32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for AhmedGhazey

Given a word, check whether it is a simple English word, with these characteristics: Contains at least one vowel, Doesn’t contain three consecutive vowels or consonants, Vowels ‘e’ and ‘o’ can be repeated twice consecutively, but other vowels can’t. Can it be done using traditional regular expression?!! the question what …

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Member Avatar for 47pirates

Is it possible to create a microsoft access database (mdb) file through a java program? and how to register the thus created mdb file to ODBC center? thanx in advance

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for gcclinux

Hello, I am new to this codding stuff and I am only doing it for fun (personal little project) and for learing as I am not programer in any language apart from knowledge in shell scripting :( Anyway after a few weeks looking at examples and searching the net and …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for Carrots

Hi there, I'm completely new to Java. I am trying to use [I]import[/I] in a project, but despite using what I think is the right code, my application fails to build. When I build my app, it builds and runs fine, but I want to use [I]JFileChooser[/I], so add this …

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Member Avatar for SMITA6076

I have two classes. The first class is called [ICODE]EmployeePayRoll.java[/ICODE] (this compiles fine) and the second is called [ICODE]TestEmployeePayRoll.java[/ICODE] (this does not compile). The trouble I'm having is that I'm trying to pass in methods as parameters when I instantiate my objects in the main method of the test class. …

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Member Avatar for MisterSinyster

Create a constructor for the Delivery class that accepts arguments for the year, month, and delivery number within the month, delivery distance code, and weight of the package. The constructor determines the six-digit delivery number and delivery fee. Also include a method that displays every Delivery object field. Save the …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for rohit2

Hi, I have a JTextPane and want to know if there is a way to get the (x,y) pixel position of the current cursor. I don't want the caret position that's from getCaretPosition(), but the pixel co-ordinates of where the cursor currently is. I'm using a variable width font in …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88

Hi everyone, I have a question. I m using iterator to loop my jsp such as code below in my jsp [CODE]<%Iterator itr;%> <% List data=(List)request.getAttribute("data");%>[/CODE] I use servlet as my engine to proceed my sql statement. below is my sql statement [CODE]select * from a natural left join b …

Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88
Member Avatar for MisterSinyster

it compiles fine but when i go to run the program the only output is "Cut Shampoo" and the program ends. Any help will be greatly appreciated i need to have this finished soon. Description Create a class for services offered by a hair-styling salon. Data fields include a String …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sumprit

Sir, i have used two JButtons(Next,Previous) to perform actions. In a JTable, before clicking JButtons there is my 1st result. once i clicked the Next JButton then it show me the 2nd results in a JTable, and again clicking Next, it shows the 3rd result in JTable. Same thing applies …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for fonzi

So, i have to methods in a non main class and i need to figure out how to print both the println in a chart with two columns should look something like this x : y x : y x : y x : y x : y but instead …

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Member Avatar for fonzi

so i am working on a assigment for school, and i need help with the java.util.Calendar , i am trying to increment the year of as today by one each index of an array . This functions needs to be inside a toString(). so i need some help i know …

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Member Avatar for abhishek20
Member Avatar for abhishek20
Member Avatar for kenjiro310

[CODE][/CODE] I am trying create a Java program which draws a bar graph based on the input from the command line. Problem i am running into is that I cannot get the values of the Args[] starrting at index 2 to provide values unless i specify the numbers. ANy thoughts …

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

i reading a book about aglets, in this book, there is a piece of code demonstration Master/slave aglets and they say: [CODE] sayItAgletRemoteProxy = sayItAgletLocalProxy.dispatch(new URL("atp://localhost:9000")); // unfortunately this remote proxy is invalid in version 1.1b1. The aglet book is based // on version 1.02. See ch 7. p. 121. …

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Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi guys, I'm looking into getting into the mobile development industry. Altough I'm being pulled in two directions and can't make up my mind. Which would be the wiser option, Blackberry or Android? Basically making the choice based on where the industry is going for both, job oportunities, popularity etc. …

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Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I am using netbeans 7.0 beta IDE and I have iinstalled jdk 1.6 and tomcat 7. I tried to run simple jsp program through IDE, but I got *"Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes"* this error message. I set java_home classpath, I have tried without …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bharath54321
Member Avatar for titosd

Hello, I have to do backup program using rmi but I have a problem, when i compile the program the update method does not work correctly. can any one help me ? the classes in the atachments thank you

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for bharathisankhya

Hello All, We are facing a probelm in importing JetspeedRunData in sakai project. Pls help me to solve the issue.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Hey11

i want to write a program that changes all the 'a' charachters to 'v' but the problem instead prints all the message as vvvvvvvvv here is the code [CODE] class operation { public String encode (String args) { StringBuilder mago = new StringBuilder(); char a, b; b='a'; for (int i=0; …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sumprit

Hi everyone...., i need some suggestion whether it is possible to perform actions for each click of a single JButton. What i mean to say that for each click of a single JButton is it possible to perform actions for each time the JButton is clicked? Please give me some …

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Member Avatar for XodoX

I did this code ( this here is just a piece of it), and there's supposedly an incomplete function in there. I'm not sure what how to solve this. I suppose the boolean is wrong? I indicated where the problem is in the code. [code] public class Person { private …

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Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hello guys, Im tring to make a stopwatch display in JTextField but so far i'am unable too :-(. The stopWatch itself is working perfectly but only in the system output window... I want the time to be displayed in the textfield(or Label) which is within a JFrame. I'll appreciate any …

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Member Avatar for kay19

Well, I seem to have some little error. Purpose: Finding Max and Min numbers from txt file by inputting four numbers. Then I calculate the Range by using (Max - Min) Problem: It does great with positive numbers. However, when I input negative numbers, calculation seems to be off. For …

Member Avatar for kay19
Member Avatar for mathews123

i tried using this where ros and cols is an integer which is equals to 8 [CODE]if (i == ros || j == cols) { if (i == ros && j > cols) { cols++; } else if (i == ros && j < cols) { cols--; } else if …

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Member Avatar for Javam

Hey, Can you please give an solution of why this doesn't work correctly? [CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * */ public class Main { static Thread hare = new Thread(new ThreadRunner("hare",90,100)); static Thread tortoise …

Member Avatar for Javam
Member Avatar for fodder

hey guys! as the title hints at i'm having a problem with updating a table so just to give you an idea of the issue i'll give you a quick idea of what the JTable is expected to do(this is all coded but i'll save you some time and summerize) …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for chchew90

[code]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class CelsiusTemperature extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ private double readingInCelsius; private JButton button; private JTextField field; private JTextArea area; private JLabel label; public CelsiusTemperature(){ setSize(500,200); setLocation(250,150); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); label = new JLabel("Celsius"); field = new JTextField(20); button = new JButton("Convert"); area = new JTextArea(10,20); Container container; …

Member Avatar for Javam
Member Avatar for CorruptionInc

So I'm suppose to create a JUnit test for 3 classes... each method should have its own test case... I've created the test classes, but I don't know how to code the actual tests. Here's one class that I have to create a test for, and the test class I …

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The End.