32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mylo92

Good day, I'm new and glad to be here, I just need a help with the my code can anyone help me find the main error with it? The JList is giving me hell and since I migrated to a new laptop I'm failing to establish a connection with my …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hi, Can anyone please help. I am working on Java 3D Cylinders. I cannot color the different faces of the Cylinder differently. TOP, BOTTOM, BODY. All should have different colors. I tried it with different appearances but to no avail. [code=java] Cylinder c=new Cylinder(); BranchGroup contentBranch = new BranchGroup(); Transform3D …

Member Avatar for ARaza110
Member Avatar for divyakprabh

Hi, Does java provides any API to find the details of mobile service provider given a mobile number.?? Or any link to find the data regarding this. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for civirol02

Hi I want to know what's the problem with my code. I'm just a beginner. I'm trying to display the smallest number, but everytime I run the program, the output is always equal to zero. However if I use this code to find the largest number, wherein the boolean condition …

Member Avatar for civirol02
Member Avatar for yup790

Hello. I have decided to design and build an artificial intelligent chat room for the 2012 Google science fair. I will use java for it's ability to constantly expand without editing already written code. This chartroom will need to be able to distinguish verbs nouns adjectives ect, and from his …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hi, First of all I would like to know if this is possible, I have a feeling it is. so if this is, How/What would be the best way to do this? Will I have to download 3rd party libraries? Thanx

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for Dhanesh10

hello friends, i've 2 forms 1) Home1 and 2)NewAccountForm in Home1 when a button clicked i perform NewAccountForm newAcc= new NewAccountForm (); newAcc.setVisible(true); this.setVisible(false); i.e. make invisible current(Home1) form and visible NewAccountForm , no problem here. [COLOR="Red"]BUT[/COLOR] in NewAccountForm after a button clicked when i try to make invisible current(NewAccountForm)form …

Member Avatar for Dhanesh10
Member Avatar for phoenx

Any idea how I can make a applet using a thread and how i will implement it..SOS..

Member Avatar for phoenx
Member Avatar for Majestics

Is there any way to take oracle backup from java. [code] Connection c = // Connection Setting; st = c.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("//What to write here for backup"); [/code] I have tried imp and exp utility , but they cant be accessed through sqlplus...

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for naffan

Hi all, Quick question, Is there a way to store a GregorianCalendar object in a hard-coded array? Such as you do an int or String ? Or do I have to send 3 ints for dd/mm/yyyy and then create a new GregorianCalendar object in the Constructor? If this is the …

Member Avatar for naffan
Member Avatar for rayden150

I want to make a Program that takes two inputs one initial number and one final number for example if I input 1 as the beginning number and 13 as the final, I would like the program to output the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.. I hope someone understands it.. Pleease i …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for raghujosh

In some cases of HTML cleaning, I would like to retain the text enclosed between the tags(which is the default behaviour of Jsoup) and in some cases, I would like to remove the text as well as the HTML tags. Can someone please throw some light on how I can …

Member Avatar for localp

I need to create a swing application, and draw a rectangle and paint it with RGB values. [CODE] Color c = new Color(10, 198, 19, 23); [/CODE] How should i do this ? any tutorial or example i could start with ?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for profyou
Member Avatar for canwilf
Member Avatar for MonsterCookies

Hello Everyone! I'm looking for some advice from some C# pros out there. I am not a C# developer, I am a java/actionscript developer. I have an old VB6 component wrapped up into activeX that I am trying to update. I have rebuilt the component from scratch in visual studio …

Member Avatar for iscode

Can anyone help me to convert this java code to vb6 code? [CODE]import java.net.*; import java.io.*; class read_web { static void main(String[] url) { String web = "http://www.website.com"; String vs="",us = ""; try { URL website = new URL(web); URLConnection conn = website.openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for stevanity

I have been tasked with building an application that maintains a simple Student DB to store and process marks of students of 5 departments with 4 batches of students in each dept. I first thought of developing a UI-dataAccess style application. But Was unable to process because of various complexities …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for Madhusudhan_Ram

Hi All, I am trying tp put messages into a jms queue using jms, webservices and weblogic server 10.0. When i run the web service in a single invocation the messages are put into the queue successfully. But when i try to run a load test on the web service …

Member Avatar for jazz_vill

I'm trying to populate our database using some curl command like curl --user username:password [url]https://somewebsite.com[/url] curl - d "name=New User Name&address=New User Address" [url]https://somewebsite.com/api/add/new[/url] The instructions that they gave to me uses curl but I want to do it in Java so I decided to use HttpClient here's my code …

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Member Avatar for cozmo87

Hi everyone, I'm writing a program that reads numbers from a text file, stores them in a table, does calculations on the numbers and displays the result in a jTable. The scanner reads the numbers as doubles and stores them in an ArrayList. My tablemodel is very similar to the …

Member Avatar for Zetlin
Member Avatar for baby_c

Hey dear Friends... I'm developing a code for an assignment given that find a solution for a modified Dining philosophers problem.. For that problem I had to create four classes. [ICODE]Philosopher[/ICODE] , [ICODE]chopStick[/ICODE] , [ICODE]samllBowl [/ICODE] and [ICODE]bigBowl[/ICODE].. I implemented the class [ICODE]philosopher[/ICODE] as Runnable.. And the problem is this.. …

Member Avatar for baby_c
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am attempting to make a chatroom as my first program that communicates between computers. I am having trouble setting up the Server Socket Though. My program stops when it tries to set up. Here are my variables [CODE] private JTextField textArea; private ServerSocket servSock; private Socket sock; private BufferedReader …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for stevanity

Im not asking for home work help .I need a guide.. My teacher gave a huge project work for me. I have to develop an application that maintains basic info about all students in my college (every department and IV batches in each department). And I need to maintain their …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for pradeesh.login

shall we extend abstract class in other methods?????, pls explain me with an clearcut example

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Majestics

How to open already present text file... So user can see the data in that file... I dont mean FileInput or OutputStream open.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Majestics

Deal all, i am new to reports , i tried BIRT,JASPER,Crystal and oracle reports ... but i m only able to make a report in designer , how to connect to standalone application of java made in java se edition... So please tell me easy report designer because in vb …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for Annuate

A few friends from school and I are messing around with writing a chat server/client. We are writing it in java, and now we are at the stage where we are trying to get people unique ids and logging in. Just curious as to the best practices for handling user …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for a.oprea

I have made an array of JButtons arranged in a 2x3 box encased in a JPanel with GridLayout. This works fine. But i want to add a JLabel with text under this panel. Problem is that the JLabel, represented here by itemsInfo will not show, and I can't figgure it …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for MoZo1

So I have a component that renders very slowly. The problem is that I can only render inside the event handling thready, which shouldn't be freezed. Long ago in pascal/assembly I used backbuffer and page flipping. I've read that Java supports double buffering, but no info about thread safety. So …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for stevanity

I wanted to know how Java does Object Cloning. But when I read the Object.java class I saw that it was not defined in it. Im confused. I really dont know who internals of java are implemented. It would be nice if someone could help me with this.....

Member Avatar for stevanity

The End.