32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam1

hi does any1 knw how to put the path for servlets in netbeans. it is located in src/java/controll/servlet i have this in my code action = "servlet/controll.servlet" but it says directory not found thanx ps I posted it here because nobody is answering it in jsp section!! :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for mxd4n13l0n
Member Avatar for socal

[CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class bankAccount { //instance variables public String name; public int number; public double balance; public double deposit; //constructor public bankAccount(String name, int number, double balance, double deposit) { this.name = name; this.number = number; this.balance = balance; this.deposit = deposit; } public double getBalance() { return balance; …

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for Fazle

My above code is reading TCP data and writing them in minute file under recording directory as follows: /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133155.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133256.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133357.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133457.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133557.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133658.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133800.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512133900.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134001.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134101.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134202.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134302.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134403.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134503.ws /WSIGraphicRecord3/recordings_dir/20100512134603.ws Now my question is how to playback these files with same speed? I am able to …

Member Avatar for jaysean

Hello forum, I am stuck with a field comparison problem for two files. In one file I have first names and other pet names. Now I am trying to get results where first names are within a 20 word range of pet names(+-20 for checking on each side of word …

Member Avatar for jaysean
Member Avatar for mayank.15

I had this basic question. Suppose I have a directory on my computer C:\Abc\New. Now I can access this directory using : File file = new File("C:\\Abc\\New"); Now I can open all the files inside this directory using : File[] files = file.listFiles(); And I can process the files individually …

Member Avatar for mayank.15
Member Avatar for tarek.mostafa

Dear all, I developed a web application and it is working fine, except for one issue. The application includes uploading files from a JSP to my servlet, and the issue is that i would like to have a limit for the uploaded files on the client side (before actually uploading …

Member Avatar for AmericanRogue

Hi there, I am a High School CS student and I'm making a simple version of Deal or No Deal for my final project. I'm an trying to figure out how to find the money value in the player-chosen case and mark that cash value off of the fakeBoard. I …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for johndoe444

The following example is taken from GWT tutorial ([url]http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/codeclient.html):[/url] [CODE]private void addStock() { final String symbol = newSymbolTextBox.getText().toUpperCase().trim(); newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true); if (!symbol.matches("^[0-9A-Z\\.]{1,10}$")) { Window.alert("'" + symbol + "' is not a valid symbol."); newSymbolTextBox.selectAll(); return; } if (stocks.contains(symbol)) { newSymbolTextBox.selectAll(); return; } int row = stocksFlexTable.getRowCount(); stocks.add(symbol); stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 0, symbol); Button …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Caled

Hi, Im having a problem displaying text in JTextPane. I want to be able to append text (e.g. "Task 1 completed..") after a task is completed. But mine display the text once all the tasks are completed which is quite useless as user does not know what is going on. …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for mani.mani

Hi all, I have two strings containing dates.. I converted them into Date objects. now I want to compare them. I know that there is a very small difference between the two.. difference of a few seconds..... which i want to disregard. if i use the equals method, my program …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone, I'm attempting to write a directory monitor in java but I'm stuck. I'm trying to find something in Java that is like FileSystemWatcher in .NET but I don't think java does. From what I read is that you have to continually poll the directory for changes. What I …

Member Avatar for bobby_newmark
Member Avatar for sreenivas.m41

hi, i have an applet and it will send the request to action class there i wrote the data base connections and retrieval operations......its working fine but first 8 requests only i am getting the response..after that nothing response from action class ..and if i refresh the url applet is …

Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey guys, I'm a bit of a Java noob but could someone please explain digital signatures to me. I have an application and I build it using the command [CODE=shell]javac -classpath %CP% TunerApplet.java jar cvf TunerApplet.jar *.class jarsigner -keystore Tuner -storepass authentic -keypass authentic TunerApplet.jar Tuner[/CODE] As a guess it …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I am having trouble understanding how an interface could improve my app. I have a DAO class for each profile that logs into the app.this DAO class will know how to insert,delete,update,remove,etc concerning that profile and the database and populating components with database data . I introduced an Interface for …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ekseks

So I have an assignment that involves the need of a vector in it can someone help me to code it i need to get the "text" in a "textbox", you know just passing it... btw, I'm using Netbeans and I need to code it on JSP...

