32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for L0rDKadaj

I'm now a mobile developer intern who is doing an RSS Reader application for J2ME. Been testing out kXML, as well as discovered the weakness of lcdui. Been trying LWUIT for a while, and it works nicely. However, to translate the lcdui to lwuit and for it to work with …

Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

I have a program with arrays declared in the main function. However, when I want to use that array in my init() function, it doesn't work. May I know what must be done so that I can use my arrays in the init() function?

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for aditya027

import java.util.*; class Data { int num; String name; Data(String na) { name=na; } public int hashCode() { return 5; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o instanceof Data && ((Data)o).name==this.name) return true; else return false; } } public class Sandeep { public static void main(String[] args) { HashMap map=new …

Member Avatar for java_programmer
Member Avatar for frances07
Member Avatar for browgreg

Hi all, I am trying to work out how to use the try and catch methods in Java. I am new if you havent guessed and I am wondering how I can change my code which searches for a particular user id which is inputted and when found it opens …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for piyushgt

hello frd i m a final year student and want to make a major project in java.please give some ideas and topics

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for vaali

HI, I want to write a rss parser which parses the rss feeds so that I can extract the descrition part and the date and title of the feeds. I tried using the rss parser program RssParser parser = RssParserFactory.createDefault(); Rss rss = parser.parse(new URL("http://rss.ireport.com/feeds/oncnn.rss")); rss.getChildren(); Channel c=rss.getChannel(); but I …

Member Avatar for majestic0110

I just wanted to demonstrate a quick point regarding Constructors & inheritance. Look at these two classes and think about what you might expect to see after the main method has run. Notice that ClassB is a subclass (inherits from) of ClassA. So, what do we expect the output to …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Nobuo
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Mongooseman

This question is more from curiosity than necessity. I've been playing with the Java2D API, and I noticed a weird quirk with using Active Rendering. The Graphics 2D object doesn't appear to do anything the first time I use it. My code basically looks like this (I know it isn't …

Member Avatar for llimewater

I am trying to connect objective c application to Java.. I am relatively new to both.. Basically I would like Java application front-end which can call the objective - c app. I was thinking about first creating the obj c library in xcode and than wrap it in java somehow …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for new_divine

i am trying compelete my project for college i am assigned to develop a businfo map in java and being a beginner in java i am completely lost in it. i am trying to use map images to show the paths and locations as start and destination. we should be …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for cbarton.a

All, I have developed an application using RMI and am in need of help for the deployment of sed program as I have tried numerous different ways to release. Along those lines, I also am not too clear on the codebase and how to release to a [url]http://[I]hostname[/url][/I]:[I]port[/I]/[I]program_name[/I]. Here are …

Member Avatar for java..

i know the difference between interface and abstract. how it will differ in real-time application scenario. can you please explain with example?

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for nocookies92

I'm trying to create a class that holds a 2D string array to be used by another class. For some reason, my IDE gives me a bunch of errors when I try to compile. Here's my code: [CODE]public class Lists { String[][] ListArrays = {"Why, Hello there!","Welcome.","blah blah blah","more useless …

Member Avatar for nocookies92
Member Avatar for rogue005

Is there a way to match images and determine which two match? The images are not exactly the same but are similar!

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for java..

how OOPS concept playing roles in terms of compile time and run time polymorphism. how inheritance and encapsulation and polymorphism applied in real time application. when and where and how to decide this oop concept fit for this like java bean,interface,abstract,etc?

Member Avatar for java_programmer
Member Avatar for priyanca

hey i m persuing b tech and i am a final year student. i need to know about some project titles coded in java and abstract about them in order to make it my final year project .plz give some direction.

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for ceyezumma

//////////////////////////////////////////////// moving a .jar to sys dir ////////////////////////////////////////// Hello; I can make a .jar from my program and move it to a folder in my progject The Command to make the -cmf (non runnable) .jar works fine by adding the .jar to a folder in my project. but my question …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Turtle85

hey guys, I would like to know the syntax in Java for truncating variables of type Double. The code below is in Pascal and i would like to know how to write it in Java: x := trunc(y +7/h);

Member Avatar for Turtle85

I need help converting this Pascal code into Java. My Pascal Programming abilities are limited so any help would be much appreciated. [ uses wincrt; const n=300; {1320 this is the max length possible} m=2; type table = array [1..n,1..m] of real; var data,data2 : table; i,j,card : integer; t0,X0,Y0,Xn,h,g1,g2,r1,r2,d,slope:real; …

Member Avatar for chumky
Member Avatar for Ndoom

Hi all, Welcome to Study Group 13 (SG13) ^_^ We are a group of people – mostly students – who are self-learners. We share the study materials (obviously online materials), help each other in debugging our codes, and give advice regarding programming or studying problems. Q&A: Q: What programming languages …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for Dom Chester

Hi all, First I would like to say how much I like the forum. I have recently started to program using Java and I have done a online tutorials from [URL="http://www.javavideotutes.com/home"]http://www.javavideotutes.com/home[/URL] and I now have a few questions: 1) What is a good book for me to get? 2) I …

Member Avatar for tizon
Member Avatar for mayank.dyl

I m a bit confused, that which book should i choose to prepare for SCJP 6 i.e Kathy Sierra or Khalid Azim Mughal and also needs some tips and links for complete prepartions. ...thnx a lot.

Member Avatar for java_programmer
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

afaik, i know the overall concept about this. but i need to know any in depth difference between them. and how one is better than others? when and where it will be used ?

Member Avatar for java_programmer
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

Is it possible to access a TCP server running outside our LAN through internet? I thought we could use the router IP Addess(which I got from whatismyip.com) in the class Socket Constructor[CODE] Socket(InetAddress address, int port) [/CODE]. But client wasn't able to find the server. Has anybody successfully achieved this …

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Member Avatar for Cort3z

I'm developing a web-program that needs to check a whole bounch of potentially faulty http-links. Now, I have found a way of doing this, the only problem is that it relies on try-catch, not in it self horribly bad, but the time it takes to check the links is extremely …

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi i want to write an app that send text from one device to an other , how can i test it with emulator on pc ? is it possible with wtk ? thanks

Member Avatar for mahdi68
Member Avatar for Xufyan

How to print Specific enum value from a loop?? I created a Two D array and accessing Enum values through it... I wanted to assign the 3rd enum value whose ordinal is '2' to the following rows and coloumn...[1][0] and [2][4] i tried this, DnP[1][0] = DnP [2][4] = Periods.Period1; …

Member Avatar for yasuodancez

The End.