
I am new to java and j2ee

Can anyone send me the code for to-do list creation in java swings and mysql DB

i want to create a to-do list in jsp .

and i feel that if i modify the code from java swings to jsp then i will get a new exp from yourside

for this exp i have to change my mistake in coding part

so i need the code (to create to-do list with java swings and mysql DB)


Ezzaral commented: Get it through your head: No matter how many times you ask, no one will write this for you. -2

JSPs have nothing to do swing. (That was my first mistake). Meaning that you cannot modify your code to convert swing to JSP.
The only thing you can keep the same are the classes. Everything that is GUI related has to go. Which is why we don't implement too much code in the class that displays the GUI and we use methods from other classes.
If you have already done this in swing I hope that you have kept the reading and writing to the database in separate classes so you can reuse them.

Start by learning HTML, in order to create the GUI:

Then download an IDE like: Netbeans

As for mySql, you can look for tutorials at the internet or examples in this forum


Thanks for the reply to this mail.

i have written the code for to-do list(java swings) and it is stored in the file (data.dat)

but i want to-do list stored in mysql database, for this how can i achieve.

if i send this code to you, then can you alter the code to store the data in MYSQL instead of storing file.

coz if you change the change the code to stored in mysql Db then hereafter i can get an idea from you


JSPs have nothing to do swing. (That was my first mistake). Meaning that you cannot modify your code to convert swing to JSP.
The only thing you can keep the same are the classes. Everything that is GUI related has to go. Which is why we don't implement too much code in the class that displays the GUI and we use methods from other classes.
If you have already done this in swing I hope that you have kept the reading and writing to the database in separate classes so you can reuse them.

Start by learning HTML, in order to create the GUI:

Then download an IDE like: Netbeans

As for mySql, you can look for tutorials at the internet or examples in this forum

See, javaAddict. That's all this guy is looking for, a free ride.

step 1: read the community guidelines
step 2: tell your teacher that because of your laziness you're not going to get your assignment done in time
step 3: learn Java, you now have an extra year to do so after you were failed for the course.

Follow the link I gave you for html and peter_budo's link for JDBC.

I would suggest first to get familiar with JDBC and design your database. (download mySQL server and some tutorials about creating tables and schemas. perhaps peter_budo's link will help)

And after you are done with html try to learn JPS. If you get familiar with the terms: "request" and "response" you will have no problem

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