32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for 47pirates

I want to write some text to JtextArea of class1 from class2 . How can i do that? Thanx in advance for any suggestion

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Member Avatar for rushi3311

I am developing a dynamic page in that some text and images should be displayed together...! But before that i had tried to get nevigation page for whole application. In that i am getting same problem, Image is not displayed...! What i should write in src=" ????? " I have …

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Member Avatar for Majestics

I hope u havnt taken it filter in java :-), i want to create a filter for internet which do content filtering on some keyword, but dont know how to start , any body just an hint please..... Thank you

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for jade_91

For the program I have the user entering their current distance and bearing from specified point with the programme then returning the nearest station and bearing/distance to this station. However I also want to include what line the station is situated so I know the code will be something along …

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Member Avatar for emmas4impact

Hello, I'm working on a Moving Ball project and on the moving ball there are random number so i need to use the keyboard or the mouse to click on the number printed on the moving but i dont know how to go about it. here is the code below: …

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Member Avatar for mhd_arif123

I am learning java through a book. After finishing each chapter, i work out problems given at end of each chapter . when i tried to solve a problem , i could not frame the logic exactly. Please help to solve following exercise : Write a program to find the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I'm trying to do exercise from the book I'm reading at the moment. But, I don't seem to have understood the last part of the question. I'd greatly appreciate anyone explaining the question to me. I have done all parts of the question except the last one which …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for de.ICeman

Can anyone suggest book for beginner In EJB 3.0 Like Head first (there is Head first Ejb but its 2.0). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for freakybeavis

Admittedly I am only a beginner at playing with java but I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand something I thought would be easy, and it probably is. Trying to write code that randomly selects from 3 preloaded arrays and spits out the results. Mechanically the code seems to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for LogicalOutlier

This program determines the grade average, raised grade average, of individual students and all students. The program takes scanner input. In the scanner, the number of students, the number of grades for each student, and the grades of each student are entered. Ultimately, I need to print out each student's …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for bhallarahul

hello everyone i was writing a program which is used to convert pdf to text.it is work fine when i am convertin a simple paragraph or table into text but it gives error while convert another file which is send by other and contains 1000 's of pages can you …

Member Avatar for bhallarahul
Member Avatar for rotten69

I was just wondering why the constructor makes a call to the method toString() then I have realised that it's because of the method's name. And why is its name so unique? I changed the name but I don't get the same results. Anyone could possible explain this please? Thanks. …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for scheppy

I have a grid of 225 JButtons in a 2d array of 15 x 15 I was windering do i need 225 if (event.equals (Grid[0][1])) { } or is their a loops or something, thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for janfritz

hi. i'm trying to make a program that will connect two points that i click in my JPanel. i'm trying to connect the two points with a line. i displayed the values of my (x1, y1) and (x2,y2) coordinates whenever i click using the mouse and there is no error …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for scheppy

Ok, so I've imported import java.util.Random; and im trying to get a random number between 1 and 2, 1 and 4,and also 1 and 15, how would i acomplish this, i know how to generate random numbers, but not between 2 certain numbers?, how can this be accomplished?

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Member Avatar for dhija22

Hi, I wonder of you can help me please, I'm new here and looking for an answer to a problem with my Java files. 'Problem' is: When I try to open the 'Java' icon on the 'controll panel' page, it says 'Application not found' !? I have tried re-installing Java …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for slasherpunk

So, I wrote the following program to connect to my local mysql server and create a table in the existing "test" database. The program compiled without any errors, but I got the following run-time error: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on localhost:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on …

Member Avatar for slasherpunk
Member Avatar for sagy26.1991

hello everyone, I am new to java programming and i am currently studying inheritance. I have following program and i am getting error [COLOR="Red"]"cannot find symbol"[/COLOR] .Please help me.Thanks in advance. [CODE]class Box { double width; double height; double depth; Box() { //default constructor width = 0; height = 0; …

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Member Avatar for raj26061990

eg. 14 and 15 Find all the factors of 14 and 15. 1,2,7,14 are factors of 14 1,3,5,15 are factors of 15 Sum all the factors of two numbers and if sum of factors of two numbers taken are respectively equal they are Amicable numbers.

Member Avatar for cms271828
Member Avatar for cms271828

Hi I've made a cube in Javafx 2.0, see [URL="http://www.colin-java.co.uk/pics/ftcfx.png"]http://www.colin-java.co.uk/pics/ftcfx.png[/URL] But as everyone can see, the edges of the shapes / image are horrendous. This is even with smooth set to true, but it appears to do nothing. Setting it to false seems to make no difference. I've tried googling …

Member Avatar for cadamsjr

Hi everyone, I have a javascript, jQuery, and c++ background so im not completely new but am just starting to learn Java in a University setting. In our first program we are to run it within a Do...While loop so the user can click a JButton for yes or no, …

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Member Avatar for friknos

hi i am trying to create a dvd rental system, up till now i have entered the client's details into an array list and have created a loan for every client that rented a dvd. But now i need to edit a part of this loan, for eg i need …

Member Avatar for friknos
Member Avatar for lordsurya08

I'm using Swing's GeneralPath to create complex shapes and fill them. Usually I do this, and it creates a nice hexagon for me: [CODE] path.moveTo(100, 100); path.lineTo(150, 100); path.lineTo(180, 150); path.lineTo(150, 200); path.lineTo(100, 200); path.lineTo(70, 150); path.lineTo(100, 100); g2.draw(path);[/CODE] Suppose I wanted to create a donut-shaped GeneralPath, and do this: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for onosan

Hi, first of all, sorry for my english, but I´m having a problem and I can´t resolve it. This is part of my jsp code: [CODE]<% if( session.getAttribute("usuario") == null ) response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); ArrayList pacientes = new ArrayList(); String mensaje=""; String dni="", nombre="", apellido="", email="", sexo="", telefono="", fechanacimiento="", obrasocial="", codigo=""; String …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for seredi

i) My Table contains no of columns and a jcheckbox i the last column. ii) I am using a combobox to select certain value. iii) based on the value of combo box the jbutton loads the data into the table. iv) when i [B]reload[/B] the data into the table, the …

Member Avatar for itexamstube
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I've made a little game (not really, just a bit of a start), but the collision detection is a little screwy. It works within 2 pixels for the bottom three sides. However, on the top, there is a buffer of about 20 pixels that it counts as part of the …

Member Avatar for LogicalOutlier

[CODE]public class Grades{ public int scoreTotal; public int numScores; double average; static String file = "randomNumbers.txt"; int lowest; int x; int temp; public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{ int scoreTotal = 0; int numScores = 0; double average = 0; int lowest = -1; int temp = 0; Scanner …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for LogicalOutlier

"Draw a grid of 20 streets horizontally and 20 streets vertically. Represent the simulated drunkard by a dot, placed in the middle of the grid to start. For 100 times, have the simulated drunkard randomly pick a direction, move one block in the chosen direction, and draw the dot. Use …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for usmansajid

Hi there guys, I seem to be having a problem with my java code. Scenario; I have an array, this is generated according to the user; entering 200; will give him 200 numbers. These numbers are supposed to be semi sorted. To achieve this i created a random array, then …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for person192

Hi daniwebbers, I am a newbie learning java and keep getting a "cannot find symbol" error when I try to compile my program. I've tried searching but I don't really know what search terms I should be using in this case. Can anyone see the problem? [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; …

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The End.