32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for zkelvin2010

I have to write a program that creates a text file that contains a power of two table in HTML format. Also the instruction are [COLOR="Red"]The file should start with something like: [/COLOR] <html><head> <title>Powers of Two</title> </head> <body> <table border cellpadding=5> <tr><th>Power of 2</th><th>Value</th></tr> [COLOR="red"]Each line of the table …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to code a program for my friend and it has been giving me some difficulties. This needs to have two classes, one called Tester and another called Game. And the data in the Game class needs to be pulled to the tester class after the calculations are finished. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Confu

hi.....um reading killer game book.and when loading external models it imports ncsa portfolio package.....i dont know where i could find this package and whether this package is included in java3d api??thanks in advance for any help.......

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for madonline

CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW THE console eraser work in the below PROGRAM PART...............describe the LOGIC??????????? [code] //Creating and hiding password. ConsoleEraser consoleEraser = new ConsoleEraser(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("(Please enter the common Password)"); System.out.print("PASSWORD : "); BufferedReader passin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); consoleEraser.start(); String passWord = passin.readLine(); consoleEraser.halt(); System.out.print("\b"); //Password matching. …

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Member Avatar for Abdel_eid

i have created a system for a library using java using input and output jframes but i need to access that project using a .exe file by just a double click...how can i do that

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for sharathk60

my i have wrote my code is like this but m not to get get proper out put here is my code [CODE] System.out.println("Enter Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy"); DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(System.in); String dob= in.readLine(); String[] dob1=dob.split("/"); int year=Integer.parseInt(dob1[2]); int month=Integer.parseInt(dob1[1]); int date=Integer.parseInt(dob1[0]); System.out.println("Date : "+date+ "Month : "+month+" year :"+year); …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for thebluestar

I have tried to include a JavaScript asp file into a vbscript asp file, but I did work? I know because they are "incompatible", but I don't know how to solve it!

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Daffodil_Thursday

Hi, New to Java & hoping you can help me with an error message I am getting. The compiler says "Cannot find symbol - variable evt" for the first line of the below code. [CODE]if (evt.target==calc) { clickedCalc(); return true; } else return super.action(evt,obj); for(int i=0;i<12;i++) result[i].setText(" "); // clear …

Member Avatar for Daffodil_Thursday
Member Avatar for thepussy

[code] import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class AssignmentMenu { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); int loop = 0; String randomLetters[] = { "a", "b" , "c", "e" , "d" ,"f" , "g" , "h ", "i", "j" , "k" , "l" , "m" , …

Member Avatar for thepussy
Member Avatar for sharathk60

Hi , i am new to this concept of OSGi and felix and ipogo please give me the solutions for my doubts 1> why we use OSGi -- where to use and how to use Osgi.? 2> what is felix and why to use that and how to use? 3> …

Member Avatar for sharathk60
Member Avatar for AcidG3rm5

Hi all, i'm doing a AES encryption with a library found on sunjava. There is a small problem i hit while making a test. Firstly i used "nv3456789123456o" as my key to encrypt. However, for testing purpose, i'm trying to use a different key to decrypt the message to see …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ShahzebN

Hey I'm supposed to make a program using the HSA application console I'm using Ready to Program 1.7.1 The program I'm supposed to make could be any kind of game/activity Some examples are connect4, poker, reactionTimeMeasurement, other card games I've seen source codes for these programs online, but I must …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello There is no error and no table. Could someone find the missing code needed to render the table? How do I Verify that outocommit is OFF? output: [code] in personalDataTable: Supports Scroll headers: ADMIN_UID headers: ADMIN_PASSWORD headers: ADMIN_LNAME headers: ADMIN_MNAME headers: ADMIN_FNAME headers: ADMIN_GENDER headers: ADMIN_AGE headers: ADMIN_START_DATE headers: …

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Member Avatar for Serrafine

I've looked over the forums but I can't find anything to help me. I've tried out some of the code but I still end up with a blank image. What I'm trying to do is allow the user to draw an image in a JPanel and then I want to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello I am using : [icode] conn = ddf.getConnection(); setConn(conn); ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement( ModelUtils.getXMLResource("selectAdmin"),ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ps.setString(1, thisUser); rs = ps.executeQuery(); [/icode] and [icode] public int getRowCount() { try { rs.last(); return rs.getRow(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AdminPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } [/icode] and it is …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for vani.golakoti

How to establish the connection between two hosts using TCP socket programming in java.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for DanJack90210

Hey everyone, I am writing a Java program and I want to present the user with a settings window when they run a function in the main GUI so they can set the parameters which are used in the function. Ideally what I would like to do in the main …

Member Avatar for DanJack90210
Member Avatar for bmb11

Hello, I am trying to build a gui with two textfields, a textarea, and a few buttons. The two textfields are for the user to enter in random numbers (one number in each textfield). I then want the person to be able to hit a button that will then take …

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Member Avatar for smart99

Hi all i am new in j2ee but have good experince in asp.net what is the best book or web to start java [U][/U]

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for xzero_x

[CODE]import java.util.Date; class House implements Cloneable,Comparable { private int id; private double area; private Date Whenbuilt; public House(int id,double area) { this.id=id; this.area=area; Whenbuilt=new Date(); } public String toString() { return id+" "+area+" "+Whenbuilt; } public int compareTo(Object o) { if(area>((House)o).area) return 1; else if(area<((House)o).area) return -1; return 0; } …

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Member Avatar for mozten

Need help with my chat program as it is not working. Right now, its supposed to be like a server-client "chatroom". But I have a problem with sending a message that one client sends to the server, to everyone. Here is what I have so far, can anyone point out …

Member Avatar for scream2ice

I'm trying to convert a String that I've read from the first line of a text file to integer this is how: String="8 12 10" and this is what I'd like to have: int x=8 int y=12 int z=10 parseInt doesn't work because it gives me some other number (perhaps …

Member Avatar for Abdel_eid
Member Avatar for Ajantis

Hello :) Suppose I input an int value with Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in)... and I want to count how many divisors that value has, how would I proceed in "recognizing" a divisor? if ((input/2)%10 == 0)? I'd prefer doing this recursively somehow. Can someone help? :) Best Wishes!

Member Avatar for Ajantis
Member Avatar for karindra
Member Avatar for electricrain

i have been asked to make phone book console application in java using collections/data structure i have done some of it. i am having problem that i have to store firstname,lastname,cellnumber,emailaddress etc in such a way into collection so that if some one wants to search phone number from phonebook …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi, I have a few simple questions regarding sending SMS from my PC to my moble phone. I have two libraries which should be able to send SMS messages: [CODE] import com.simplewire.sms.*; public class send_text { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SMS sms = new SMS(); // …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Is it possible to write a class and hava a another class add that to a panel?

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Member Avatar for madhurita

Java program to find the longest substring which are common in 3 strings. Please help me out. Madhurita

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for idlackage

Probably a stupid question, but I need the 'colour' variable for an external class, and it can only return something when it's declared in the constructor. However, the colour returned would then never change. Is there a way to return values from the change listener, or anything else that I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jiraiya

Hi all, I'm working on a project in Java that involves developing a GUI that can, among other things, receive user input from the keyboard, receive and store handwritten input (characters/words) done with a mouse, and display png images. Eventually the program will be used on a linux environment, but …

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The End.