32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for chaliworm

please help need a code tht calculates number of hits and misses in the cache from a adddress file with addresses stored as hexadecimals stored on th hard drive.these hexadecimals should first be changed into binary.. ive read some psuedo codes buh i seriosly dont know were to begin the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Limiter

HI, a pretty frustrating problem arose. I am not going to post any code this time. This should be straight forward question anyways... :) I have a class that contains a constructor with arrays. Also, a methods to add to the array using scanner class. The problem is, I implemented …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for chetan_8187

Hi, I want a code for opening a particular folder or directory on button click. Thanks.

Member Avatar for sairakhushi
Member Avatar for cnlengr

Hi, I've been learning java, and I have a question about creating an array. Basically, what I want to do is that I wish to create an array with an unknown array length, then ask the user to input values to be stored in the array. The length of the …

Member Avatar for cnlengr
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi everyone, I have an ArrayList containing 40 or so JPanels for a board game developed in Netbeans with java - is it possible to have an event listener or something similar that will "monitor" the ArrayList for any of the JPanels being clicked, rather than having to create an …

Member Avatar for SCass2010
Member Avatar for ajayb

I am doing a GUI in swings using Netbeans IDE. I have two frames AudioVideostreaming.java Audiostreaming.java There is button called "Audiostreaming" in AudioVideostreaming.java file. When this button is clicked I want that the AudioVideostreaming.java frame is closed and Audiostreaming.java frame is opened. What code should I include in AudiostreamingbuttonActionperformed() method …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sumprit

Hi everyone, i need some suggestion regarding the display of the values of two database table in a single JTable. Can anyone help me to get the proper way of how to do it. Actually i need to show the comparison of the two tables in the JTable by displaying …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for XxPKMNxX

i have this code. i am trying to set a grid and start at c. it then moves to the next value - 1, so in this case, would move to a 4. However, in my IF statement, i want to put if(position surrounding c == c-1){then change that position …

Member Avatar for XxPKMNxX
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi guys, ive read an article about using PHP with Java here:[url]http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Using-PHP-with-Java/[/url] but im a bit confuse to get start with this instruction in this article.i pasted getting started page: [QUOTE]PHP doesn't come with Java support turned on by default, so you'll need to recompile it to enable this support. …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

This is a simple Search Engine that contains tokenized words as keys, in which they will return values associated with them in an ArrayList. All that is required is a text file from a valid extension.

Member Avatar for fayimora
Member Avatar for gcclinux

Hello everyone, I am trying to write to a file what I am currently displaying on the console. I have a bit of code that works fine by creating a list of files based on it's file extention and it then displays it using println: What I want it to …

Member Avatar for gcclinux
Member Avatar for vedangi

Hey there!! I have been working on creating a 3D solar system...I am done with creating the planets, adding textures and lighting and putting the planets into an orbit revolving around the sun. The part left is the saturn's rings. Can somebody tell me if it is possible to create …

Member Avatar for TSprog

hy for all . i have to do a new university work about text mining and specialy on sentiment analysis . i have to try to analyze some mails and forums to extract from about what the student are discussin .. i've seen a lot of documentation about this , …

Member Avatar for TSprog
Member Avatar for MasterBerd

Hi forum, Could you give me some simple 2D array problems to solve? Thanks!

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

hello guys, I don't have a programming question but a mathematical one but need to implement it in a program. I need a formula the will let me find the X,Y position of Circular motion. For example: earth travelling around the sun, I would wanna know the X,Y position of …

Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for csl

how do i create new JLabel() dynamically in a while loop, and add to a JPanel by using the setBounds method. The setBounds work, however, there are other JLabel added to other place. why is this happen? [code]while(condition){ pin = new JLabel(); pin.setIcon(pinIcon); pin.setBounds(Panel1.getImgX(), Panel1.getImgY(), 20, 30); Panel1.panel.add(pin); }[/code]

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for jasperFernandes

Hi, i wanted to create a JTextField to receive the user input instead of having the user key in the input through the IDE console. This is my code. Now, my code just runs fine if the user key in the inputs through the console. After running the code, the …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for ChieftanBill

I've been working on this program recently and its been blowing up with errors, every time I work through a bug, more surface. Now I keep getting incompatible type errors at the spots I marked out. If someone could help me sort it out or point me in the right …

Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi folks, Please forgive a bit of a n00b question, but I'm working with the SwingWorker class and want to create a subclass of this which includes an input type, as well as the existing output and progress-message types (so basically I'd have "CTSwingWorker< I, O, M >"). Now, I'm …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

hello there, this is really urgent, do you know how to convert from a string to AgletProxy ?? i have two classes : Parent.java and Child.java, The Parent.java class, creates a child , passes it its agletproxy while creating it and dispatches it to another machine : [CODE] package examples.help; …

Member Avatar for Jaily

I'm trying to make a digital clock in Java. The program is at the end going to be an alarmclock. So far I've made 3 classes: Main, Clock and Time. Main only creates an object of Clock. Time handles the javax.swing.Timer function for the clock. And the Clock creates a …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for chico9

[CODE] public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((temp1== null) ? 0 : temp1.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((temp2== null) ? 0 : temp2.hashCode()); return result; }[/CODE] I don't really understand about haschodes, yet, so I …

Member Avatar for chico9
Member Avatar for newcoder310

Hi , I have two string which have time in them like one= 11:54:30.360 two= 11:54:30,427 Wht is the best way to get the difference between them Thanks

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mkab

Hello everyone. I have some problems in implementing some stuffs about genetics in java. Here's the scenario. A human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each chromosome in each pair has thousands of genes. Each copy of a gene is called an allele. These alleles determine the different traits of …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for soniajothi

Question Create a class named Package with data fields for weight in ounces (oz.), shipping method, and shipping cost. The shipping method is a character: ‘A’ for air, ‘T’ for truck, or ‘M’ for mail. The package class contains a constructor that requires arguments for weight and shipping method. The …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for lovelyRose

write a driver program with a main method to read in data for five pets and dispaly the following data: name of smallest pet, name of largest pet, name of oldest pet, average weight of the five pet, and average age of the five pet. also, test to see the …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for TheWhite

[CODE] import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class test_regex { public static void main(String[] args) { String text = "(asdf) (123) (zxcv)"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\((\\S+)\\) \\((\\S+)\\) \\((\\S+)\\)$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(text); if (m.matches()) for (int i=0; i<m.groupCount(); i++) System.out.println(i+".) "+m.group(i)); else System.out.println("no match"); } } [/CODE] [QUOTE] Output: 0.) (asdf) …

Member Avatar for TheWhite
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hello guys, I was wondering is it possible to set an animated Background to a JPanel instead of a simple colored background?

Member Avatar for paycity
Member Avatar for coding101

Can someone help me print my BST in level order. Heres what i got so far... [CODE] Queue<BinaryNode<Type>> f=null; while(node.element!=null){ System.out.println(node.element); if(node.left!=null){ f.offer(node.left); } if(node.right!=null){ f.offer(node.right); } if(!f.isEmpty()){ node=f.remove(); } else{ node.element=null; } } [/CODE]


The End.