32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for hazeeel

Hey there! How do i read 2 files, one after another and then storing it into 2 seperate array? This is the code for reading 1 file. So, how do I read 2 files? The array would be a 3x3 2D array. [CODE]File dir = new File("1A6G.pdb"); //set file String …

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Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

afaik, string is immutable and string buffer is mutable. when we concatenate characters with string new string object will be created. but when we append string buffer it remains the same object. apart from these what are the key and other difference between them?.

Member Avatar for zerocool21
Member Avatar for daudiam

Applications like browsers, etc. are written in Java, Python, etc. But when they are installed on a system that doesn't have Java or Python installed, how does it ensure that its code runs there ? Actually, I wanted to write a browser in Java with WebKit as engine. Since the …

Member Avatar for kunalsankpal

Problem Statement The government of India has launched the UID project which aims to give a Unique Identification number to each Indian. The number is a randomly generated 16 digit number. To detect errors when typing in this number, we propose to use the last digit as a checksum. Following …

Member Avatar for kunalsankpal
Member Avatar for mayank.dyl

How to use build tool ant as i have never used any build tool and how is it better then just compiling and running our programe using javac and java.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for cjmartin

I have tried a few different ways to to highlight the text in a jcombobox when it receives focus but none have work. Any have a code example that could help? Some examples I have tried: [CODE] private void fromComboBoxFocusFocusGained(FocusEvent event) { JTextField field = (JTextField)fromComboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); field.selectAll(); } [/CODE] [CODE] …

Member Avatar for cjmartin
Member Avatar for tizon

Hi guys i have a problem with JScrollPane, Firstly i have 2 custom JPanel's i wanted to add them to a JSplitPane so i added them to a JScrollPane and then those JSplitPane but the problem is if i drag the divider in splitpane the panel doesnot scroll :'( Here …

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Member Avatar for fullgl

Tim sort, two way bubble sort How it Work? and Two way bubble sort how different nolmal bubble? Thank you for your help ? I doubt about it ..

Member Avatar for java_programmer
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi, I have downloaded a sample jms program from the below url and try to execute it in my system.But, it shows the below error.Can any one know how to execute the Jms programs in the system. [url]http://download.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/tutorial/examples/jms/simple/src/SimpleProducer.java[/url] Error: package javax.jms does not exist [code] import javax.jms.*; ^ SimpleProducer.java:90: cannot …

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Member Avatar for pruthvikumar

hello, i'm doing a project related to steganography and i need to know if there is any possible way to alter the value of red color of a pixel and keep other two(i.e green and blue) unaltered.. please help.. very much in need, regards, Pruthvi kumar

Member Avatar for madhumvl
Member Avatar for amu25

Hello everyone I m using java and ms access. I want to retrieve values from database into combo box. When I m trying to do this, only first value is getting displayed in combo box insted of list of all items. can you plz help me with the code? Thanx …

Member Avatar for rucha.cool4
Member Avatar for ryathegr8

hye em new to java ...i have 15 days to learn it...after that i hav to pick my final year project...i hav gone through many tutorials but they are not enough....can any body hav some material to learn Java easily and quick...m using netbeans 6.7.1....n want a full command on …

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Member Avatar for extemer

guys i cant hit on the rite path...i love programming and i recently decided to go with java..but some people say that go with vb.net its better than java because its more demanding while i think that what ever you do,do it way that no way is better in that …

Member Avatar for new_programmer
Member Avatar for santiagos
Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for soundman107

Having homework issues again. This code compiles but when I try to execute it it gives me an "exception in thread main java.lang.nosuchmethoderror main" Can anyone help me due tomorrow....Thanx [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; // used to format currency import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for blueman:-0

how i can print something , i was write it in textarea , labele , any thing by printer alike word ?

Member Avatar for blueman:-0
Member Avatar for burgercho

I am making an application for blackberries and wanted to make use of touch capabilities on touch capable phones. Is there a way to do this without making two separate projects (like I would in c with preprocessors that check the compiler)? An idea of what I'm trying to do …

Member Avatar for burgercho
Member Avatar for enazi

Hello guys ; I have a question in java . is it possible to great a method in java program that : if ( user press "Enter" ) do some thging I tried this simple examples , but dosn't work with me [CODE] Scannaer in = new Sccanner (System.in ) …

Member Avatar for enazi
Member Avatar for nocookies92

I'm trying to create a string array, but the compiler keeps giving me an error message on the lines I assign a value to each index of the array. Here's the code: [CODE]String[] greeting = new String[4]; greeting[0] = "Why, Hello there!"; greeting[1] = "Welcome."; greeting[2] = "blah blah blah"; …

Member Avatar for nocookies92
Member Avatar for aditya027

class Superclass { void display() { System.out.println("Super"); } } class Sub1 extends Superclass { void display() { System.out.println("sub class1"); } } class Sub2 extends Sub1 { void display() { System.out.println("Sub class2"); } void display2() { System.out.println("Second method"); } } public class reference { public static void main(String[] args) { Superclass …

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Member Avatar for jiraiya

Hi everyone, I'm having a little problem I'm sure someone can help me with. I'm trying to read in 10 png images and save them in an ArrayList as BufferedImage objects (I think this is the right way to go about it but if not plaease say so). Here is …

Member Avatar for jiraiya
Member Avatar for new_programmer

I want detailed explanation about static int var; final int var; static final int var; Please explain it in the memory implementation level. If there is any mistake in these please explain. __________________

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for tinanewtonart

Hello everyone, I am a semi-amateur web designer/programmer, however I am confused with the designing/coding of tumblr blogs, could someone help me code it. I want a two column design, one side for content with a header, the width of the content/ header will be 500px There will be a …

Member Avatar for VJTechno

Hello Friends, I was reading about the orthogonality and it's advantages. Then heard something like "Java is an Orthogonal Language". Can anyone explain me what do we mean by a particular programing language being orthogonal? If I am using Java for development of my application, does it imply that my …

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Member Avatar for simranjit kaur

ah i am I.T 2nd yr student making my project in core java.Can any one tell how to make event in mind fiddler game (e.g kbc). can any one give me codification in making my project get started.plzzzz results needed...

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for xolmc

Hi ALL! I need a suggestion/idea how to create a 3D Tag Cloud in Java (exactly like shown here: [URL="http://www.adesblog.com/2008/08/27/wp-cumulus-plugin/"]http://www.adesblog.com/2008/08/27/wp-cumulus-plugin/[/URL]) , could you help, please?

Member Avatar for surk23

My program has 8 JButtons and 1 JTextField. Each button should change the text in the text field to something different. I started out having an action listener for each button but i would like to link all the buttons to just 1 action listener and have it recognise which …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for Anand111
Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for emmas4impact

Hello i will like to have an explanation to this task: Make a midlet (called "NetworkSettings") that has List (IMPLICIT type called "mainList") as its main view. "mainList" contains following items: "Encryption", "Basic data" and "Summary" (actually items will describe views). When user selects one of those items from "mainList" …

Member Avatar for emmas4impact
Member Avatar for elie_kfoury

Hey.. i'm making a java program with derby databse usin netbeans.. the problem is that when i crate table usin a sql query,netbeans automatically sort them by name..how can i let netbeans sort them by date of creation so i can switch between tables in order of creation??... thx for …


The End.