32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for cathy dow
Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for xQuasar

I'm making a game server which involves three servers; a CommonServer, which connects the LoginServer and the Gameserver. Anyways, I've got another source that's similar that I'm looking at but I must have done something wrong. I've been looking at it over and over again and the other source works, …

Member Avatar for suretd

Good Day, I have an Abstract Class, Student, which has two child classes, FulltimeStudent and PartTimeStudent. I use the class, Test, to test how many credithours each student has and how much financial aid each student is getting. My output requests that firstly, i enter wheter a student is Full-time, …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for llemes4011

Hi, I'm kind of new to the world of streams in Java, and I was wondering - I have this Server/Client program, and I need to read Objects and Text streams. I tried making an ObjectInputStream, and a PrintWriter out of the Socket's InputStream, but when I tried to read …

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Member Avatar for lyardson

the exact diff between c++ and java technically........need to submit a assignment

Member Avatar for mirfan00
Member Avatar for brandongood

I am getting the error in the title of this post when I try to run my ColorFactory class. Can someone tell me where Im going wrong? Heres my code: [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ColorFactory extends JFrame { //Fields of the class private JLabel messageLabel; …

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Member Avatar for tummalavishwana

Could any one you help me in resolving this issue. I want to write the content to a file line by line. I have done the following in my java class. I have to append the some content into an xml file. For this I am reading an xml file …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bokz06

im having problem setting values into a String array.. it must be with a setter method (yes this is homework). i have created a Person class which u can set name, age, gender and then i created a Teacher class which extends person and further allows you to set ( …

Member Avatar for bokz06
Member Avatar for ashokrajendran

Hi all, I'm doing the project, in which i'll get a string as response from the server. That string contains the xml content. I need to parse it and extract the required value of the xml tags... i have no idea about this, Kindly any one has a code to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for javaman2

hello again everyone to pick up where i left off, i took the advice of a member and split my poker game up into different classes which i will post below 1)i need help with two errors in the poker class which i have commented out as compiler error messages …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for stewie griffin

Hi I am using jmf to build some music player and im want to add some equalizer that will "jump" up and down according to the music, how can I do it?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mdharooonkhan

hello friends , i am searching job and put 5 projects and i am finding difficulty in explaning the current project so please can anybody tells me how to explain the project ,i mean how to start explaining and what should i explain .please its really urgent i am finding …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for gstang95gt

I am new to programming and have a question regarding a homework assignment. First off this is for an Inventory Program and it is part 2. The assignment is as follows: Modify the Inventory Program so the application can handle multiple items. Use an array to store the items. The …

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Member Avatar for nishant52

I'm developing a Java application where I have to implement Shortest path algorithm (dijkstra's). I've stored the details of nodes in database. But my problem is that the number of nodes is very large (1000+) and taking all the nodes into consideration will increase the time and space consumption of …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for k8lj

Question 1) Define a class for Rectangle objects defined by two points, the top-left and bottom right corners of the rectangle. Include a constructor to copy a rectangle, a method to return a rectangle object that encloses the current object and the rectangle passed as an argument and the method …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for SnagglezMaw

I have a large file to read to get the data out of the columns. File size varies, but is usually around 1000 to 3000 lines. What I need to do is pull the data(numbers) from column 3 ONLY if the number in column 4 of that same line is …

Member Avatar for SnagglezMaw
Member Avatar for jin83

Note, some of the code could be hard to understand as a bit is in Swedish. Hi! I am trying to learn some sql/java. I created some tables in an sql-database, and a java-program to access and modify the tables. I am not that experienced in programming so I might …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for palavi

log.info("Able to establish mail session"); props.setProperty("resource.loader", "class"); props.setProperty("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache." + [CODE]"velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader"); props.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", "/"); Velocity.init(props); Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("MarketingAlert.html"); log.info("Able to find Template."); VelocityContext vContext = new VelocityContext(); vContext.put("url", url); vContext.put("userId", createdBy.toUpperCase()); vContext.put("appName", applicationName); vContext.put("custName", customerName); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); template.merge(vContext, writer);[/CODE] IM working on enhancement...im getting the below exception: …

Member Avatar for Virux

So, I have plans for a chat applet. I have only flowcharts and drawings of what I plan to do. Right now I'm creating my own HTTP server to deliver the applet, which is working nicely. Now I'm trying to find some stuff I want to add to the applet. …

Member Avatar for djdanjo82

Hi All! First thanks for viewing my thread. I have spent a half day and change trying to find a solution to this specific problem. Basically I am trying to figure out how to change the variable name while in a loop. The last loop is where my problem is …

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Member Avatar for aries_87
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for chan95

Hi everybody, while i build my ant scripts in eclipse, and at the stage of [INDENT][/INDENT][B][exec] Invoking RMIC. [/B]i get an error complaining of some classes not being present. but where as they do exist in my project. Does anybody have any clue of why this happens Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for chan95
Member Avatar for grisha83

Hello, I wrote an add method but for some reason it does not add more than 3 values. Could anyone tell me why? here is my method: [ICODE] public void addValue(int value) { IntNode cur = head; IntNode prev = cur; IntNode t = new IntNode(value); if (value <= cur.data){ …

Member Avatar for grisha83
Member Avatar for kashn

Hi, I'm using a JTextArea in a JApplet, and having difficulty trying to align the JTextArea on the x, y axis... I've tries setBounds, setAlignmentX & setLocation... Neither seem to work. Plz help! This is what I have: [ICODE] public class Testing () { JTextArea TxtArea; Container Panel; LayoutManager Layout; …

Member Avatar for kashn
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

Suns Java style rules specify that accessors should follow the getX/setX pattern, and most Java API mathods follow this... except for some very common exceptions such as: String length() enum name() [NB new to 1.5, not a legacy!] ArrayList size() etc It seems that there is another pattern operating here: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I am having problems using an ObjectInputStream to read from a file. My program uses a File to check whether or not a specific file exists. If it exists my program will attempt to create a FileInputStream for the file and associate an ObjectInputStream with it. It should first …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for f.damati

HI I am working on a java application using netbeans, I face a porblem. I want to display the output of my program, on jtextarea (i have designed a jtextarea,) just I want to display the output namely the content of an array. plz can anyone help?

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for b1k1m1

I am using following method to convert string to calendar date '2007-05-10T08:10:21-8:00' . The code is as under public Calendar dateStringCalendar(String s){ Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance(); try{ SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); Date d1=df.parse(s); cal.setTime(d1); return cal; }catch(Exception e){ } return cal; } when I get response back to my jsp page it shows …

Member Avatar for b1k1m1
Member Avatar for dep.new

hello, please tell me a function which can transform the first 100 consecutive number into a string? i kept looking but i could'nt find one thank you all the best dep:)

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for joshmo

Iam using an AWT component. Did a little research but cannot find anyway I can make my player return a JComponent..tried this casting but Iam getting an exception at the line. [code=java]((com = (JComponent)p.getVisualComponent()) != null)[/code] I also got to see something about mixing SWING with AWT so I decided …

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The End.