32,199 Topics

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MusicSys:unsolved: Hello Could someone tell me which (if any combination of code to use to put a date in a derby db using a JFormattedTextField? [code] createBooking ...etc ..., book_date DATE, ...., ... [/code] here are the many tries I have so far [code] if (i == 3) { //I …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

MusicSys:unsolved JDesktop:JInternalFrame out of scope ///////////////////////////////////////// Hello; I Have a JDesktopPane that opens with a x frame (JInternalFrame)wit a JMenuBar and 11 JTabbedPanels .produced by x.class.I click the menuItem to produce z.frame using x.class a new JInternalFrame with 4 tabbedPanels on it again produced by x.class. Now I click on …

Member Avatar for plasticfood

[CODE]double wholeCost = kb.nextDouble(); double markupPercent = kb.nextDouble(); double markup = markupPercent/100.0; double retailT = calculateRetail(wholeCost, markup); System.out.println(retailT); public static double calculateRetail(double num1, double num2){ double markupPrice = ((num1 * num2)+ num1); return markupPrice;} [/CODE] i've been staring at this and can't figure what is wrong with it. the compiler …

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Member Avatar for rocky4everurs
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kezkez

Hi Everyone, I have to add a static method Account consolidate(Account acct1, Account acct2) to an existing Account class that creates a new account whose balance is the sum of the balances in acct1 and acct2 and closes acct1 and acct2. The new account should be returned. (only accounts with …

Member Avatar for vaibhav1983
Member Avatar for Little Bunny

A question was asked to me which is as follow: There is a class Fruitlist which has a sub class apple and there is a class Fruit which has a sub class orange FruitList uses Fruit (* not sub classed, only uses it) and Apple uses Orange Is there something …

Member Avatar for vaibhav1983
Member Avatar for packetpirate

I'm trying to draw a string at the center of an applet. The problem is that it's STARTING to draw at the center of the applet and going off to the right. I need for the center of the string to be centered. Here's my code so far: [CODE] /** …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jemimaloh

Hi everyone, does anyone know how i might implement a 2D Vote table? Would using a 2D array for it be possible? I'm trying to implement a voting system for the indexes into hash table arrays. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for jemimaloh
Member Avatar for hany-h

Hi guys, I have a file named DrawPanel and this class is supposed to draw different shapes which i declared before by using mousedrag. I am not able to draw more thatn one shape and put them in an array.It seems that i don't know where to change the value …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for newbie_java

Hi! I am just a newbie here! I just wanna ask how to do the file handling in java applet? Do I have to do the certain policy/permission to perform it? If so, how would I do it? And another one, how can I close the APPLET WINDOW once I …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Jawahar prabhu

Here the code for get three digit value 'n' and calculate r=2^n+1 then find that value 'r' is a prie or not, here i like store the integer value 'r' without exponential function and big Integer, please make a great help to me. thanks in advance.. import java.*; import java.io.*; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for end3r

Hy, I have a .properties file with a key-value defined like this: [icode]my_property.value=text text text bla bla bla {0} qwerty {1}.[/icode] I need to know what class should I use if I want to read the value and insert parameters in {0} and {1}. In the past I used to …

Member Avatar for end3r
Member Avatar for bops

Hello. When implementing a KeyListener in my application I have the following code. I have added the KeyListener to a JTextField control using addKeyListener(this) and the current class implements KeyListener. [CODE] @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ev) { System.out.println("Pressed: "+ev.getKeyCode()); } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ev) { System.out.println("Released: "+ev.getKeyCode()); } @Override …

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Member Avatar for Nidhi S.
Member Avatar for Eric Cute

Hi everyone. Im trying to upload a file to an ftp server. I found this code in the internet but its not working for me. Can anyone please tell me where the error is?? This is my code [code]import java.io.*; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile; public class …

Member Avatar for Eric Cute
Member Avatar for ni30rocks

I have tried to connect to gmail using IMAP and specification given on [url]http://mail.google.com/support/bin/a...n&answer=78799[/url]. My code looks like [CODE]StreamConnection socket; byte serverData[]= new byte[50]; byte accountInfo[],emailAddInfo[]=new byte[500]; try { socket = (StreamConnection)Connector.open("socket://imap.gmail.com:993"); DataOutputStream oStrm = socket.openDataOutputStream(); oStrm.writeChars("Account Name:username@your_domain.com");//my account name oStrm.writeChars("Email Address:username@your_domain.com");//my email address InputStream iStrm = socket.openInputStream(); iStrm.read(serverData); String …

Member Avatar for nirajs

Hi, I am neal from india from india i want to discuss on online test software in java i hope you all will help me for this. please .................

