32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for sakkiharry

Hi, I have one doubt in bundling jar files to .app Scenario is like this: 1. I have developed a sample java application like text editor. 2. I used the jar bundler application to to create the .app of my text editor. 3. I will launch the application and save …

Member Avatar for king_786

Write a Java application that asks the user to enter a word and then determines if this word is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that is the reads the same when spelt backwards as it does forwards. For example, the words noon and madam are palindromes. Note, you …

Member Avatar for tpjava
Member Avatar for Lensva

its supposed to draw an oval on MouseClicked: [code="java"] import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class PaintPad extends JPanel implements MouseListener { private int mouseX, mouseY; public static void main(String args[]) { PaintPad pad = new PaintPad(); pad.setGui(); } public void setGui() { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JPanel …

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Member Avatar for Isy

Hi, I am after a step-by-step guide how to create a game in Netbeans IDE 6.0. Some examples would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for ramkumarm

Hi, i am using JMF,, how to play avi files in JMF, I have already install mp3plugin jar in jre.. still i got error as Failed to configure: com.sun.media.PlaybackEngine@b8df17 Bad header in the media: Currently files with no idx1 chunk are not supported Error: Unable to realize com.sun.media.PlaybackEngine@b8df17

Member Avatar for satin

HI.. I created a java web application.. And i want to create one exe file.. So clicking on that exe file should ask for installation process.. Is there any software tool available for creating the installable file for java web application.. Thanks..

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sawant_nitesh

I want to write a program , [COLOR="red"]JProgressBar [/COLOR]with [COLOR="red"]java.sql.Statement[/COLOR], where JProgressBar gets updated with Statement execution. i.e. I should get progress of Currently executing statement, so that i can set value of JProgressBar... Is it possible ? How to do it ?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ramkumarm

Hi, Using jmf i have created a music player. When i move the seekbar knob the song starts playing from that particular point but it is not moving when the song is playing,only when i drag the seekbar it plays from that point. so please guide me how to make …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for satin

HI.. Is there any way to create an exe for java web application.. So that when i click on the exe , i should be able to launch my web application.. is there any software tool available for this.. Thanks..

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sadz123

Hi, > > I have a question regarding testingUsing Junit ,I have to test the methods of a class in groups. > > For example, > I have a class P and it has three methods, method int f(string) and the > method float g(int) and the method string h(float), …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sowmyask7

Please help me, I am new to Java . My xml file structure is as follows--- <Procedure> <SP> <ID>100</ID> <Name>Employee</Name> <Inputs> <Input NAME ="asasa" DATA="sasas"/> </Inputs> </SP> <SP> <ID>101</ID> <Name>Display</Name> <Inputs></Inputs> </SP> </Procedure> I have generated the classes for the xml file using the commmand xjc. Now I need to …

Member Avatar for yingfo

I've got this bug in my progrom that I cannot figure out and it's due within the next couple of hours. I was hoping someone could help. My problem is in my main function that reads in from standing input but when the user types in $PART2 it is suppose …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Declan123

Does anyone know if it possible to access an Ms-OLAP-Cube and use an MDX-query through JAVA without using XMLA, JPivot or Mondrain. Thanks Declan.

Member Avatar for amoon
Member Avatar for rayda

[CODE]public class Employee { private String name; private String number; private boolean valid=true; public Employee(String nm, String num) { name=nm; number=num; if(number.length()!=5) valid=false; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { if(!Character.isDigit(number.charAt(i))) valid=false; } if(number.charAt(3)!='-') valid=false; if(!Character.isLetter(number.charAt(4))) valid=false; else { if(number.charAt(4)!='A'||number.charAt(4)!='B'||number.charAt(4)!='C'||number.charAt(4)!='D'||number.charAt(4)!='E'|| number.charAt(4)!='F'||number.charAt(4)!='G'||number.charAt(4)!='H'||number.charAt(4)!='I'||number.charAt(4)!='J'|| number.charAt(4)!='K'||number.charAt(4)!='L'||number.charAt(4)!='M') valid=false; } } public boolean getNum() { return valid; } …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for BigFormat

