32,205 Topics
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hi, i have just written a simple hello world java program in my linux server, installed jdk ... and tried to compile and run it and it gave me some errors. please details below: [root@localhost javaFiles]# cat HelloWorld.java [code] import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class HelloWorld { public static void … | |
Here is my assignment: Write a class named 'Video' that has two attributes, a title (type String) and rating (type int). Then write an application class named 'VideoStore' that first creates an array consisting of 5 video objects, then display the list three times; first unsorted, then sorted by title … | |
hi there! I have a file.txt looks like this: [QUOTE]Michael 001 Yeeka 002 Sam 003 Tom 004[/QUOTE] Michael is the member name, while 001 is the ID number. How can I write a coding to validate that whether user has type in the correct name and ID that is inside … | |
I am trying to implement a breadth first search tree. I need to be able to go up and down the tree, and on each layer there can be varying amounts of nodes on each one. My problem is I've never made a tree before, and i don't know how … | |
Hello everyone I was failing, how to write an Access Database using Java J2SE 5 edition ? Could you guys help me out? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks | |
Hi guys, Am faced with a challenge in the office to develop a software that can take a smaller mpeg4 frames and search for the occurrances of the frames within a larger mpeg4 file. For example a television station pragrammes are recorded for 24 hours and a company that placed … | |
below is a method describes polynomial multiplication. all the insertTail() and insertFirst() are in the normal format of linked lists. can anyone please show me why it doesnt give me the right multiplication. [CODE] public static void mulpolynomial(String poly1, String poly2) { String[] pp1 = poly1.split(" "); String[] pp2 = … | |
Hi mates :) how are you? I hope everything is all-right.. ;) I have a small question, it is my HW to be honest here is the question: "Write a method that calculates the following equation: f(x) = 1 if x = 0,1 √ f(x-1) + √ f(x-2) if x … | |
Hi all I am new to Java and having trouble with constructors with images and audio. I have tried to use the API library to work it out myself but cannot understand what they are talking about. My problem is that I am trying to create two instances of the … | |
i am stuk on this and have a[solutly no idea in how to create the while loop!!! could someone please show me how to do this??? Write a Java application that calculates the number of repayments for a loan based on the initial loan amount, annual interest rate and monthly … | |
Hi. I'm working on a program that rolls 2 dice a number of times and displays the number of rolls per combination. It also displays this in a bar graph that shows the percentage of times that each combination got rolled. I've gotten to the point where it rolls the … | |
For one of my programing classes I have to design a maze game, that has a character moving in a maze against time. The question is how to make it so that this character, in this case a button, can not pass through the maze line. I have decided to … | |
Write a Java application that displays factorials for a user input specified number. The factorial of a number, n, is the product of all of the positive integer values between 1 and n, and denoted by the ! symbol. For example, the factorial of 5, 5!, is calculated by multiplying … | |
I have a JTabbedPane inside a JFrame. I've been having a lot of problems with resizing and things like that. . how do I get the JTabbledPane to resize with the JFrame? So when the user drags the window open to a larger size, the JTabbedPane should be dragged to … | |
Hi All - I am using Hibernate Transactions in our project . The flow is as follows. JSP --> Actions -- > Business Layer --> Component Layer --> Persistence Layer --> Data base Currentl I am doing Transaction management in Persistence Layer. Can I do it in business layer ? … | |
I'm a RSS grubber that can't feed enough RSS into my RSS aggregator. If you don't know about RSS, RSS is a great way to get news/articles from multiple sources. Here is a link explaining RSS with many RSS programs you may use to view feeds: [url]http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-10088_7-5143656.html?tag=rss[/url] This comes especially … | |
how wud i create a code tht wud display letters of a string entered by user according to the number being odd or even? so say user enters sentence: i like ice cream. the even output : ilkiecem odd output: the rest of the letters (tht are at odd positions) … | |
Hi Guys, i really need your help. i have a nia ocz product(that use your brain signal and your muscle movement for performing some actions)... this product generate EEG signals(alpha and beta) and from it you can do some actions. it is used in gaming, and it is designed for … | |
Hi, I am trying to use recursion and count to find the number of times the number 5 appears in an array. I have the following code: [CODE]public static int countfive(double[] array1, int beginarray, int endarray,int count) { int next; if(beginarray==endarray) { if(array1[startIndex]==5) return 1; else return 0; } else … | |
Hi everyone I am having a lot of trouble trying to get the toUpperCase method working. I have basically put a String of text into a character array and I want to convert a certain character in a certain place in the String to uppercase. Here is what I have: … | |
I wrote a code about circle starts to grow followed by finner circles, with each new one disappearing earlier while growing but in my code it is only growing how can I disappear the early one?? I didnt put the main method only classes [code] import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; import … | |
I had to implement a priority queue using binary heaps, which I think I have gotten completed, except for one method. We have implement a delete(Anytype X) method which deletes the object x from the priority queue. (It should return false if x is not in the priority queue, and … | |
My program compiles without any errors, however, when I go to run it all I get is a message saying "Welcome to the Payroll Program". From there it does not print anything else nor allows me to enter any information. If someone could please take a look at my program … | |
Hi all. I am trying to connect to MySQL database on a remote m/c(IP: Heres my code: [CODE] System.out.println("Making new connection(object).."); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://","root","tiger"); System.out.println("Done"); [/CODE] I am using netbeans IDE. [B]I can connect to the remote database thru SERVICES in netbeans[/B]. But the code doesnt work.. It … | |
/** * This method will ask the user for some information, create a blank picture to use as a palette and create and display the palette. */ 186 public static void main(String[] args) { 187 int redValue; 188 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 189 System.out.print("Enter a Red value: "); 190 … | |
I've tried to make connection with oracle database using code: import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; public class dbcon{ public static void main(String[] args) { try{ String driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; Class.forName(driver); String jdbcURL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; String username="scott"; String password="tiger"; Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL,username,password); System.out.println("***Connected to the database***"); conn.close(); }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("could not find the database driver"); }catch(SQLException e){ … | |
Hi all, I am working on the "Pacman" game and I want to use the "double buffering" technique for animation. By now, I have used this code: [CODE=Java] class GamePanel extends JPanel { public void paint(Graphics g) { // Do some drawing here... } } [/CODE] and there was by … | |
Hi, I wonder if it's possible to check whether a MySQL DB has updated. e.g. new information is added to a table? and if it detect an update. it will perform search or something else. Main question is if it is possible to listen for changes in the db. | |
hi all. I want to ch ange my jframe's icon(cup of coffee). i chkd the forum but that's what i m doing... here's my code: [CODE]public static void main(String args[]) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { AppStarter dialog = new AppStarter(new javax.swing.JFrame(), true); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); dialog.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { public … | |
Hello, this code is throwing and IOException and FileNotFoundException and I am having trouble figuring out why. Where exactly does the song need to go in order for the program to pick it up? Also, is this code for putting the song in the program correct? Thanks! [code] //Hangman a … |
The End.