(nombreprograma+"/"+nombrebmp+".bmp")); [/code] Deleting the zip inside of the root works perfect but for some reason the BMP inside of a folder, doesnt. The error it gives is that it cannot delete the file, nothing else. Any tips?

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for Sonny101

Hi, I am currently doing a JDBC project where I am manipulating data in a Access DB on a table named empDetail and one of my tasks has got me stumped, considering I only started learning about JDBC yesterday. I hope somebody can give me a bit of direction as …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for shean1488

Hi everybody Help me please to figure out what's wrong with my code When I try to compile it it gives me an error ClassNotFoundException I have never had such an error befoure, so I don't know what to do.... [CODE]import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; public class Example { …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for hatebin

Hello. My code describes Color classes: [CODE] abstract class Color{ private final int H=45; private int V; private int S; Color(int V,int S){ this.V=V; this.S=S; } public int getV(){ return V; } public int getS(){ return S; } public void setV(int V){ this.V=V; } abstract void print(); } class Black …

Member Avatar for hatebin
Member Avatar for vivin.bharathi

Hi, I am a java learner, i have installed netbeans 7.0 and i have also installed the glassfish server, but there is no database options available , please provide me help how to install the java database in netbeans Regards, Bharathi

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for reen

import java.util.Scanner; public class sfera { public static void main(String[] args) { //Langkah 1:Baca input dari pengguna System.out.print("Masukkan nilai jejari: "); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); final double PI = 3.14159; double jejari = input.nextDouble(); double luas; double isipadu; //Langkah 2: kira luas luas = 4 * PI * jejari …

Member Avatar for nandosss
Member Avatar for javaprog200

Hello, When I run the following program, the applet window displays nothing. I will be grateful for any help. [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class BoxPanel extends JPanel { private JTextField label1, label2; public BoxPanel() { setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); label1 = new JTextField(20); label2 = new JTextField(20); add(label1); add(label2); …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for MrHardRock

Hey I have an assignment to get a number from the user and print it as a string with commas in the correct space. For example if the number is 13904 it should read 13,904 or 1005 should read 1,005. I have to do this recursively. Working on my pseudo-code …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16645[/ATTACH]Oracle announced Thursday evening (August 12) that they would be filing a lawsuit against Google, claiming that their Android phone software infringes upon patents and copyrights of their Java software, which they acquired when they purchased Sun Microsystems in January for $7.4 billion. "In developing Android, Google knowingly, directly and …

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Member Avatar for xcrypted1

Evening all, My assignment is as follows: Consider a program that administers multiple-choice quizzes. The student needs to provide a response such as A or D. Your job will be to check for input errors in the student response string. Check that the string has length 1, and that it …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jackbauer24

My ten year old has learnt quite a lot of java and wants a few BEGINNER projects. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for ForceStr

I want to add a progressBar (just to show that something is happening) when the database rows are fed into a table. First I tried to create a frame, where I added progressBar. I called frame.visible in the while loop which populates the table with database datas. But the frame …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for mcz2012

I have a simple program with a potential complicated output (see below). I am asked to make a simple for loop that displays results in GUI. Can I do this without with showmessagedialog instead of doing a JTextbox/label ect? I need this: sample gui output: After year 1 $11000 After …

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Member Avatar for bhallarahul

i want to use use javamail Api and i am not able to understand which server i use or is there is any other api available which is better then javamail Api.please suggest me

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Member Avatar for lbgladson

I have the following code which allows a user to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the computer. The code allows for 10 rounds and counts the number of wins and ties. I need to allow for user misspelling by allowing the input to be accepted if the user types the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for frivolous

ASALAM-O-ALIKUM i want to read a mp3 file in java and shows the data on console output. i can read header data but i dont need it. i want a ACCURATE DATA FROM WHICH I CAN EXTRACT SUCH A FEATURE which tells the mood of song i.e sad, happy, romantic …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for Vladnaka

Hello, everybody, I am doing my Java homework and we used this line in class with no problems at, I have the code from the program we used in class and it works on my computer no problem. However, when I put it into my homework's code, it gives me …

Member Avatar for crimsondawn
Member Avatar for jazzermonty

Hi folks. I'm new here so appologies if I'm not posting in the correct place. Here's my issue. I want to paint independent graphics on the same JPanel. I thought that I could create a method that paints my image(s) then call this in the constructor, but not sure what …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for abraham Nkomo

Hi to everyone l have this assignment to do: Synchronize access to the instance variable, accBalance. Because accBalance is a double and not an object, it cannot be used as the monitor. Use synchronized methods or synchronized blocks of code, as appropriate. Simultaniously test two threads. Because the threads can …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for slasherpunk

I'm trying to run a simple servlet that counts the number of times a user visits the page using cookies but I'm getting the following error. I thought that NullPointerException was because there were no cookies at all in the browser. But after checking I found a couple of cookies …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for kyriacos1986

I want to update a record of a gym member when his/her weight change. But unfortunately my program can't find the given member. Here is my code: [CODE] public static void updateWeight() { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // Creation of a new Scanner object String tempName = ""; // …

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The End.