32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for trickx0729

Hey guys, [INDENT]I just want to know if its possible to code a java program that will automatically logs you on your online accounts (e.g. such as yahoo mail, facebook, gmail, multiply, or even in this site) using your own username and password you use to register on such accounts. …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for leverin4

Picture 1 down below is of a Maze program I wrote as it looks when you open it. Picture 2 is the same Maze after the program finds its way out. I want to alter the code so the program adds each blue spot one at a time as it …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

Ok, as I mentioned to Ezzaral, I'm working on learning Eclipse RCP but it is pretty hard to find good resources. I've found one good resource but it was written in 2006 and I'm really looking for some up to date online tutorials or resources using Eclipse Ganymede. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for fwso

Hello, everyone! I will graduate in this month, and I have contracted with a software development company as a Java Programmer. I am, however, wondering how could I become an excellent Java programmer! I need some suggestions on: how to improve my development skills? what kind of book or journal …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tomata2

this is a code for my project ,the project is In the beginning of the program, the users will choose either to create the road by them self by entering the speed of the car, the lane in which the car is moving and the position of the car in …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for wrigha

I need to write a applet that displays between one and three figures that walk across the screen at different speeds form left to right. I have one figure walking across the screen but can't seem to get figure two or three to work correctly. This is what I have …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for kashn

Hi, I'm using 2 JButtons on my JApplet. The thing is that, the buttons do not show up until I roll my mouse over them? The regular Button works, this problem only occurs with a JButton... I only want to use the JButton because I need set a image button …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sexycancer1973

I have to write a GUI based quiz game in Java, but I have no idea how to use the following code to finish the program. The questions and answers are in a text file. Please help!!! [code] public class QnA { //index of correct answer when calling the getAnswer() …

Member Avatar for sexycancer1973
Member Avatar for Intrade

I'm trying to figure out how to merge to full, complete binary heaps if their heights differ by more than 1. For example, a heap with 7 elements merged with a heap with 31 elements, etc. Here's my Java Code for the problem. I can't quite figure out what I'm …

Member Avatar for mahdi68
Member Avatar for Lensva

need some guidance on how to make JTable look something like this: [img]http://imgkk.com/i/pQTxSCQf.jpg[/img] so far on searching i'v found nothing concrete and what i have found is scrambled between multiple .java and hundreds of lines. not readable to me. what/where should i look into that would provide me a skeleton-like …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for shakeelahmed22

I need to write a program to print the below pattern of * representing the alphabet X. I am unable to print an X using asterisks in the post. I hope you can understand the below explanation. The X should have 7 rows - with three rows at the top …

Member Avatar for freelancelote
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi guys, I am using boolean variables as flags in a program and i want to be able to invert the value. for example if the current value is true, then it must be changed to false; doesn't matter if i don't know what the current value is.

Member Avatar for redZERO
Member Avatar for localp

I am an absolute beginner in JAVA, i want to know how to upload and save an image in a prescribed folder. sorry, i tried my best to search for this in the net, but i couldn't find any related to this, and also i do not have any sample …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Lensva

Class A has a MouseMotionListener which updates cursorLocation every time its called; Class B extends A. the idea is to make B's lastSelected update once cursorLocation is updated and println the new coords. i thought paintComponent could be used for that but im sure theres something obvious im missing: [code="java"]import …

Member Avatar for shakeelahmed22

Please help me in the below program Write a class named 'Stack" that has two methods named 'push' and 'pop'. The class has the following members: Member variables : int array [] int n ------------------------> size of the array int top Constructor : to initialize n, array and top. Member …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for gstang95gt

I am in my final weeks of my first Java Class. I have the next part of my program due over the weekend and I am stuck. The assignment is as follows: Modify the Inventory Program to use a GUI. The GUI should display the information one product at a …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Logi.

Hi there, Im not very good with coding UIs but having to do one for a program im writing atm.... I have two windows in seperate classes and they both extend JFrame. From Window A i open Window B from the menu options but when i then want to close …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kashn

Please tell me how/where is it explained on using Java Tables? I know about JTables, but the problem with that is that I can't seem to get rid of the onClick MouseEvent on that... I need a static table basically with 2 columns and 1 row. ~ Thanks!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for exzibit23

i already connect to internet. but if im trying to access the site, it only gives me the code (page source) of it. why is that?

Member Avatar for exzibit23
Member Avatar for kingarthur

Hello everybody! I want to create a JTable (showing data from mysql..) on a Panel. But I dont get it..nearly every method is unavailable. Here is my code for creating it on a frame: [code] package gfx; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import …

Member Avatar for cruzer45
Member Avatar for shakeelahmed22

what is the difference between throw and throws clause in java???? mmm.....i no that all methods in java use the throw statement to throw an exception and the throw statement requires a single argument : a throwable object.... but plz can any1 tell me the function of the throws clause?????

Member Avatar for shakeelahmed22
Member Avatar for grohit

Hi, I am trying to use MySQL full text search in my application, but surprisingly the query doesn't seem to be working for keywords like 'ASP.net','Vb.net' The query is given below, [CODE] SELECT * FROM tbl_postedjobs WHERE MATCH (keySkills) AGAINST ('ASP.net') [/CODE]

Member Avatar for still_learning

I am still kinda new to programming and I have a questions (yes it is a homework question), but I am not looking for you to give me the answer. I would like someone to explain to me how to go about determining the number of key comparisons for an …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kashn

Is it possible? Like bringing a drawn image in the paint for JApplets? Is there any way to set a order of whats on the most top? Because I'm using a JTextArea, and have it do setText on the JTextArea while inside paint(Graphics g) and having it draw the image …

Member Avatar for kashn
Member Avatar for kashn

Hi, Is there a way to format a string into a paragraph format? The closest thing I got was entering the string into a JTextArea, but the only problem with this is that the words get split in between its characters making it almost seem like two different words.... - …

Member Avatar for kashn
Member Avatar for grommet2481

So im trying despritely to understand how to create a maze and find the shortest path. I would just like to first understand how to create a maze. Theres no need for it to be outputted at this stage, I just want to understand how it works. I found this …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

from Java Sun's JavaBeans tutorial: "The accessor methods for a bound property are defined in the same way as those for simple properties. However, you also need to provide the event listener registration methods forPropertyChangeListener classes and fire a PropertyChangeEvent (in the API reference documentation) event to the PropertyChangeListener objects …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, I'm starting with Java and have an issue with how to use the classpath variable and where to put certain library. This is probably pretty easy but it's got to the point of driving me crazy. Now, I'd like to have my library, let's call it "mylib", under C: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.