Hey guys,
I'm a bit of a Java noob but could someone please explain digital signatures to me. I have an application and I build it using the command
javac -classpath %CP% TunerApplet.java
jar cvf TunerApplet.jar *.class
jarsigner -keystore Tuner -storepass authentic -keypass authentic TunerApplet.jar Tuner
As a guess it would be the jarsigner command that adds the signature. The application works fine except you get a "The application's digital signature cannot be verified" etc. and the users can choose to run or cancel or whatever. Is there a way to get a "Verified" digital signature so we don't get these messages, I have no idea how to get one but am I right in thinking I just save it as "Tuner" in the same DIR as the TunerApplet.java command (Oh and change the storepass and keypass flags to whatever they might be)