32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for KeepGoing

Hi I'm just starting out with OOPin JAVA and thought i was getting the hang of it but i've been given an assignment and it's got me stumped. here is the code i have been given [code=java] public class FrogCalculator { private Frog operand1Frog; private Frog operand2Frog; private Frog unitsFrog; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for exzibit23

hello, im a beginner programmer in java (J2ME), is there a way on how to unobfuscate a java? and how to obfuscate it?? (J2ME)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Gman36

Hi all, I am having a problem with the synchronizing the threads in the classic produce consume thread example. Below is my code for it. [CODE]public class Magpie extends Thread { private TreeHole treehole; private int number; public Magpie(TreeHole t, int number) { treehole = t; this.number = number; } …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for grisha83

My method is not working for some reason, even though i have done in exactly the same way the books showed. Could you please take a look at it and let me know what went wrong? Thank you P.S. I tried to use DEBUG technique and it seems that the …

Member Avatar for grisha83
Member Avatar for RupeshParajuli

Hello Guys, I'm considerably Newbie to any programming whatsoever, and i'm having to take Java for my computer Science requirement. I'm currently working on an homework assignment to write an application that reads the (X,Y) coordinates for two points. I also need to compute the distance between them using the …

Member Avatar for shantechi
Member Avatar for didi00

Can someone help me to make a program in java: 1. Generate 2 rows of 50 random numbers (int) from 0 to 99. 2. Search the numbers that appear in the first row, but not in the second, and numbers that appear in the second row but not in the …

Member Avatar for shantechi
Member Avatar for Talguy

I am trying to develop an application for my phone that will communicate with my personal linux server. The phone application will not be java based but the server will be. The Server will be sending me information from my database to my phone. How should I package my data …

Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi guys, I want to paint multiple layers of images onto one image. I'm going to be using BufferedImage for this. How would I go about painting these multiple images onto one (in essence creating a new image. sort of like a collage)? Would i get the graphics context and …

Member Avatar for redZERO
Member Avatar for squinx22

Hello all, I am having a problem in creating an image by using createImage() method when trying to load large files. FileConnection fc = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file:///" + path + "/",Connector.READ); InputStream fis = (InputStream) fc.openInputStream(); image = Image.createImage(fis); // I got the out of memory exception here. Are there any …

Member Avatar for articlemaster9
Member Avatar for gitech

Hai Friends, iam using udp connection for my project in j2me, its working fine, but i doknow how to set timeout for the Datagram connection. because there no server means it doesnot give exception. my code is given below [code] [COLOR="Green"]public String UDP_Client(String str) { String UDP_RString=""; String UDP_Senddata = …

Member Avatar for brandongood

Hello, I am getting the following errors: unexpected type line 433 operator + cannot be applied to <any>,double line 433 operator + cannot be applied to <nulltype>,double line 433 incompatible types line 433 unexpected type line 441 In the below file. I know its probably something simple, but could use …

Member Avatar for poeticinsanity
Member Avatar for KirkPatrick

Hey guys, got another question for you. I have a program that displays a new bean on my jPanel for each piece of data that it picks up from a file. I was wondering if there is an easy way to always have it display my bean to the northwest …

Member Avatar for KirkPatrick
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hey guys I'm using JLayeredPane because i want three distinct layers in my program. terrain, buildings and then characters. I thought that JLayeredPane was easily the best choice for this context. The problem is, I have only seen people *adding* components to their layers. I need to do my own …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Virux

I have been testing a application I made, which is a simple swing interface with a checkbox. I am using custom icons for my checkbox, for checked, checked and mouse-over, unchecked, and unchecked mouse-over. I am using the eclipse IDE. Eclipse creates your application in the workspace file, so the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for eng_mary

Hi every one. suppose i have Car class: [CODE=java]public class Car{ int id; int speed; public void move(){ ... } ..... }[/CODE] that have to run in Race class: [CODE=java]public class Race{ Car[] cars; .... public void runRace(){ .. for (int i=0; i<cars.length; i++) { cars[i].move(); //here is my problem …

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Member Avatar for danilopena
Member Avatar for shilpa_mk
Member Avatar for danilopena

So I've been "studying" java for two semesters, and my teacher is not what you would call the best. I was just wondering if any of you guys could help me out with some questions I have... What is a recursive termination condition and what happens if a recursive function …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Riv3n

Hello, I'm currently working on a project which requires me to provide an [B]upload and download file manager with pause and resuming[/B] functionality. Much like GetRight with its GUI but with upload and download function. This project is PHP based and I believe that PHP can't do what is required …

Member Avatar for Riv3n
Member Avatar for eng_mary

hi every one suppose i have a Car class [CODE]public class Car{ [INDENT]int speed; int id; .. public void move(){ .... }[/INDENT]}[/CODE] and a Race class [CODE]public class Race{ [INDENT]int array[][];//contains car ids in race or 0 for none [/INDENT] [INDENT]Car cars[]; .... public void startRace(){ ... }[/INDENT] }[/CODE] if …

Member Avatar for eng_mary
Member Avatar for Majestics

I am making on-screen keyboard in java. All what i want to know is how to get focus into the notepad or any other typing point , I mean when i press a key it type it into the typing point like a keyboard do. If any one know any …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I am trying to transmit an Image object through a Socket connection in Java. The only thing I may be missing is how to get an image size in bytes so I know how many bytes are being transferred over the Socket. I have the ServerSocket and Client working transferring …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for keppy

Hi, I'm fairly new to java and am trying to write a form of banking system for a college assignment. At the moment I am trying to access the account number of the object userCurrentAccount with it's method getAccountNumber from the account class. This is where the object is created …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sandeepdhankar

hi , i m new in java. i have 2 ques. 1. how to track Alt + s combination key in applet and 2.i need to send a image from applet to some url / servlet via http post. and display a progress bar showing the status of imge sending …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for gstang95gt

I am new to Java, I am six weeks through a nine week class. I am having problems extending a class in my program. My assignment is as follows: Modify the Inventory Program by creating a subclass of the product class that uses one additional unique feature of the product …

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Member Avatar for MasterOfDevil

Hi, I dont sure that I am posting the thread to right place. I want to test user bandwith over an application that installed to user's computer. There are online test tools , but I must I need java source code for implementing to our application. Can anyone help about …

Member Avatar for Gasper11
Member Avatar for sifah

i want to validate the String entered wether it is a valid standard equation of [COLOR="Green"]conics[/COLOR] the standard equation is: ax^2+by^2+2hxy+2gx+2fy+c=0 some variables can be missed in input string but it should be of "degree 2" equation

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for bokz06

what im having trouble with is making an applet which has animates like the matrix code.. lines come down at random positions etc.. my lecturer said that it only takes 20 lines of code and is very simple. he gave us this info as a hint: [CODE]Use the random class! …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for apocalypshiit

Hi everybody, i just have a task from my teacher..and the task is to make the chatting application with java (GUI = Swing) that implement the multithreading and multicast socket. can you give me the resource or tutorial??!! help me please.... :)

Member Avatar for apocalypshiit
Member Avatar for ndoe

sorry i can't found tread about voice recoder!! my question is how to recording voice with microphone and play recording with java swing/netbean and output from voice is save to hardisk!! thanks all

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Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.