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Lass

Hello everybody, I'm working in a java interface and I'm trying to use an image as a background but nothing from the result I found in the internet seems to work well with me :/ my code is: [CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.Color; public class …

Member Avatar for Lass
Member Avatar for idlackage

I've got a NullPointerException at line 50 (and the init on line 12). Can't figure out why. [CODE]private String gradientText[] = { "Gradient State", "Gradient Cols" }; private String lineText[] = { "Line Width", "Dash State", "Dash Length" }; private String shapeText[] = { "Shape Type", "Fill State" }; // …

Member Avatar for idlackage
Member Avatar for johndoe444

I installed J2EE SDK in windows 7 machine. But I can't seem to find the location of quite a things. In the J2EE tutorial, they mention there is something called J2EE_HOME. I don't seem to find it. There was a previous installation of J2SE sdk in program files. That is …

Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for kesh1000

hi guys can somebody tell me a short method of initialing some thing like this. [CODE] public static final int[][] CITYARRAY = new int[][] { {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0, 3}, {0, 4}, {0, 5}, {0, 6}, {0, 7},{0, 8}, {0, 9}, {0, 10}, {0, 11}, {0, 12}, …

Member Avatar for adrianniebla
Member Avatar for adrianniebla

I have three classes one which is class User contains information about users name, last area code etc.... and it must implement Comparable but receiving generic parameters. Another one is a custom doubleLinkedList which basically has a link to the right and one to the left and contains a generic …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I finally figured out that my applet needs to be signed for it to work. So I've spent the last few hours figuring out how to do that. I used the keytool to create my .crt file, then created the .jar file using jarsigner. After I did all of that, …

Member Avatar for bigdognec
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello Is there a recommended way to drag a table from netbeans pallet and use ResultSetMetaData or any class to have the table change automatically for any table being displayed? thanks

Member Avatar for socal

This is my class [CODE]import java.io.*; public class bankAccount { //instance variables public String name; public int number; public double balance; public double deposit; //constructor public bankAccount(String name, int number, double balance, double deposit) { this.name = "John Smith"; this.number = 123456; this.balance = 0.0; } public double getBalance() { …

Member Avatar for idlackage
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I've been working on an applet that gets all the links from a webpage. So far, I have it getting the source. I have found some regular expressions that supposedly will parse out the source, but it doesn't make any change to the original source. I also found some example …

Member Avatar for sfrider0
Member Avatar for Dig

Hello everyone, I quite new at JAVA and one assignment is on my nose and I am going crazy.. My task is: "[I]Create a solution for the following scenario: A local community mobile college unit holds 2 different classes in literacy and numeracy for mature students. A student can join …

Member Avatar for Dig
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I can not figure out how to get data from the model to the GUI in the view. If the user logs in successfully all the users personal data is stored into the bean including the userUid. of the user. also, if login is successful the app will build many …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for babbu

hie, i have a web project made in jsp in one of the jsp files there is this statement [code] parent.metric.location.replace() [/code] and some values inside the parentheses. please explain what this method does.[code][/code]

Member Avatar for !n@k!

:-/ Hello everyone!!! Could you help me by giving some examples?... I have to write a code which would apply an InterpolationSearch to an array of 1000 strings using a reccurtion... The problem is that I can't find any examples... [COLOR="Red"] HELP!!:?: [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for !n@k!
Member Avatar for hiks

code function javascript to swapimage(img1) var str1 = new String(img1); var text = document.getElementById('<%=TextBox1.ClientID %>'); var arr = new Array(); arr = str1.split('/'); document.getElementById(textvalue).src = str1; document.getElementById('<%=addProductImage.ClientID %>').src = "Images/ProductImages/thumb_" + arr[arr.length - 1]; document.getElementById('needToChange').href = str1; question is .. when page load appear problem which is say htmlfile: Invalid …

Member Avatar for ttboy04

Hello, the following code is not exactly working properly. Bascally when I enter + in the dialog box it escape but still increments in the calculation. So for instance if I first enter a word "hello" then I click OK button then I enter word "there" then I click OK …

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The End.