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Member Avatar for OcarinaSensei

[url]https://www.edline.net/files/_IXADp_/d6877670786901263745a49013852ec4/ProgramAssignment2.pdf[/url] That is my assignment for AP Comp. Sci. Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for diyez treze

please help me to create a code for this using Bufferreader.. thanks Welcome to Nancy's Addition Tutorial Program! ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Enter 2 3‐digit numbers please, separated by a space and press enter: 123 678 You requested the following operation: num1: 123 num2: + 678 ‐‐‐‐‐ 1st addition: last digit of each …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Yutxz

Hey guys, I'm having a little trouble with my Java homework. So far I'm stuck on problem 3.5, C). My code so far is: [CODE]package multadd; /** * * @author Josh */ public class Main { public static void multadd (double a, double b, double c) { System.out.println ( a …

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Member Avatar for ceyezumma

///////////////////////////////////////////// make .jar runnable ////////////////////////////////////////// Hello; I can make a .jar from my program and move it to a folder in my progject but I would like to make it runnable. So I have shown the Command to make the -cmf (non runnable) .jar that works fine. I will show …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyezumma

j ///////////////////////////////////////// Hello; I Have a JDesktopPane that opens with a x frame (JInternalFrame)wit a JMenuBar and 11 JTabbedPanels .produced by x.class.I click the menuItem to produce z.frame using x.class a new JInternalFrame with 4 tabbedPanels on it again produced by x.class. Now I click on x.frame and try to …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for steveh000

Hi Guys I am really green when it comes to regex , I have never had to use it much but here goes, I want to be able to remove html tags from a string so I am only left with the content. i am using [CODE] String.replaceAll("<(.|\n)*?>","");[/CODE] This doesnt …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello everyone! When I'm starting a OSGI bundle in my Apache Felix container, I have a ClassNotFoundException. This is the output that I have: [CODE] start file:/C:/Users/Pierre-Alexandre/Documents/NetBeansProjects/Prototype1/src/Prototype1Client.jar 23-Sep-2010 10:43:12 AM org.apache.cxf.dosgi.discovery.local.LocalDiscoveryService bundleChanged INFO: bundle changed: null 23-Sep-2010 10:43:12 AM org.apache.cxf.dosgi.discovery.local.LocalDiscoveryService bundleChanged INFO: bundle changed: null 23-Sep-2010 10:43:12 AM org.apache.cxf.dosgi.discovery.local.LocalDiscoveryService bundleChanged …

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Member Avatar for vinay1424

I am facing one problem in this type of pro-gramme where i use Class name as a Return type or pass object as an argument like here , i am getting same error(the class already defined), i am using eclipse. [CODE] ****class Test //showing error that the class Test already …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for bryans2010

There's something wrong with this code. I must implement the TestScores class, but I know I am missing something. /** TestScores class */ import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the Scanner class // For use in CodeMate, the TestScores class is not declared to be // public. Normally the class header …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Elsakom

Hi, I have recently embarked on an adventure into the programming world and am a 'newby' to java. Am trying to get 'my robot' to recgonise the difference between 'blue' and 'red', and execute commands - My program so far is the following - it's not recgonising the colour difference. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mrblippy

hi everyone, i am trying to write a java program that assigns a specified number of true values to random elements in an array. for example if i have a boolean array of 10 elements i would like 5 of these elements to be randomly assigned true values. im new …

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Member Avatar for Bonface4

Hi guys? I have been programming in Java using J2SE. currently am working on J2EE enterprise application development using JavaServer Faces Technology.Since am new to JavaServer Faces have decided to start by a simple login applications.Developing the interface is not a big problem but getting the parameters from the inputText …

Member Avatar for bunifrog

Hey guys I am stumped. My code worked fine until I added the calculations: [CODE]else{ interestRate = rate[choice]; termLoan = tYear[choice]; }[/CODE] :\Users\Mom\Desktop\DuttonWeek4.java:252: incompatible types found : double required: javax.swing.JTextField interestRate = rate[choice]; ^ C:\Users\Mom\Desktop\DuttonWeek4.java:253: incompatible types found : int required: javax.swing.JTextField termLoan = tYear[choice]; ^ 2 errors Tool completed …

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The End.