32,205 Topics
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Hello Everyone I was instructed to do the following but came up with 10 errors which are listed below can anyone please help with this. Write a sentinel loop that will sum all positive integer values entered; use a negative number to end the loop. Be sure to test for … | |
I don't know why I keep getting an InputMismatchException :/ It highlights when I call the load() method. Thanks [CODE] import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class GradeManager { private ArrayList <Student> StudentGrades; public GradeManager(){ StudentGrades=new ArrayList<Student>(); load(); } public void load(){ Scanner fileIn=null; try{ fileIn=new Scanner(new File("grades.txt")); }catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.print("Cannot … | |
Hey all, I have some code here for a red black tree that prints out in preorder traversal. The entire program works fine and prints out to a file when I run from the terminal "java Main.java<input1.txt>output.txt", however I need set it up so it writes to standard output "output.txt" … | |
I am wondering if I could write this code to a file and then print it at a starting location (like an image). [CODE] g.setColor(Color.white); g.fill3DRect(en1X + 0 * enZ, en1Y - 25 * enZ, 5 * enZ, 5 * enZ, true); g.fill3DRect(en1X + 5 * enZ, en1Y - 30 … | |
Hello guys... I have a strange problem on my calculation for a First in First Out Algorithm. The problem is, when i have to calculate 4 processes and above, the waiting time on my processes are wrong, but when i have to calculate only up to 3 processes it is … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to get the information from a text file to show up in the JTextArea I have in a GUI. I'm using the GUI editor in NetBeans, because I'm a Java newb. I've been reading a lot of things on the web and can't seem to figure … | |
I am using JPQL to write queries. I have an SQL as [CODE] SELECT * FROM `powergenerationdatapoint` AS pgdp INNER JOIN ( SELECT MAX( TIMESTAMP ) TIME FROM powergenerationdatapoint GROUP BY solarpanel_id )maxtime ON pgdp.timestamp = maxtime.time WHERE solarpanel_id IN ( SELECT id FROM solarpanel WHERE solar_plant_id =1 ) GROUP … | |
hey, i have created a project in netbeans that contains an applet, later i use that projects jar file in web project and i embed the applet in the html file. the annoying thing is that once i change something in my applet project the and i run the web … | |
I'm new to java and seriously needing some help..I'm having problems deciding accessor and mutator methods.. and how to create an ArrayList. Write a program that uses an ArrayList of parameter type Contact to store a database of contacts. The Contact class should store the contact's first and last name, … | |
how can i open .java extension file in jdk software.. i used edit keyword to open the .java file but jdk is not allowing me to open the .java file.. please any one fix this problem... | |
i have this 2d array: String[][] testData= { {"s", "y", "r"}, {"s", "n", "r"}, {"w", "y", "r"}, {"s", "n", "r"} }; how can i count the occurrence of a particular element in the column of an array? for example i want to know how many "s" are in first column … | |
i hav developed a java swing desktop application in eclipse & ubuntu;From where should i get the jar file of my appication or how to create jar file of my application??? thanks in advance........... | |
Is there a way to diplay a web page like google in an application in a JLabel for example. Kind of like the new minecraft launcher where it shows the update in a window about the login area. Thanks for any help. | |
if a word begins with a vowel (a-e-i-o-u), then "ay" is added to the end of the word (so "idle" -> "idleay", and "often" -> "oftenay"); on the other hand, if a word begins with a consonant, then the first letter is removed, and is placed at the end of … | |
[CODE]PointerInfo a = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); Point b = a.getLocation(); int x = (int) b.getX(); int y = (int) b.getY(); System.out.print("Y: "+y); System.out.print("X: "+x+"\n");[/CODE] Right now I'm using this, but it gives me the coordinates relative to the entire monitor. Since you can move the program frame anywhere on the monitor, this … | |
Does anyone the code to convert a JPEG colour image into a gray scale image??... | |
hey, i have been trying to sign jar file in order to use my applet to connect to mysql database. i am using netbeans and i have been looking for the turorials how to sign jar file but all of them tend to skip steps and i am not sure … | |
Hi all, I'm currently trying to solve a problem with a JList. I've got an actionPerformed event applied to the JList (also tried the item updated event but it has the same effect), and whenever this event is fired, (i.e. the user makes a selection), something happens. Now, the problem … | |
I wrote the following method to get the current date for an invoice: [CODE] public String getDate() { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMMMMMM d, yyyy"); Date orderDate = new Date(); return dateFormat.format(orderDate); }[/CODE] but now I have to add two weeks (14 days) to that date (to get the expected … | |
i have a file that contains hexadecimal values and i want to convert them to int how do u do that exactly?? [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; public class CacheSimulation { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int hexAdd [] = new int [32]; //array to … | |
Hey guys I had some homework in a Java class on Friday. I completed it so I am not looking for answers (I also don't think it will be graded). I was just curious, as a learning exercise, how would you guys improve this and why? Now remember I'm a … | |
So what I'm aiming for here is to take the user's input as float and write code to split up that input into individual digits and use an array. How would I go about doing this? Here is what my code looks like currently: [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Asn8 { … | |
Hi everyone, i want to know the information about apache activemq which we are using as a broker for sending the messages using jms and websphere server from one server to another server which is the requirement of our project how to send the messages , how to do configiration … | |
i am designing a small client server system for a hospital, in this system a receptionist will forward the details of patients as they come to the particular doctor, like i go with a problem related to skin disease, my case would be transferred to that particular doc, I am … | |
Hi frnds............. I want to implement audio chat feature in my chat server ............ can anybody tell me how to implement it!!!!!!!!!! It's gud if anyone can provide me a small code for implement it.......... | |
Hello everybody...!!! I got a little but bothering problem. I create a First in First out algorithm schedule but somehow i have a problem in computing the WT(Waiting Time). Actually i have a WT but it only considers the current AT(Arrival Time) of the current process and does not include … | |
import java.io.*; class InputDiagnosis{ public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { char ch; int digit=0; int upper=0; int lower=0; int other=0; BufferedReader inputstream =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println(" Type some text. When done, press Enter to Quit:"); do{ ch=(char) inputstream.read(); if(Character.isDigit(ch)) digit++; else if(Character.isUpperCase(ch)) upper++; else if(Character.isLowerCase(ch)) lower++; else other++; … | |
Hi, I'm having XML content as a string. I'm using W3C dom for getting values from the XML. I've a very large XML file with attributes, elements similar like below [CODE=xml]<Shares> <bookDetails bookName="How to Learn English" bookAuthor="English Writer"> <Chapter chapterName="From Alphabetes" chapterPage="23"/> </bookDetails> <company> <name>test</name> <address>test address</address> <contact>test contact</contact> <C02>10.5</C02> … | |
Hello All, I have a question related to synchronization in java; there's more like a confirmation. Let's start with the simplified version of my class: [CODE]class MyClass { private List<MyObject> myList = new ArrayList(); public void addEntry(MyObject obj) { myList.add(obj); } public void removeEntry(MyObject obj) { myList.remove(obj); } public double … | |
Hi, im new to this forum and also Java. Im currrently doing my degree 1st year. My lecturer gave me a question on factorial and im unable to solve it. i need to explain why any number of threads can be executing inside of it without causing interference in the … |
The End.