32,207 Topics
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if i want to print 2 to the power 3 normally what we do is 2^3. is there any other way that i can print it in the console in the way that we normally write it on a paper. does anyone know it pls tell me. | |
HI, aLL [code]final int[] fromStop = {1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5}; final int[] toStop = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3};[/code] im trying to write a loop to create and start passenger threads with the respective from and to stops in the arrays above. e.g. Passenger 1 goes from … | |
I would like to find out how to fix drop down menu over flash when the flash content brought by the java/script below into iframe? You may see what I am talking about here : [url][/url] Here is the script: [CODE=javascript]<script type="text/javascript"> var fo = new SWFObject("ext/viewer.swf", "viewer", "100%", "100%", … | |
Hi Folks, I am having difficult with a program. I have a program that downloads a file to the directory it is being run from and I need to move it to another one after its done downloading. I found code that should do it but it keeps failing, and … | |
Hey guys, I am doing my game project but i get this error everytime i press high scores button...can any one explain what this error means? Thanks in advance :) j Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at HighScoreManager.readHighScores(HighScoreManager.java:22) at StatusView$1.actionPerformed(StatusView.java:71) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1995) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2318) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:387) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:242) at … | |
Hi guys , i am a to programming and have to do little code as an excercise, but got little confuse about constructors and objects while compiling my programm. forexample i created an object of a class called AsciiImage; in the Main class public class AsciiReader{ public static void main(String … | |
Here is what I am trying to do I am trying to compare to values that are set up as generic values and return whether one is greater than the other and it is telling me that (E, E) cannot be applied and I don't know why. I would appreciate … | |
Hi, I am trying to write a program in Java and I am having a problem with a small part of it. I am using a JLabel to display an image. The JLabel is added to a JPanel with fixed width and height. But the problem is that the image … | |
Howdy, I am trying to write a simple program in java that creates a database with some tables and adds some data, but I keep gettin this error: [CODE]java.sql.SQLException: No database selected[/CODE] I am posting the code below, it's really easy to understand. Please HELP!!! I am new at mySQL … | |
Alright, I'm trying to import data from a text file into an array, the data represents different properties of buildings that are to be drawn on a panel. I have 3 classes, Building3 which represents an individual building, CityPanel3 which represents the panel that the buildings are drawn upon (also … | |
Hi, im trying to get code that if seats are availabile on a bus, then a passenger may get on. For the code i have provided, when i run it ,passenger gets on at the correct stop, but never get off.....i.e. the first 2 passengers ride forever........ help! what am … | |
Ok...The assignment is to create a mortgage calculator with a GUI that asks for the principle amount, has a drop down box that allows the user to select an interest rate and term (ie 7-yr at 5.35%) and displays the informat, payment, and an amortized payment schedule...I beat my head … | |
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum but.... I'm doing a project for college which involves Learning Content Managemnt System. I've developed a few features for this including chat, forums, etc. I want to develop an SMS system to use in conjunction with the chat application ie. … | |
hi, I have to do a program that generates 'n' different combinations of 7 different numbers between 1 and 49, so I did this: [CODE]import java.util.*; public class Totoloto { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Quantas apostas?"); Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); int n=s.nextInt(); int[][] apostas = geraApostas(n); for(int … | |
He wants to input in the program an undefinite number of (numbers like 1, 2 etc), all positive. With that done he wants the program to randomize these numbers and show them one at a time in a random distribution. i thought it was easier when he asked but i … | |
Hi, my Dear Friend i have created a Chat GUI application in java, now i want to change the look of my GUI application, for example like Yahoo or MSN messanger... please help me to do so... very very Thanx in Advance...!!! | |
I wrote this simple java program to test the repaint mechanism in Java for my Eclipse IDE (not that it works on XCode either). The repaint() mechanism is not repainting, it does not erase the code previous to it in the graphic. It should according to everything I've read. Help … | |
Hi, I'm working on creating my first game to sharpen my programing skills and as a great learning experience for programming in general. I'm using private ints for the stats and was working on get and set methods for retrieving them and changing them and I was wondering if anyone … | |
Hello everyone! I'm a Java newbie and I'm trying to create an applet that will draw a graph to find the roots of a cubic equation y = ax^3+bx^2+cx+d. The user has to input the range and the values of a, b, c and d. I've done the layout but … | |
Hello, I am having a null pointer error, don't know where it came out. Can someone check this code for me please: The error is in the sendBytes methods, I have put a comment over there, actually there are two null errors. 1. [code] pw.println(filenm);[/code] 2. [code]out.write(buffer,0,bytes);[/code] Thanks a lot … | |
ok so I need to use a 2d array to draw a hangman picture for a hangman game. the picture should be something like this ============ |<space>| |<space>O |<space>/|\ |<space>/\ | | but when i run this code with main. i get this = = = = = = || … | |
Hey, got a problem with connecting to some ldap's. [CODE]Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); data.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); data.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + host + ":" + port + "/"); data.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); data.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=" + username); dane.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(data);[/CODE] I can connect to SUN's ldap using this, but there are … | |
i wanna know if its possible to set one of my JPanels as my background ?? i have been googling up all day n i only find dat u can attach a .gif as ur background or juz plain colour but haven been able to find anything on this... please … | |
Hi to all I need some help to write a java program to parse 2 text file one containing the details of the database and the other the data that will be used to insert in the tables of the database A sample for the first file : schema : … | |
I want to make a server (FTP) client in which the client request a photo from the server i can't find any reference that teach that i need a simple one since i am a beginner Thank you | |
[B]chnamsv ,chprtsv , hostent ,ifconfig ,mknamsv ,no ,rmprtsv [/B].... where all these tcp/ip commands are implemented.Is there any programming language that implements these commands or any network tool that uses these commands. please suggest me.... | |
pls whats the difference between writing a procedure,method and function. | |
hey, I have done my bachelors in Electronics (B.E in electronics)and was working in IT comapany in asp.net,VB .for 6 months.now i want to shift to java,j2ee . i now have to show 1 year experience in java ,j2ee but can u please help me as too wht should i … | |
hi, i have a JFrame... one menuBar placed on a JPanel.. and then two JPanel with different things (let me call them ActionPanelOne, and ActionPanelTwo). i put the JPanel (with JMenuBar) North of the JFrame, and menuIteam will call the 2 ActionPanel individually to come up. my problem is: Once … | |
Ok so here is the problem: i am working on a code that will read a date from the keyboard in MM//DD//YYYY format. and then determines if it is a valid date or not. So far I have gotten: [code] import java.util.Scanner; /** * Program: UseCheckDate * File Name: UseCheckDate.java … |
The End.