Hello, I've got to find on a small lan (< 200 hosts) the host (or better one of the hosts) which has in its [I]registry[/I] a specific public name bound. My first idea was to write a loop in which for each potential host of the lan I perform a …

Member Avatar for aliyesami

can anyone give me some hints /examples on how to use the java snmp package to send and snmp trap to a snmp host? thanks

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

Hello, I'm trying to write a program that evaluates a postfix expression using the vector class. I have done this successfully using stacks but I am experiencing trouble with vectors. Here is the error message I am recieving: I:\vector.java:26: type Vector does not take parameters public static int evalPostfix(String str, …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for pao09

im making a project right now.. a employee will input some personal information in a jframe then when the user click the button another window will popout and it will display the information of the employee.. im using setter and getter methods.. i think there is the problem because when …

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Member Avatar for petike

Hi, I am working on the Pacman game and I want it to run in full-screen mode. I get the screen graphics device first and then from that device I can get the available display modes (on the specified computer): [CODE=Java] import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.DisplayMode; // . // . // …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for yingfo

Hi, I'm trying to write a java program that will read in the scanner input from a user and outputs an postfix expression and answer so if you typed in: A = 5 B = 7 $PART2 AB+ the output would be AB+ = 12 I'm having trouble with the …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for leverin4

I'm working on a program to find a way out of a series of underground tunnels. The LinearStructure Interface and the Location Class were written for me and I wrote the LinearStack and LinearQueue Classes, and they are working fine (as far as I can tell). My problem comes in …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for vipinsagar

hi any body describe me how to get the form value on a popup to print in java..... i.e i want that value on form come on a new popup window when i click submit button so that i can print these values accordingly

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Member Avatar for k2k

my last thread was just solved that i can run my java programs in my linux box. now i would love to know if some one knows how to make a html/xml page that has a link that if i clicked and it would execute my java program. all i …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for aromes

Hi all, sorry to bother you with this. After 1 month of going nowhere with their Tech support I decided to find the solution elsewhere: the web site: [url]https://www.rdprm.gouv.qc.ca/[/url] It's basically a governmental web site where you fill / send forms for vehicles reclamations, stuff like that. The web site …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for doha786

i am very new in java. anyone pls tell me step by step that how can i make executable jar file for my ListFile.java file .... I made a directory named "Test" where put ListFile.java & ListFile.class file. then i made a "mainClass.mf" file in same directory where having this …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jam7cacci

I'm trying to do a for loop where in it will count the number of times it will be clicked. For example I have a button where i can click that says purchase. Now, from there I want to restrict it by only once. One purchase and that's all he/she …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hi Guys, I have been googling for a while, I think the problem is I don't know what I'm looking for is called. I want to write a program that watches my screen (I assume it would take screen shots really fast) and then analyzes them finding the moving pixels. …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

I'm using the same file menu with the same menu items in multiple places. As such, they should have the same actionListeners etc since the same windows should open when they are clicked. How do I get netbeans to automatically do this (make them all use the same events and …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for enuff4life

hopefully its easy. in main class I have got method from proff [CODE=java] private class AddBBQChips implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { addChips( BagOfChips.Flavor.BBQ ); } } private void addChips(final BagOfChips.Flavor flavor){ BagOfChips bag = new BagOfChips( flavor ); System.out.println(bag.toString()); }[/CODE] and from my class "BagofChips" [CODE=java] public …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for karan_the

Write a JAVA program that generates a "random" (drunk) walk across a 10 X 10 array. Initially the array will contain all periods(".") The program must randomly "walk" from element to element – always going up, down, right, or left (no diagonal) by one element. The elements "visited" will be …

Member Avatar for javaAddict

The End.