32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for anushri

i create a java prog for simple banking purpose.. but its not working properly... when we create account through 2nd option,it work as it coded but if go through 1st option it doesnot access created object but create new one....and unable to perform deposit and withdraw function in created account. …

Member Avatar for nickguletskii
Member Avatar for raj26061990

The two numbers are accepted as Commamnd line arguements and GCD of those numbers are found using a recursive method.

Member Avatar for raj26061990
Member Avatar for Xufyan

I got to assignment first one was to print the data of two students using different classes and constructors and count the total numbers of records and i've done this. here is the program. [CODE]public class Student { int RollNo; String name; static int stdcount=0; public void print(){ System.out.println ("Roll …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for skyzer

[url]http://www.gasuinfo.org/planetarysystem/index.html[/url] [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Planetary system</title> </head> <body> <p> Applet</p> <p align=center> <applet code="applet.class" archive="planetary.jar" width="900" height="600" > </applet> </p> </body> </html>[/CODE] if i run my applet from eclipse, then it works fine. in command line i wrote [I]jar cvf0 planetary.jar *[/I], jar file was created and i uploaded it and …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for raghujosh

I am trying to connect to a SQL server 2008 database from within Eclipse. My SQL server uses integrated authentication for login. Eclipse prompts for integrated authentication , but it is unable to login. I get an error message as "This driver is not configured for Integrated authentication". The sqljdbc_auth.dll …

Member Avatar for raghujosh
Member Avatar for Melow

i would need same help, i don't understand why this is not working what i'm trying to do is to make a small slideshow. i searched the web and i saw that this it should be done... my problem is that the JLabel that should contain an ImageIcon doesn't load …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for muniba

hi m working on an image editor as its my class project.i have the difficulty in displaying image on aa panel in the same frame view in netbean 6.9.plz help me

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for muniba

plz tell me where i am stuck.how could i solve this package drawing; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.io.File; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; /** * * @author */ …

Member Avatar for nickguletskii
Member Avatar for SC803

Write a grading program that helps to determine your letter grade based on your exam score. For example, when you put in exam score of 80, the program will determine you get a B. Please note the following: 1) Your letter will be determined by only one exam score. 2) …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for pallavigupta117

Ive made this calculator using java swing.I want to add new buttons to my frame if user selects 'Scientific' from file menu and remove buttons frome the frame if user selects 'Standard' from the menu. By default it is selected to standard. Write now a new window pops up above …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for pallavigupta117

Ive made this calculator using java swing.I want to add new buttons to my frame if user selects 'Scientific' from file menu and remove buttons frome the frame if user selects 'Standard' from the menu. By default it is selected to standard. Write now a new window pops up above …

Member Avatar for mikeNIkesT
Member Avatar for kiranpvsr

Hi, I get the following output : I dont understand why after the decimal point, the values start changing from 0.13223. The line in the code is temp = temp - 0.001; For the file0 the value of temp is 0.14623 For the file0 the value of temp is 0.14523 …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for fullgl

I see about Tim sort on Wikipedia..? But, I can't understand on tim sort code(java). I want Example of Tim sort for learn it. To understand it. Thanks for your help. Tim sort is a less data for learned.

Member Avatar for nssltd

Hi sorry about this kind of nooby question but i have started learning java and i am making a Chat Application, i am making it using the killer game programming in java book. But i have ran into a problem. The Code asks me to import [CODE]import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*;[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for vhea

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import java.text.*; public class Vhea extends Frame implements ActionListener{ JFrame frame; JPanel panel1, panel2, panel3; JLabel inputLabel; JFormattedTextField inputField; JButton button; Container contentPane; JOptionPane optionPane; String inputTxt=""; public static void main(String[] args) { Vhea tm = new Vhea(); } Vhea() { frame …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nssltd

Hi well i had difficulty using javax.servlet; so i downloaded the class files of the sun website. but i dont know how to use them in netbeans ide 6.9? does anybody know how to import them into a project? i have the entire javax.servlet package(includes javax.servlet.http; )the class files are …

Member Avatar for Mylsamy

Hi all, I want to display the Number values instead of String. For example, if the User gives the Input as fifty, i displayed the Output as 50. Is any existing method in Java to call for displaying Numbers? Or how can i solve this problem? Thanks in advance and …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Aanchal89

[code]import java.sql.*; import javax.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class Display extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel l1; JTextField t1,t2; JButton b1,b2; public Display(String s) { super(s); l1 = new JLabel("user name"); b1 = new JButton("submit"); b2 = new JButton("reset"); t1 = new JTextField(20); t2 = …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

I have a problem involving Generics. Here's a simplified version: Suppose I have a generic method to add a new element to a (possibly empty) ArrayList, like this: [CODE]<T> void addNewTo(ArrayList<T> list)[/CODE] What I need to do is to determine the correct class for the ArrayList elements so as to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for NT.

Hi, I have a question regarding compilation. I am having 2 classes and one class basically uses another class. Let's say for instance we have 2 classes A and B. Now class B have something like this: Class B { public void x() { A a= new A(); a.getSomething(); } …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for erogol

I have a group of textField and I need to add some more to this group dynamically with user input. For Example Scenario. I have some stuffs that are sold in a shop and I have textFields for each to show their amounts. I get a new kind of stuff. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abbyo

Java - Is it possible to run the swing class in the applets. I'm having problems running the message windows inside the applet windows... any suggestions? I may need to know this for my future programming assignments. Thanks!

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for jiraiya

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble inserting icons into a textpane and I'm not sure why. I'd like to set up a textpane and then be able to insert and display images in that textpane during runtime. As a test I've written the code below for a simple GUI with a …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for emmas4impact

Hello guys, I am working on a project that deals with a store. but here is my problem i am having problem inserting multiple record into the database instead my code is summing it up. Can anyone give me an idea on how to insert multiple record into a database. …

Member Avatar for emmas4impact
Member Avatar for abbyo

Is this possible? I'd like to add a java file in each tab of this JFrame. I've already created the files, I'd just like to show both files in one. The files I'd like to add are commented out: storageSP and calculatorEDL [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TabbedPane …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for selfrules

anybudy can explain how do i connect my weight machine to pc...to calculate the weight of the object in pc.....

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for dinkpwns

Hello everyone, I currently have an application that reads in an entire excel file then iterates through the records from the file and queries our database for a match. If a match is found the record is ignored if a match is not found the record gets added to the …

Member Avatar for dinkpwns
Member Avatar for SeanC

I'm creating a word processor similar to Microsoft Word (but much simpler). I'm having a problem with a dialog box. When a user presses the 'new document' button, it prompts the user to enter the file name, and when the user does so, he presses ok, and the file name …

Member Avatar for SeanC
Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi all, I've been struggling with a Swing issue for days now, maybe someone can help me :) I would like to see several icons at the left hand side of a JTree element. Is that possible? I mean i know that I have to create some tricky cell renderer …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for agen8k

suppose we know the name of textfields on a html page and we wish to write a java prog. to automatically login on website with our given predefined details. i mean sending an http request with values for login fields through a prog. and then handle the response.

Member Avatar for agen8k

The End.